His eyes lifted up to Karina who began to spit trash from her mouth. The words she spoke were that of a heartless witch. He moved his body slowly staggering towards her. His fist clenched ad he came closer. He stood in front of her, fangs being shown, anger coursing through his small body. His fist reached up a punched the wall beside her. "You understand nothing. You speak of your father being a horrible man. It clearly rubbed off on you."
Eon could not hear anything Glen had to say. His heart was far too broken after witnessing such a difficult thing. His lifeless eyes could only stare down at the floor. His heart was slowly falling to the darkness. There was no point now. Everyone now was just a lost echo passing through him as if he was intangible.
Not sure if saying ouch is a good thing... or bad thing...
Yeah so I went to comic con and I'm weird so I like to show what I bought. I'm uploading my deadpool cosplay pictures at the moment so give me a few to do that. I'll probably put that in the PYP thread anyway. So here is the stuffs. Spoiler: You can tell I'm not a photographer
Eon quickly dodged the fiery attack, only to be burned by the radiance of the attack. Small burns that would only sting a small bit but serious damage was left to a minimum. He sighed at Glen's words. There were two ways to fight, go all out and head first, or play strategically and wait for the proper time to strike. The second method being more well known as assassinations and sneak attacks. "You call in weak, I call it strategy." He hummed at Glen. Now that he was found and his attack missed its mark, it didn't matter to be hidden. Now he just needed a way to hold Glen off long enough and figure out a perfect strategy to defeat him. "Let's start with the original method. I summon you, my friends, the 3 Caballeros, Donald, Jose, Panchito, create the fiesta." Eon called out, lifting his keyblade into the air, the 3 bird's coming into existence to assist Eon in his battle against the ally Glen. "Let's go g-" Eon stopped his speech as he looked over to the three birds. They all began to held their chest's with they wings, their breaths sounding forced. Sweat rolled down their feathers, there knees shaking as if the air above them was now weighing them down. "Guys! What's wrong!?" "Sorry, senior, we seem to be at the termina." "Si, our time is up." Eon looked at them, his eyes widened from shock. What in Krowley's name was going on. Eon dropped his keyblade completely forgetting about the fight between he and Glen. "Come on, you guys are just kidding right? We can try and get you to a doctor." "No, nino, I don't think we can recover from this." "But... you cant leave me, you're my friends. I have to find a way to save you!" Eon shouted out, tears beginning to envelope in his eyes. "We know you would try, nino." "Listen, friend. Our time together was mui bien. You treated us well and always trusted us." "You must move on and save the other wielders. We have faith in you." Water dripped from Eon's eyes as he rushed to the birds and wrapped his arms around them all and vice versa. "I don't know whats going on, but I care about all three of you. Maybe one day we can meet each other again. All of you I care about deeply." "Si, nino. We will meet again someday. Keep fighting...." With the last words being said, the 3 brids disintegrated in Eon's hands. He fell to the floor, his hands catching himself. His eyes were now puring as he punched the ground violently. More people he cared about were being taken away with him and he could never know the cause. First his parents were taken from him and now some of his closest friends. This universe, was there anything else it could take from him? Why make friends if they are only going to be taken away from you in the end. The boy stood up, his face covered in a dark shadow. No words could escape his lips as he looked at the remaining particles that dispersed into the air. His eyes looked dead, his skin appearing more pale. He slowly walked towards the wall, his body falling to the ground as his back laid onto it. "There... is no point in friendship..."
Hello Darkness my old friend.
Do I have to? Last year you told me to tell the teen wolf cast you loved them. Fiiiiine
She listened to the necromancers words. She cringed at the idea of assisting them in such a matter being that they were that of the devil's pawns. However, the pain of another always struck her heart, their suffering and anguish caused her to hurt as well. Her head nodded, gesturing in her complete cooperation. "As you wish. Her survival for our safety." She moved in closer to the weak girl before them. Her eyes peered down at the wounds. "Everything will be fine, I promise." The knife she carried with her came out of its pocket as she slit her thumb open to pour out the healing blood. She looked back at the others and sighed. "This is going to probably make her scream... loudly... Covering your ears would be advised." She warned before finally diving her thumb into one of the wounds, squeezing the plasma into her. Once removed she, covered her ears to let the painful healing process begin. While Emi was healing her, Kai had his finer pointed at Orpheus. If he did anything funny, the blood bullet would escape his finger and cause intense poisoning in the general's body. He almost wanted to do it anyways. If he could get rid of Orpheus, many problems would be averted. The human district could be free and a huge hole in Mordecai's plans would be made. "Watch yourself, commandant." He spoke to Orpheus, making him well aware of the position he was in.
Heeeeeeey. Good thing I have tickettttttts. Though I'm probably the ONLY person on KHV that will be at Comic Con. If I see him guys, I'll ask him to autograph my Cloud Strife KH Play Arts unopened Figure box for you all. <3
I'm... sad now... the 3 caballeros and me were bros. You took away my friends Krowley. How would you like it if I discontinued your friends? You'd be hurt too right?
Aye, both look fine to me. Nothing wrong with yours either Glen. Honestly seems a bit underpowered but thats my opinion. Next question, where did you guys make those?
And as Karina said, Glen would need to watch his back because Eon was right behind him. The kid was only playing dead after the accidental mishap earlier. Eon came in like a wrecking ball and used full force keyblade attack on Glen's back. Winning a fight wasn't just about strength, but it was also about waiting it out. Glen did this well with Karina, but he forgot the other threat that was among them. "You shouldn't insult the homes of others, even if they are worlds we ourselves find as trash and filth. Unless you've walked in their shoes, you'll never understand."
Given the situation, they probably needed to head out of the tunnel before the big oaf decided to wake up and antagonize the Spiritia once more. Such a bother he was. The group moved forward through the tunnel to reach the exit, however things were not going to look to good from this point on. The tunnel exited in probably one of the worst locations possible. "Emi what's wrong?" Kai questioned as she seemed to be shaking from what she had seen. The situation was clearly a bad one if the angel had shivers going through her. Kai peaked over to see it was Orpheus and plenty others of the Mordecai army. "We have met with a terrible fate. Our enemy is RIGHT there." She said whispering, but it was no use, Feo happened to be around there as well. "Kai, how about you shoo-" "Yo, Orphanass! Look, rebels." He shouted from the top of a house. More chaos to the concoction. He grinned darkly and began heading o Castle Mordecai with his floating ability. "Hahaha, hope you enjoy getting tortured. "Damn that demon. Looks like we have no choice." Kai growled. The girl walked out and looked at Orpheus, her hands up. There wasn't really anything they could do in this situation. "Jed, don't think about doing anything. We're outnumbered in this situation. Besides, there is an injured person among them."
Don't forget its also Independence Day for the Philippines.............
The servant to the girl smiled as she took a bite of the apple she had with her. "Looks like the real fight is going to begin, right Red?" She tossed the apple over to the master she was speaking with. The girl known as Red leaned against the wall, listening to what the projection had to say. She caught the apple and took a bite of it as well. "Looks like it my cute sister. We should probably head out and see our challenger for the next round. I want to figure out all we can about them." She opened her eyes and watched as the other began to leave. The apple that was originally from Kyoko was now tossed over to Kyoko. The girl who could almost be identified as her twin follow behind her, grabbing the apple. "Heh, as you command sister." She didn't really want to be called that but in this war, even your name needed to be protected. "I must congratulate you on a flawless victory, Archer. I estimate our next challenge to come quickly. Let us gather the information required to go into our next battle. The more the better." He smiled at the servant, offering his hand to her. "R-Right. The better we know, the better we'll be prepared." Serah looked back at the others, her mind fixed on her friends. Noel, Snow, Hope, Lightning, Fang, I pray we don't have to fight each other. She took his hand and the two walked off to the 2nd floor. "Um... Mr. Saber, now we have to be extra careful right?" She asked, hiding behind the back swordsman. "Right, but I promise I will protect you, Keiko. I won't let any party member die." He looked down at her with a smile. "We should go too." "O-Okay." She took his hand and followed with him, glaring at the others who got close to them.
Eon gripped his fist after doing the push ups required. A duel was next? Fighting one on one gave great experience, however more can be taught by going all out against all the odds. A battle royal would be perfect to test his limits. He breathed in and held it in for a few seconds before giving a quick release, his keyblade summoning at the same time. "I'm not holding back!" Eon charged over at both Karina and Glen, expecting to take them by surprise and boost his way into this challenge. His first swing was headed toward's Glen who be completely unbalanced with all the summons he called out. Him being on the ground made him the easiest target. Once that swing took place, he changed targets, aiming for Karina, his keyblade striking at a swift speed. "Meet challenger number 3."
The girl rushed over to where Hunter and Gwen were in the middle of combat. "Gwen, Hunter!" She yelled out to them, but really that wasn't going to do anything. The spiritia were completely enraged at this point. The combat that was going on aggravated them even further. It couldn't be helped. She needed to just stop Hunter now before things get worse, Gwen she could probably get to cool off, but the other hot head wasn't going to brush this off. Meanwhile, Feo saw the incoming attacks of Jedediah and Hunter. He breathed in and manipulated his atoms to force him backwards, letting the two fail to hit him completely. It was easier to do these kind of things with the Spiritia trying to kill each of them... Except for the blond for some reason... his strong will of justice just made them dance around him then re target Hunter. Once on the ground, Emi ran over to Hunter, pulling out some of her adrenaline and bashing the back of his head. It was harder than the average human skull so it needed a bit more force. Once that was taken care of, she looked back to Gwen. "Gwen, calm yourself and just think of happy thoughts, that will make them stop their attack!" But as a precaution, and the fact her real nature was revealed, she would add onto the calming of the creatures. ia supuudiutisu ifu irudou waerutou yaiodi an'editisu ruusutinmu tii touya shimugu runti rinun emudou yuiya fuururu yaiodi an'editisu With that added angel song, the Spirita managed to calm themselves more from their frustration. It would only return if there was any intentions of negativity within the air. "All of you just remain clam and peaceful." "Well Well. I didn't expect to see the Goddess's little pawn in a place like this. That explains the number of pigs in here." Feo lowered himself, grinning at Emi. "You're lucky we're in such a place, Ano Hegal." "That is Emi to you, demon." She retorted to him, staying calm. She in her mind wanted to banish him but knew that with these circumstances it was impossible. "And what are you doing here, Fau Danue." "I return your statement with my name being Feo in this world. To tell you the truth, I was trying to open up the door to Niflheim with that idiot human there. Just a shame an angel happened to be here. His soul was worth at least 5 people too." "You demons are still trying to break the laws of order I see. What makes you think the Goddess will allow you to upset the balance? Only 3 of heaven and hell may enter this world at a time." "I don't care what your Goddess thinks of. We will open the door one way or another. Whether it be with sacrifice, or another method. That remains secret though. Now that I know you are aware of this place and I am heavily out numbered by both you and the spiritia, I'll take my leave." He breathed in and began to flee off through the other side of the tunnel." Emi sighed and picked up Hunter with her adrenaline activating. "Everyone, let's leave this tunnel to the lustor district. I have a bad feeling that something regarding your races is about to happen..."
Well, after seeing Karina and Glen working off the Push ups, Eon caught onto what he meant. However Glen's reaction to his comment was odd, what did he mean by a copy of 50 shades of gray? Eon was just talking about showing him 50 different shades of the color gray after all. Another concern was Glen's reaction to him and Karina. Eon instantly jumped back and retaliated. "S-Shut up! We don't have that kind of relationship you idiot! I-Its not like I'm old enough to be her boyfriend anyway, moron..." He yelled out, lunging to the ground and begin to do push ups. Good thing he was light or else that attack stat of his would really be eating him away right now.
Eon questioned what was going on. He had been in this sort of situation before back at home. Being yelled at was nothing new. However, the command he had given was completely off so what kind of 50 did he want? "Excuse me sir! Exactly 50 what do you inquire of us sir!?? Do you want 50 push ups? 50 sit ups? 50 munny? 50 shades of grey?"
Eon used Guard