Damn you, you took my joke ;.;
Might as well, I'm about to have a lot more free time. Name: Janson Favorites: TV Whose Line is it Anyway (plus DC's Green Screen Show and Improv-a-ganza) Band of Brothers (and the Pacific) Castle (esp. Det. Ryan) Criminal Minds Glee (Klainers gonna Klaine) Supernatural (Cas <3 Gabriel <3) Music Mainly pop-rock (Paramore, Pink, etc) Kinda 'emo' rock (Evanescence, Green Day, MCR, Within Tepmtation [don't kill me for putting them under emo plz ;.;]) Contemporary Broadway (Wicked, Rent, Hairspray, Spring Awakening) Disney Musicals Video Games Kingdom Hearts Final Fantasy VII (Crisis Core especially), VIII, X(-2 >.<), Dissidia Jak & Daxter Movies Star Wars Inception Black Swan Disney Animated Canon Harry Potter Lord of the Rings Dark Knight Trilogy Looper Pitch Perfect bunch of other stuff I can't remember, as long as they're not romantic comedies Books Harry Potter LotR Percy Jackson series (and the sequel series) Inheritance Cycle (... sorta, I only care about Murtagh, Thorn and Elva) Star Wars EU (X-wing series especially) SERIOUSLY, IF YOU DO SOMETHING INVOLVING MY CURRENT NAME SAKE I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER Hunger Games books Stephen King Misc. ACTING IMPROV SINGING
Read a book. Or two.
Well yeah, it's not like I'm immortal. Spoiler OR AM I?! Spoiler I love that I just needed to type "DUN DUN DUUUUN" into the search engine and it's exactly what I'm looking for 8D
So I thought I was gonna get killed by a Minotaur on my way home from work today. I just might need some more sleep.
Wait, what pairing happened?! I need to catch up on SPN so bad now ;.; My OTP will absolutely never happen, even if the other half would somehow get resurrected >.<
You seem cool enough, you're not afraid to tell your opinion, that's admirable. I haven't been in direct contact with you enough to know if we'd work as friends, but I've got nothing against you.
I'm starting to write a general outline on paper, I've got a few longer train rides coming up that I can use for plot storming. I'm planning on getting the bulk of the writing process done during Thanksgiving weekend, when I actually have time off to focus myself X.X How long do you want each section to be? The run time is gonna be 45 minutes, and my understanding is that 1 page of dialogue = 1 minute of "screentime", so going by that, what would be the minimun/maximun amount we should write?
A train that will take you far away?
Couldn't you have asked your teacher to clear this up? Anyways, while the past tense of the word run is ran, for the perfect and pluperfect tenses (i.e. when the words have or had, are in front), it goes back to run. Here's a link to the table of tenses for run In the second sentence, they just needed you to remove a few extra words that weren't really needed, plus they made the sentence a little clunky. It was a bit of a dick move from them (unless you were told that you could remove words too), I suppose.
Okay, is my computer just really ****** or did Tumblr change the layout? Cause I can't find the follow button ;.; It's still in the top right corner, right?
Since some people are already doing it, I figured we could all just post them in the same thread. Please give warnings in case they're Not Safe For Work. http://maddoctormaddie.tumblr.com/ Slightly NSFW. Mainly due to naughty language.
Just followed you. We should probably just make a Tumblr-thread for everyone to post links to their blogs in >.> *scuttles off*
A Aztecs and Mayans are not the same thing T.T
Followed. In case you follow back, my blog too is fairly NSFW, and it has copious amounts of slash and feminist propaganda on it.
Oh my~
I'm offended by how you assume that you're the only person in need of call outs. COME ON YOU GUYS, EVEN I'VE DONE SOME F*CKED UP SH*T!
Ugh, I didn't find out till my second break, I was so scared my hands were shaking. Then I almost burst into tears of relief as I was driving home, fistpumping at any Obama/Biden posters I saw. More like two, two and a half if we're lucky.
Voted early last Saturday, waited 3 hours to do it X_X
Oh God, I read that as "Just got arrested," at first, I'm just gonna go stand in the corner now...