I must be tired, I think I was trying to use the French word "queue", as in to line up the music... Weird thing is, I don't even speak French xP
In Putin Russia, road drives you. *que porn music*
I present to you: The Hawkeye Initiative
Check out number 6: http://www.cracked.com/article_19732_6-insane-roads-you-wont-believe-people-actually-drive-on.html And according to my history teacher, the western part of Russia (formerly Carelia, a part of Finland) has been left in dreadful conditions so the roads are a nightmare to navigate (especially if you're in a huge tour bus). I'm sure bigger cities have better roads though, but I can't vouch for their drivers/ I haven't seen the movie, but wouldn't they actually be Ukranian (or Soviet, if whatever happened in the movie happened before the '90's).
Klainers gonna Klaine, (despite the song being kinda rapey...) cause baby, it's cold outside!
I'm sorry for your loss.
... Did you just turn me into a kriffing wampa?
You all are children. *hasn't fallen asleep before 5 am in a month*
I just wanted to post a picture with a oh so witty caption referencing my caffeine addiction/human trafficking but you won't let me. Fine, be that way, see if I care.
There was this one time when I didn't see the sun for over two months. Yes I left the house, thank you very much! #winterinFinland
Went to business school without knowing/caring about business. Lead to a complete meltdown, a long, repeating cycle of depression-then somewhat okay- then depressed again, somewhat tarnished academic career, ruined friendships and me leaving the country .-.
You really should hire me to help you, it would be holy worth your time ;D
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikiped...*_to_sleep.jpg/300px-Go_the_****_to_sleep.jpg I jest, go explore Tumblr, I can never go to sleep on time when I'm on it. EDIT: Y u no werk, pictures?!
I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
I remember doing this during the last election (might have been the mid-term ones, or '08 presidential, can't remember that clearly...) I think I was somewhat more authoritarian back then, but the current score seems accurate. And I'm apparently more liberal than any of the presidential candidates. Oh dear... http://politicalcompass.org/printablegraph?ec=-6.12&soc=-4.62
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry ;.; I'll stick to Take On Me >.<
Hey, if you have any interest in Take on Me, I wouldn't mind switching to the Fresh Prince. I realized that I should probably try something new after I'd already signed up >.< Sorry Jayn... Achievement wise, I think I should be eligible for Oh Lawd for Seasons of Love.
Eh, I'll take part in this. Should have something on either Wednesday or Thursday.
Oh my God you look like a girl from my old theater group O_O These are pretty much my favorite pictures ever: Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler
Take on me,please. and in case I get ninjad, Carnival of rust.