The days I work, I rarely get up before noon, and go to sleep around 4:30 am (actually fall asleep around 5 am). The days I don't work I try to get up at around 10 am, and go to bed whenever I'm done with hanging out/practices.
I prefer to turn my brain off while watching a movie, enjoy it as an experience, and then later start to analyze it. That said, if a movie does make me think while watching it, especially if it stays a few steps ahead of my thinking, I'm not gonna complain.
... Why isn't there a pump involved?! I actually do think she might benefit from therapy, not because I think she's a freak, but she seems to be suffering from self-esteem issues, possibly even some kind of delayed postpartum depression. She seems to be feeling guilty about not being able to breastfeed her children, and I don't think this is gonna make those feelings go away.