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  1. Mysty
    Act 1: Confusion and Acceptance
    The region of Ginhona, a luscious place full of life and the creatures we know as Pokemon! Pokemon are like any other living creature; they live, they play, they love, they fight. Within this world there is like anything else. Their is snow, volcanoes, mountains, grass fields, cities: all of these are full with Pokemon.

    These Pokemon all live together and mingle like any other. They have many legends too! There are beings known as Legendary Pokemon that are very rare to see. They are one of a kind and very powerful. These Pokemon govern the world and balance nature. Without them, we may not be here at all.

    Within this world, fun things have come up recently. These are known as Pokemon Gyms and Pokemon Contests. Pokemon will fight to show who is the strongest in the world or show off their cool, tough, beauty, smart, and even cute appearances. They level up and gain strength until they become the best that no one ever was.

    Not everything is all love and peace however. Some Pokemon believe in wicked deeds and try their best to control the world. Some even try to upset the balance of the world by finding and taking control of these mythical Pokemon. They have organised teams that work together to achieve anything by disturbing other Pokemon wherever they go. Where there is evil there is also good. There are plenty of Pokemon ready to defend the peace and put an end to these Pokemon.

    Speaking of evil doers, there are a group of Pokemon trying to discover the Origins of Pokemon. They will do anything it takes to try and uncover its secrets. It is believed by using the cells of the ancient Pokemon Mew that they can discover the secrets to creations and Pokemon in general. It's been a difficult road to acquire these genetic codes but it has been broken through and now there is a new threat going on across the region. The entire team that was organised to discover this was wiped out and the creation now roams across the land, destroying anything in its path. Whatever they were trying to created, it was a success, but it was a mistake.

    Now Pokemon everywhere feel fear from the creation known only as Mewtwo. Some however have risen to the challenge to fight what has become known as the most powerful Pokemon ever to exist. But the question everyone was asking was what was he searching for?
    Thread by: Mysty, Nov 5, 2014, 3 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Mysty
    Username: The control is Myst
    Name: My name is Zeta Hephaestus
    Age: 27 is believed to be my current age.
    Gender: I am what you would call a Female.
    I am something more than just a spirox. I am now what you humans would describe as a monster, a cyborg.
    Power: Extreme Intelligence
    Abilities and Weapons: Unlike most of my counterparts, my power and abilities do not come from natural means. I was given the power to make my own inventions to aid me. I build weapons and armor for myself and other's who request my assistance. My body is made from the hardest metals on this planet to protect my organs from being damaged. My eyes have been replaced with high tech scanners that came see within the night; I'm currently developing more functions for them. If you want to know about my fighting style, I use hand to hand combat as well as some of the weapons built into my body.
    Personality: Emotionsare a foreign endeavor. I have been told to be very blunt.
    Bio: My past is recorded to be a stressful one. I was a child whose mind was far more advanced than those around me. The laws of the city had made it so my research and experiments were outlawed. As such, once I turned of age, I left to the outskirts to begin work on my lab and many inventions. I return to the city once in a while for oil and parts as well as to complete commissions that I was requested of.
    Other: I see no advance in the mutations and spirox. The true evolution of humans is cyborg technology. The other route will lead to extinction.
    Also, here is a list of my friends:
    • Alpha - My first creation. A brother to Beta as well as a strong combat droid.
    • Beta - The twin to Alpha. Another strong combat droid.
    • Gamma - The builder. Gamma takes my blueprints and creates them into physical form.
    • Delta - This machine is an excavation machine. I have left him in charge of the mines.
    • Epsilon - Epsilon makes certain the generator and reserve power is always operational.
    • Zeta - Me of course. Only after my first 5 were operational could I take on the challenge of myself.
    • Eta - A clone of myself, however she is still in the stages of creation.
    • Kappa - My observational droid. He watches for intruders internally within the labs.
    • Lambda - Lambda is in control of operations while I am not present. He also makes certain things are on task.
    • Mu - I have created a biome for artificially created life forms. Mu keeps things in check.
    • Nu - A defensive droid in case anything within the biome goes wrong.
    • Xi - My record keeper. She sorts and saves important events that occur in the world.
    • Omicron - The astronomer unit studying the outreaches of Space. He gave me the idea to make a space station. He will be sent to space once the satellite is complete.
    • Pi - I cant cook. And I found some comedy in making the cooking droid named Pi. I love him though. He is so cute.
    • Rho - One of the 3 defensive units stationed outside.
    • Sigma - The 2nd of the 3 defensive units stationed outside.
    • Tau - The last of the 3 defensive units stationed outside.
    • Upsilon - I have come to research plants. Upsilon has been made to maintain my research. I hope to soon create plant like machines from this research.
    • Phi - TBD but he will probably be one of the plant cyborgs.
    • Chi - This one will be an observational droid watching the base from space. I do not wish to be disturbed.
    • Psi - His body is complete. I only need to program him. He will be launched into space alongside the satellite to maintain the stability.
    • Omega - The ultimate invention. He will be the final creation. As such, he deserves to become that of an android. The project is being researched. I am uncertain on how AI will react to human emotions. Precautions needed.

    Username: Myst
    Name: Oerva Mint
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female

    Race: Mutant
    Power: Floral-kinesthesis
    • Cell Wall - Thanks to her cellular reconstruction, she is much much more durable than that of an average person
    • Seed Manufacturing - If she consumes the seed of a certain plant, she can produce seeds within her own body in a new organ.
    • Quick Grow - The seeds manufactured within her are special when they come into contact with another creatures blood. They grow at a significantly increased pace.
    • Venomous Spores - When any extreme damage is taken, her flowers begin to send out poisonous spores as a defense mechanism.
    • Seed Toss - Her fingernails have been replaced with easy to lift leaves. The seeds manufactured from her body can easily escape from these and with enough force can be shot to penetrate someone's skin, almost like an nonlethal bullet.
    Weapons: N/A
    Personality: Kind, caring, easily abduct-able, easily frightened
    Bio: She is a simple girl who was born and raised in the Dynami district of the city. Her parents studied herbs and plants for a living, leaving some of the knowledge to their daughter before there passing a year ago. Oerva tries not to mourn their death because that isn't what they would have wanted. She had just recently been injected with the spirox, thinking it was a way to maybe help her survive on her own. Now, she grows herbs and other plants for people in her flower shop to raise money for herself. She has been thus far grateful to not have been kicked out of her home and moved into the other two districts.
    Other: She holds in a lot of emotional pain that may eventually catch up to her.
    Post by: Mysty, Nov 5, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Mysty
    That means before the end. No I mean like before Saturday
    Post by: Mysty, Nov 4, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Mysty
    [insert banner here]

    The Aura Asylum, a place of misery and criminals. The place had been known for capturing those who are known to ruin worlds. Any form of interference would be captured. Those that were beyond their ability were given to the hero that would come every few decades. They did what they could during the mean time. One of the lead members of the sentry's that worked within its walls was known as Eigo.

    Eigo, the name was given to him in honor of his grandfather whom had sadly passed. Although his father was still alive, he no longer was of much use to the worlds. His time magic had aloud him to stay alive for a while longer and decrease the aging process. Although this let him delay his death, the time he had left was minimal. Now Eigo was the next down the line to inherit the abilities of his own father and grandfather. The defense powers and the additional magic capabilities with gravity magic gave him the advantage to be the most powerful official within the Asylum.

    Rumor had now come to go around the worlds. The rumor that the hero was imprisoned was enough to allow him to go out and search for him. Darkness was coming and it needed to be dealt with. Eigo was sent to go and search. He jumped off from the top of the Asylum and used his gravity magic to float forward at rocket speeds. His first destination would be wherever the RPer decides and he doesn't know right now.
    Post by: Mysty, Nov 4, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Mysty
    Oh yes to both. You guys are in. I'm going to start the main RP soon. No, I still cant do the Beucedoof thing. He still isn't descriptive enough.
    Post by: Mysty, Nov 4, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Mysty
    ஜName: Eigo
    ஜ Age: 26
    ஜ Appearance:
    ஜSmall bio: A soldier, a member of an elite group hired to keep the peace within the worlds. Since the time of the heroes, things have been more calm, but that does not take meaning into ridding of a peace making force. His home and career revolves around the Aura Asylum. In case of emergencies, he is sent out to attack and capture those who cannot follow the law of space-time and multiworld interference. He was chosen to lead the mission because of his exceptional talent and durability.
    ஜ Reason for rescuing the hero: Within each timeline, a hero exists. They are those who will reestablish order to the worlds, a goal those at AA seek.
    ஜWeapon (If applicable): A large supply of daggers
    ஜPower (If applicable): gravity manipulation.
    ஜ Other: Irony
    Post by: Mysty, Nov 4, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Mysty
    Both of these are accepted.
    Post by: Mysty, Nov 4, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Mysty
    Pokemon are known as creatures with super natural powers. However some may be cute or furious, others can resemble humans or even creatures never even imagined could exist in the universe. As time progressed, humans were introduced into the world. They mingled with these creatures, coexisting as friends, and some using them as weapons. After a while, humans had been able to distinguish Pokemon by type creating 18 distinct types:

    Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Flying, Fighting, Bug, Ground, Rock, Steel, Dark, Psychic, Ghost, Fairy, Poison, Dragon, Ice, and Normal

    However, no one knows where Pokemon originated from. Some say they were born on the moon and found their way down to Earth. Other's say that the Pokemon Mew evolved from nature and continued to evolve into new Pokemon. The truth however was something completely different. The truth about the existence of Pokemon can best be described by Pokemon that are Legendary to most. Our world, Pokemon are like animals, however this is not the only world that consists of Pokemon...

    The world that we visit is very similar to ours. It contains Pokemon and Humans, however this mixture is much different than what you would think. Pokemon are the humans. In Japanese this would be called a Gijinka. The Pokemon here can speak in human tongue and are shaped like humans with Pokemon qualities. The theories are the same, in fact, everything about Pokemon is the same, just the form they have taken are much much different.


    This is the region of Ginhova. It's one of the first places to be filled with Pokemon. Like Earth, Pokemon here still believe in the myths of legendary pokemon and how exactly they all came to be. The answer is still a mystery and one everyone wants to uncover.


    • This is obviously going to have a story, it will be fleshed out after a little while. Please just do whatever you want for a little while, so the enemies in the background can start creating havoc.
    • Follow the normal KH-vids rules. I know I know, but that's just how it goes.
    • No godmodding.
    • There are certain Pokemon that will not be available for obvious reasons. Some will be odd but that is just the story purpose. Legendaries have important roles so please, if you really really want one, talk to me first.
    • Only 3 Pokemon ((Character Sheets)) per person for now.
    • Mega Evolution is aloud but it is currently not usable.
    • Once a Pokemon is taken, it is gone for good.
    • Please use only the moves the Pokemon can actually learn. There is a page for every single pokemon on bulbapedia that will show what moves they can and cant learn. If they can learn it, they can use it. This includes previous generation moves. I.E. Glaceon can use Water Pulse in Gen IV only, in this, they can still use it even though it isn't possible in Gen V or Gen VI
    • Shiny Pokemon are not aloud for plot purposes.
    • Pokemon Evolution is a sticky situation. In this, Pokemon do not evolve. If they are in their second or third form or even final form, they can talk about their pasts or futures. Once you choose the Pokemon though, you're stuck.
    • Unavailable Pokemon - Mewtwo, Mew, Ho-oh, Lugia, Celebi, Groudon, Kyogre, Raquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Regigiggas Arceus, Darkrai, Shaymin, Phione Manaphy, Victini, Reshriam, Zeckrom, Kyurem, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesect, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Diance, The other two unannounced legendaries.
    Character Sheet

    Pokemon Gijinka: [[The Pokemon you are using]]
    Nickname: ]]Optional if you want a character name]]
    Favorite Moves: [[4 total]]
    Nature: [[Personality]]

    • Pokemon Ginjinka: Sylveon
      Nickname: Selene
      Favorite Moves:
      1. Moonblast
      2. Wish
      3. Swift
      4. Shadow Ball
      Nature: Quiet
      Age: 13
      Bio: Her Father was a Skitty and her mother was an Espeon. She grew up being loved by them both very much enough to the point of a strange evolution. When her parents discovered that their daughter learned the move Baby-Doll Eyes, she quickly evolved into an evolution known as Sylveon. She was now beautiful according to her peers anyway. She is very shy and because of that a lot of opportunities were missed. All she really want is to meet other Pokemon that are Fairy types like her.

    • Pokemon Gijinka: Ditto
      Nickname: Dudunter
      Favorite Moves: Blast Burn, Shadow Ball, Hydro Pump, and Fly

      However, he only knows Transform
      Nature: Naughty
      Age: Twenty Years
      Bio: Awakening in a test tube, Dudunter was the failed attempt to replicate Mew. They saw it as a failure, he saw it as the biggest success known to poke-man. They hadn't created Mew, but they had created the best pokemon to ever exist; Dudunter. Breaking out of the test tube by using nothing but his awesomeness and sheer skill, he began his escape in the most epic kung fu fighting scene you've ever seen.

      Okay, that's not quite how it happened. All he did was transformed into the appearance of one of the scientists and walked out. But hey, don't tell anyone you heard that, okay?
      Once free, Dudunter embarked on a quest to be the very best, like no one ever was. To fight them was his real test, to destroy them was his cause. He would travel across the land, searching far and wide, so that he could understand the power that was inside, and force others to witness that awesome power too.
      Image: Here
      Other: Sorry it isn't completed right now, but I'm working on it I promise. Just wanted to get the pokemon I wanted

    • Pokemon Gijinka: Lucario
      Nickname: Luciario
      Favorite Moves:
      1. Extreme Speed
      2. Close Combat
      3. Earthquake
      4. Power Up Punch
      Nature: Mild
      Age: No idea.
      Bio: So like, he was born in the middle of some sort of crazy dynasty war, with his family being attack by a man named Nobunaga. That man had quite the ambition, but when Luciario was born into the world, he had undergone numerous training montages, beat up enough punching bags to get all EVs he wanted, and then at the end of it all, he kicked all of their asses with his raw anime power up punch powers. Once that was over with, he decided to get stronger, to tear down every wall that stands in his way of becoming awesomer.
      Image: So awesome.

    • Pokemon Gijinka: Flareon
      Nickname: Flarabelle
      Favorite Moves: Return (Powered by how much she loves herself), Attract, Flame Thrower, and Rest
      Nature: A Southern Belle who suffers from delusions of grandeur and is quite a narcissist. She dreams of being in beauty paegants and grand screen productions. She sings wonderfully, but overacts and often overREACTS.
      Age: 23
      Image: Flarabelle
      Other: She likes her drinks and has no shortage of worldly vices. Previously known as Evana.

      Pokemon Gijinka: Eevee
      Nickname: Evie
      Favorite Moves: Charm, Shadow Ball, Detect, and Tickle
      Nature: Level headed and rational, she keeps her older sister in check and is a bit of a tough nut. She can carry her sister out of a tavern rather easily, after brutally wiping out the Blastoise that tried to take advantage of Flarabelle once. Once. She's tough, fearless, and great at math, strategy, reading, science, art, and history. She's the academic to Flarabelle's dreamy airhead.
      Age: 14
      Image: Evie
      Other: Found the stone Flarabelle evolved with, and intended to evolve into a Flareon with it, but it was stolen by her selfish sister. Now, she aims to evolve into a Vaporeon to teach her sister a lesson. (I'd appreciate it if you let me evolve her for plot purposes eventually, but it is not needed.)

    • Pokemon Gijinka: Luxray
      Nickname: Light
      Favorite Moves:
      • Crunch
      • Thunder
      • Rain Dance
      • Ice Fang
      Nature: Lax
      Age: 17
      Bio: Grew up on the streets, keeping to himself. As a child he scavenged for his food, taking from wherever he could. At the age of 10, he tried to steal food from a passerby. As he took the food, the passerby, which was a female Growlithe at the time, burned Light and took her food back. Light, being surprised that anyone caught him and took him down, followed the female. After following far enough, he found out that she was from a rich family. The same night, he tried sneaking in to take what food he could. with some bad luck, he ran into the same Growlithe that knocked him down before, and she took him down again. Feeling sorry for the stranger, the person asked her parents to allow the child to stay with them. Light ended up growing up with the Growlithe, and both trained together. Light eventually decided he would try and find his own family, if he had one, and his friend decided to follow him.
      Image: One image for show
      Other: The calm and smarter of the two friends. Deals with Flare's antics most of the time, and ends up getting them out of problems in a hasty way.

      Pokemon Gijinka: Arcanine
      Nickname: Flare
      Favorite Moves:
      • Flare Blitz
      • Extremespeed
      • Morning Sun
      • Dragon Pulse
      Nature: Rash
      Age: 17
      Bio: Flare grew up in a rich manor. Never taking no for an answer, she would always fight for what she wanted, sometimes even literally. This would lead her to develop quite the tomboy personality. At one point, she took down a stray child that tried stealing her food, and eventually met up with the same child again in her house the same night. After taking him down a second time, she asked her parents to adopt the child and take him in, feeling sorry for him. As they grew up, she would train with the child, mostly out of boredom and feeling sorry for the boy to be beaten so easily. Growing up, many thought that she would get out of her ways and act like a proper lady, but even with her appearance, which many considered legendary in the town, she still acted in her own ways. When her friend decided it was time to travel and look for his own family, she decided to go along, if not just for a change of scenery.
      Image: Plop
      Other: Jumps into situations very quickly, and would rather fight out a problem. Burns Light whenever he annoys her in a comedic fashion

    • Pokemon Gijinka: Houndoom
      Nickname: Dyo
      Favorite Moves:
      Fire Spin

      Nature: Calm persona. He can be very patient, and tolerant of certain behavior. When necessary, he is capable of following orders as well as giving them. Despite the man's appearance, he is actually a very mellow and kind individual. Those that know him would say him to be a saint. However, don't take him lightly. There's a reason why long ago, people imagined a Houndoom's eerie howls to be the call of the grim reaper. Beneath calm eyes, you never know just what may be lurking.

      Age: ??? (Older than he appears to be)

      Bio: Deep in the wilderness, Born with a litter of 6 pups, an Alpha Mightyena tended to her pups every need while the leader of the mixed pack; an Alpha Houndoom, would go off to get the weeks work done. Five poochyena pups in all, with him being the only Houndour pup in the litter. Among them all, he was the most active one; and dominant. The pups would go free for all on one another, wrestling for hours on end until they're tiny bodies could spare no more energy; but not puppy dyo. He could go on and on were it not for his Mothers nudge to fall sleep. Eventually the pups came of age(early Teens), and they would need to be initiated into the pack. The six siblings were sent off to introduce themselves to the world, specifically a nearby town. Of course, these six siblings weren't absent minded, naive, or idiotic. They knew better.
      So in the dark of night, they slipped into the sleeping town unnoticed, preparing themselves for what they were assigned for. They knew what they had to do. This is what they were taught. This is what hunting was all about. To hunt in unison, and to stay well coordinated with one another. To cover for one another. Yes, this is most certainly what they did. The darkness was their ally, and silence was their greatest weapon. In unison, the six siblings broke into 2 houses simultaneously, dividing their group into two. Dyo along with two sisters slipped into the house, and with sly movement went to work...on their meal. The house was owned by a single male Stantler. No relatives, no nothing. He was just a quirky Stantler that the Stantler herd did not need or probably wouldn't notice missing. The three pounced all at once, rendering the Stantler neutralized. Afterwards, the group cleaned up the mess, and dragged their hard work out of the house, and into the dark of the forest along with the other 3. With a eerie howl, Dyo left his first mark of many onto the town.

      After that, they were all initiated into their family pack, and their family business. Oh, did I not mention that this family was a mafia? The stantler and other victim were nobodies, but they belonged to the Herd of Stantler. That town had belonged to the Stantlers for a long time; before the pups were even conceived. By removing two of their members from the picture, they were sending a message. They were laying siege to the town. But I digress.

      Years went by with the pack becoming stronger, and well known throughout the wilderness. Fear had the struck the woodlands, the fear that the pack found strength in. The young ones learned a lot, becoming physically stronger as well as mentally smarter. The pups had learned to take their natural bipedal form, and now looked more like the Gijinka that everyone in the world was. By now, Dyo had formed a great bond with his siblings, especially the two that had been with him during their first hunt: Enas and Tria. The three were a ruthless team, becoming the core of the pack during hunts. They were respected. No prey ever escaped them. All was good in that family for a while.

      But, like all good things, it came to an end. This one of Hell's lap dogs as most put was...too much. He had seen and done many things over the course of his young life. He wanted out. With much ambition, the young Dyo wanted to leave the pack to explore the world outside the woods. He desired to live in the city, and to perhaps form his own pack (Not really, however it was what sold the idea to his father). With the packs blessing, he was off into the world where he eventually settled into a nice apartment where he eventually mellowed out. He is now making a living as....A DETECTIVE!! DUN DUN DA NAAAAAH!!

      Image: The charm (It was either that or this)

      Other: Doubt this would happen, but if anyone wants to roleplay as Enas or Tria feel free. =P
    Thread by: Mysty, Nov 3, 2014, 16 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Mysty
    So I got a Galaxy S4 a few months ago and given that my vision is absolute crap and need the extra assistance with the setting, I cant seem to figure out this little issue that happened recently. Now I know not most of you use this feature at all since you really don't need to. If you do, or are willing to explore it and assist me, could you help me?

    My problem is that TalkBack will not speak my aps on the home pages. It just vibrates and lets me know that yes, in fact there is something there, but the question is, what is it? I cant tell. The phone refuses to read it so I'm kinda stuck atm.
    Thread by: Mysty, Nov 3, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  10. Mysty
    I accept this as much as I accept-
    Post by: Mysty, Sep 12, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Mysty
    Well cause some people don't really pay much attention when I tried to tag everyone back in the Skype Group, I'm going on a semi-hiatus. I don't see myself posting here anytime soon. Reasons are school and personal social life. I'm lucky to get some time on the weekends now. Anyway, if you want to drop me from the RP, go for it. You can let somebody who wants in who has more free time than I that way. Have fun everyone.
    Post by: Mysty, Sep 1, 2014 in forum: OOC Lounge
  12. Mysty
    I've tried FFVII. The only thing that game has going for it is story. Everything else is just unappealing. The battle system in my opinion. OPINION! Is trash and feels lazy. Its not entertaining enough to keep my interest. Gameplay on it to me just feels poor.
    Post by: Mysty, Aug 29, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  13. Mysty
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Mysty, Aug 29, 2014
  14. Mysty
    Updated the first post with the year dates for Doctor Strange and Guardians of the Galaxy 2.
    Post by: Mysty, Aug 22, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  15. Mysty
    So tomorrow the game SAO: Hollow Fragment comes out. I'm assuming its only going to be $40 on PSN since its rare for any Vita game to go over $40 over here. So I'm going to have $10 dollars left over and wanted to ask which Final Fantasy I should get since most of them are only 10$. This would be FFIV-FFIX. I will NOT do FFVII so I'd like another idea. I haven't played any of them so don't really know what to expect from any.
    Thread by: Mysty, Aug 18, 2014, 11 replies, in forum: Gaming
  16. Mysty


    For story purposes, I request that everyone's next post be their last for this day. I'll be doing a time skip afterwards. I'll give you all a few days.


    There was nothing they could have done now. It was a fate that was going to happen and they all knew it. Orpheus was not a man of honor. He was a man who did his job and played strategic. Some would see this as a weakness, in some ways it was, but in others it was a strength. Nevertheless, evil was in his nature and given the power to control the undead would force them all to lead into being captured.

    The white haired lustor used her adrenaline to swipe at the incoming lustors with the large Greatsword on her back. If it wer in different circumstances, she'd have expected the casual joke from Hunter about a heavy weapon fighting lolita. Regardless, the adrenaline rush would lose its battle against time, her arms becoming to weak to lift the sword anymore, the horde of zombies taking over her quickly.

    Alongside, Kai couldn't do much himself. He continued to try and take a shot at Orpheus with the bullets of blood, each shot missing due to the large horde coming down at them. "Damn! Not again!" He struggled to break free, but the situation had become quantity over quality and there was no return from this point. Having a way to be saved was going to have to be left to the people who called him Chief. But it never came.

    The group had been captured...


    He sat on the wall, a grin over his face. "And that is how the door will be opened. That Orpheus fellow makes it a real treat as well given his gift."

    He sat on his throne, a lifeless expression over his face. "I understand, demon. Given your assumptions and how accurate the prediction's you've made, I have no choice but to believe your words. Tomorrow I will initiate it. The power of a Deity will soon be in my hands."

    "Angels, Demons, Spirits... Gods... all exist. Immortality soon can be yours.. Lord Moredecai."
    Post by: Mysty, Aug 9, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Mysty
    Eon had been slumped in one of the rooms he was using to sleep. The stress from their passing and words of distaste he spoke towards Karina were causing him anxiety. He breathed in and gave out a heavy sigh. His eyes gazed towards the trinkets he had acquired over his journey. The last object to receive was a mirror that could see into other worlds. It made for an easy way to check up on things with the others in case anything happened.

    Dazing away into sleep, a loud tremor was heard from the door. The black pool of darkness traveling through the shadows with its yellow eyes, lifeless and full of anguish, stared onto Eon. The sound of its solidification caused Eon to wake up, his reaction time becoming well known to strike down at the Heartless with the Keyblade, in which he unintentionally summoned.

    Traveling through the halls after leaving the room, he saw the hordes of Heartless increase the further he got in. He couldn't beat them all right now, but the one's that came at him, those were the unlucky beings that perished under his blade. Eventually, he made it to the library where everyone seemed to had been gathered. He didn't ask why the five characters were working on a machine since it had to have some importance if the Heartless were interested in destroying it completely. Eon took a defensive stance and slammed any of the incoming Heartless. "Sorry I'm late."
    Post by: Mysty, Aug 9, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Mysty
    My goodness. I got the lucky chance to play SSB4 at comic con on both the WiiU and the 3DS. Lets see... how to describe it... Its not as fast as Melee but its faster than Brawil. I've also come to realize that this so called "Balance" Sakurai talks about all the time is true for some characters but not for others. Little Mac is, as I predicted, way too overpowered at his current state. Rosalina's move sets aren't the most responsive when it comes to Luma, but I expected that given this is the first real Puppeteer we've gotten.

    Those two were the only issues, other than that, its balanced. It was only a preview so I anticipate some changes to them in terms of fixing some of the issues.

    Now for the other new characters, Greninja is all speed and avoid. MegaMan... wow... Fantastic. His move set is a little difficult to learn at first but given the time, I'm certain he'll be a main of mine. Wii Fit Trainer was REALLY weird with their moves but otherwise they were pretty strong. Villager... isn't too much to scream about, he's just not my type of fighter. Ike got a serious nerf (thank God). Link got buffed, he is lighter and quicker compared to his heavy build in Brawl. Zero Suit Samus is just amazing now, one of the best buffs thus far. That's all I got.
    Post by: Mysty, Aug 1, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  19. Mysty
    And today marks the day that we are given another one of the movies to the universe. Guardians of the Galaxy is now out. I had my doubts about it, but given that the trailer shows one of the items the Collector is seeking after, I'm hoping for some more connections to the movie with the others. Not certain that will happen in great length, but there's hope.
    Post by: Mysty, Aug 1, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  20. Mysty
    "The words you spit out ate mutual. You currently ate exactly like him towards me. Father like daughter." He ignores the pain and marches out. Before completely leaving, he stops for a moment

    "I recommend Base. Karina doesn't have the heart to become one." His tone sounded lifeless. He himself didn't care about the mark of mastery. He knew he was not ready either. Of all the people he has met, only Base and Cat deserved such an honor.
    Post by: Mysty, Jul 29, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena