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  1. Mysty
    ................................................................................................................ ... ... ... OH! Now how did you get into this box with me? I was just reading a story. It's pretty cool. Okay, I lied, it's not a story, its a collaboration of jokes some idiots on the internet made about Captain Puerto Rico. No it is not America. Have you seen his clothes, it's just like the flag for Puerto Rico.

    Anyways, I'm guessing you want to know who I am. If you don't know who I am already then you are probably an idiot and don't know much about culture. Let me help you a little bit with this next banner to introduce my awesome self!

    Well that was stupid. I just shot everything and now no more box. Lucky enough for me there is a school right outside of this box. So This here is my place where Myst is deciding to put me for a while. He calls it 4th Wall Academy. It's pretty neat. We got a whole bunch of people just like me who play around and break that wall. No, not the Great Wall of China, not the Berlin Wall, heck we don't even tear down the Walls of Jericho; We tear down that wall that you are looking at. It's so powerful I can change the font, size, and color of my typing.
    Okay so now you are probably wondering just the same thing I am... What is with that title. What does any of this have to do with KH-vids likes and dying? Well Let him tell me tell you.... yeah... mhmm... Oh that could be fun.... So now that I know what is going on, this is a Roleplay where all you original characters go to classes, or not, and totally right awesome things... write not right... dumbass. The point is, after a week, all of your liked posts will be added up an who ever has the least amount of likes for the week DIES! The winner gets immunity for the next week. Totally fair right?

    Anyway, a bunch of my 4th wall breakin buddies are here too, right guys? Guys? Guuuuuuuuuys? Well they are probably getting ready for classes or Myst is too lazy to go and photoshop them into a render. I'm sure he'll do it later. I can give some of the names for a few of them: Pit, Poemy, that Genie from Aladdin, Ratchet and Clank, The Scout, Beuce.... wait, that last was is NOT on that list. What am I thinking. Pretty sure he'll win this RP though. If you don't know who he is, you're wrong.

    So let's get this character sheet going.

    Username: Because we all that your character isn't playing them self
    Character Name: Names are overrated but do it anyway
    Picture: Well I can't just talk to thin air
    Personality: Yes I know, we all break the 4th wall, but at least have SOME personality
    Where are you from: Where were you on the day of blank and blank!?
    Favorite Media: Be it books, anime, movies, real people, I wanna know
    Favorite 4th Wall Breaker: Mine personally is Beuce
    Other: Whatever

    I guess now I should lay down the rules here at the academy...

    1. Lol rules are dumb
    2. LOL! Number 2 means p-
    3. Don't make me stop talking
    4. Now for the serious rules.
    1. Nothing rated R.
    3. No you cannot kill someone because only I can
    4. When your character dies, they die.
    6. I will not be participating since I have to do the teachers and setting
    7. Have fun, go nuts, and have nuts.
    Thread by: Mysty, Dec 11, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Mysty
    Idiots. That was the only word Eigo could use to describe what was going on. He was still unaffected by their imaginary powers and beliefs. He was a man from the Asylum, he knew how to capture and restrain creatures like these. Although the one turned into an angry beast, it didn't matter. His hand grabbed onto Gwen's neck. He now had Dawn and Gwen in a full grip. He turned to Xero who clearly was blood thirsty.

    "You deal with the feline. These two are going to enjoy a closed space of nothing." He dropped them both into what seemed like invisible boxes. However, these were just what he needed against worshipers like these. "You may think you can escape and break the walls, however, how does one break a wall, if there is no wall to begin with?" A gravity and aero magic was in play now, no matter how they reacted, they would just move in place. Was it a bit godmod? a little, but you guys need to have some form of an OP antagonist who will die later because he is beaten by the power of friendship.
    Post by: Mysty, Dec 10, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Mysty
    To put it frankly, Kirito is an idiot in the love/ flirt/ romance department. He's brilliant everywhere else... just not there. As for Asuna not doing anything about it... She does in the light novels when it comes to Sinon. As for the other's... I don't recall a situation where Kirito and one of those girls have been alone after he and Asuna started going out, so I'm pretty sure Asuna has a tight watch on what's going on... and its also a good thing to trust your significant other? Just sayin'.

    I've played Hollow Fragment, and he's just as stupid when it comes to affection in the game. He is more in love with the video games than people.
    Post by: Mysty, Dec 9, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  4. Mysty
    Eigo looked over at Xero, a glare piercing through his mask. She did just as the goddess demanded they not. "You killed the creature. The Goddess told us not to do so. Now I am contemplating whether to claim you traitor or not. Sigh, the loss of one of them won't be too bad though."

    His attention moved over to the other animals. He snapped his fingers to allow the gravity around the remaining creatures to gravitate towards him. He would stop them before they could get too close. They would be floating in suspended animation for a while until the spell wore off. "Listen vermin, the Goddess demands you go off the hunt for this 'hero' you are all searching for. You will bring great danger to our universe if you ever release him. Demons, death, plague: all of these things and more will swarm around and destroy everything you hold dear. Refuse... and I will take extra measures."
    Post by: Mysty, Dec 9, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Mysty
    The boy with blonde hair was floating in the realm of darkness. He hadn't made it to the portal in time since apparently just assuming he did isn't enough. Within his hand though was a flag, a strange little flag it was. He wasn't awake to know what it was nor was he able to understand how it was there in the first place. On this flag it read a few little words:

    Happy Birthday Kingdom Hearts SOS
    P.S. S.O.S. this little boy.

    After the player read the flag, it disintegrated into the darkness and was never seen again.
    Post by: Mysty, Dec 1, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Mysty
    ((I'll make banners eventually))

    Eigo stared at the goddess, his eyes looking upon her beauty. She had commanded him to scare away the rebels. This was a job that he could handle. Not killing them would be harder than just ending their lives. He bowed down to her and let out his voice, in a cold and dark tone.
    "It is as you wish, my goddess. I shall show them fear beyond all else. The goddess shall be heard and I as your messenger shall deliver your calling."

    He stood finally and walked into the dark corridor after Xero. It wasn't long until they had reached the pride lands. It was a thriving place full of wildlife. His appearance renamed the same thanks to the power of the goddess and his armor. He looked over to the girl next to him. In the distance, he could see several... bizarre creatures in the distance heading towards a cave.
    "They are heading towards that cave. I assume we should start with them. Stand behind me, I am an unbreakable wall, not even this new religion of the 4th wall can tear me down." His serious tone went with him as he walked forward towards the group.

    Dawn was only sighing at these individuals. They were clearly all just against her because she was late to the roleplay. It was fine, it was okay. Eventually they would accept her like they do the master in skype. Either way, she was now a cute white fluff ball, bouncing towards them into the cave. Well, this was until she looked back and saw the gray figure climbing down the mountain. "Guys, is it just me, or is General Grievous and Darth Vader's love child coming down here?"

    Within little time at all, Eigo managed to grasp Dawn by her small fluffy appearance, his eyes glaring through the mask, the orange piercing eyes looking into her soul.

    With a breath of air, she finally managed to grasp the situation. Get it, grasp. Anyway, she looked over at him and gave a serious look. "Let me guess what you're about to say." The woman cleared her throat and began to speak. "You are a part of the rebel alliance and a traitor."

    Eigo only sighed and squeezed her harder. His eyes moved towards the other strange creatures among them. He spoke out to Xero one more time.
    "Any of these him?"

    Dawn struggled some before coughing out. "Everyone, my nephew. Nephew, everyone."
    Post by: Mysty, Dec 1, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Mysty
    First: There is an age limit for those who actually age, usually those resembling animals and humans. Other's like ghost types or say things like voltorb aren't going to necessarily age all that fast.
    Second: This means Learned, TMs, HMs, Move Tutor's, Egg Moves.
    Post by: Mysty, Nov 23, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Mysty
    The user who is above me has the perfect name for my response to this thread
    Post by: Mysty, Nov 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Mysty
    It was a calm morning within the city. The sky was beautiful and fresh. The Pokemon everywhere were beginning to wake with the Combusken letting out a waking cry everywhere. Selene awoke with her hair a mess and her clothes a bit wrinkled. A loud yawn escaped the girl's mouth. After a quick shower and other morning duties, the girl went over to the daily pokepaper. Within its contents were the latest on the new rampage of the Poekmon known as Mewtwo. The girl thought it sad to hear a Pokemon suffering. It wasn't its fault for being created in the first place. All it needed was some love from some others and it could realize this world wasn't all that bad.

    Selene left her home to maybe try and escape the sorrows of the paper and its discrimination against the Pokemon. Sure it was creating chaos but it knew nothing but chaos. She figured maybe some Pokemon were like her and wanted to help out the Pokemon. Wherever this Mewtwo creature was, it had to have been suffering.

    The Pokemon decided to stop by Evie and Flarabelle's home. Maybe they would be willing to assist in the location of this Pokemon. If nobody else was willing to go and help Mewtwo, Selene made sure she'd be one of the few. She knocked on the door to the Pokemon siblings. She was hoping for a quick reply.

    "Flarabelle, Evie, its Selene. Are either of you home?" She called out waiting for a response.


    The Pokemon known as Mewtwo was heading straight for the City that most Pokemon inhabited which is also the home to those like Selene, Flarabelle, and Evie. The time it took was only dependent on its own actions.
    Post by: Mysty, Nov 21, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Mysty
    The enite ORAS OST. I just love it.
    Post by: Mysty, Nov 21, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. Mysty

    I love my Satone Shichimiya
    Post by: Mysty, Nov 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Mysty
    The game finally is out and I cannot wait to go pick it up. I'm listening to the OST and am crying for the nastolgia. My number 1 problem has returned... what will my team be...
    Post by: Mysty, Nov 21, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  13. Mysty
    I would simply like to bump up this thread for a few reasons. To begin, the manga is finally done and the essence of Naruto is almost to a close. Soon we will get The Last Naruto movie and the entire series will be finished. Needless to say, as a whole, Naruto was great and the plot was steady the entire way through. Everything had a purpose until the very last moment. 700 chapters of Naruto and Shippuden ended with a full story that will deffinitely go onto my list of favorites. I'm simply sad it is all over and the characters I've grown up with for 15 years are going to be gone. But are they really gone? They are a part of me and so is the story.

    Finally having an ending... a SATISFYING ending is what I needed. Not to mention the ships. ALL THE CANON SHIPS. Not to mention some of the kids everyone had were just simply adorable. I'm proud of the Naruto series. It's one of the very few that can last long and still remain intersting. Next to be completed should be Bleach. One Piece... hahahaha, that'll never end.
    Post by: Mysty, Nov 21, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  14. Mysty
    Well I talked to Krowley and tried to figure out a way to get back in. Sadly, it just cannot be done due to story purposes. I wish I could come back. I wish I could somehow bulls**t my way back in but it just cant be done. If I get back in, it'll be in the next part after the mickey worlds, so part 2. I'll see you all in a few months I suppose. :'(
    Post by: Mysty, Nov 21, 2014 in forum: OOC Lounge
  15. Mysty

    • [​IMG]

      Her cybernetic eyes looked at the two of them. The hostility was made well aware to her. It was clear people on the outskirts weren't the most friendly, but the rash emotions didn't bother her. In fact, she was unphased by the threatening heat radiating from the chains on the girl. She simply shook her head and began to speak once more.

      "I apologize for disturbing you. I only wished to make a trade. I have plenty of weapons to sell but seeing as you do not care to invest in them, I shall move forward. Or perhaps you wish to actually invest? The matter is up to you."

      The two droids came back with the cube and let out some of the weapons she was going to offer them. There was armor, weapons, and other dohickies.

    • [​IMG]

      The person known as Nino, a boy, a girl. To some, they never knew his ability to change gender. Some just throught he was a gifted human. The Warden was one of the few that did. When it came to criminal investigations, The Warden was the best of the best. Nino came into the jail to deliver some unneeded cargo. There were some bad seeds in shackles given to Nino by the Warden.

      "Yo, Warden. Got some criminals for you. Caught this gang stealing some food and other criminal acts. Hope you'll be pleased." He threw them on the ground with a big smile on his face. His swords were laid onto the wall

    Post by: Mysty, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Mysty
    So like, hi. Yeah, that's a great way to start. Anyway.. I have a lot more free time now as in a lot of free time for a long time. I know its sudden, but I'd like to come back to SOS if you'd let me. I mean, I kinda get that I'm not really on the stats list anymore or anywhere else for that matter [excluding the wiki]. Its your choice entirely.
    Post by: Mysty, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: OOC Lounge
  17. Mysty

    • His mission was to make certain that peace was set in the universe. The goddess was the center and her rule was the most just. Whatever her opinion on the world was was the right. He being a sentinel for the goddess he needed to make sure everything was sound. Things were not however. He managed to land at the thrown for the Goddess. He was granted permission to enter this domain for his unique traits and ideals.

      He walked towards the goddess, his armor clanking each step he took. He took a knee and bowed down the almighty being in front of him. "There is a disturbance with all the rebellions going through the worlds. What will you have me do, your highness." Eigo questioned.

    • The large 4th wall breaking device called the Tardis which was loaned by the graceful timelords to the LvD Beuce and on rent by Dawn finally appeared at Pride Rock. Luckily for her she managed to go right to the top of the rock. Along with her was a small lion cub. "I knew it was a good idea to take you with me." She stepped out of the Tardis and grabbed the cub, pointing it off the rock while singing, "It's the circle of life! Yeah this is too much to write so I'm just gonna send you back Simba." She tossed the lion cub back and let the tardis take the cub back.

      "Well, good thing I remember the key- Wait... I sense the presence of others... Other followers of the tradition that my master has taught me... other breakers of the 4th wall... right over there!" She points over to the others with a large smile.
    Post by: Mysty, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Mysty

    "Lab results successful." The white haired cyborg spoke as she finished one of her test results. Her current observational study was for plants. She needed to finish her specs before moving onto making a machine based off of plant life. Plants were so much more difficult to test on than other organic creatures. A lot of the time they are unresponsive to certain tests. Their exterior and interior were much more unique however.

    Parts were now at a minimum and it was noticeable. A large floating screen came into view in front of Zeta indicated as such. She typed in a few commands to the squadron of Greek named machines. She was going to have to do one of those trips again. Her destination would be the city, a place filled with creatures she didn't particularly enjoyed being around. Either way, it was a good way to earn some money to buy materials she needed and couldn't produce herself, yet.

    She stood from the chair she was sitting on and looked at two machines that were floating around her. "Alpha, Beta, it is time to go. Prepare the hover bike, please." The two droids flew off and began to transport the hover bike Zeta had requested. Zeta walked to the launching bay as the two droids brought down the bike. She patted the two droids and gave a light smile, thankful for their assistance. It could be made clear she cared for her machines.

    "Thank you, both of you. Let's go." The hover bike began to glow as she sat on it. With her hands on the grips, the bike blasted into the desolate lands outside of the city. The dust began to pick up around her bike, the two droids attached to the bike were swaying back and forth.

    Ahead were some figures of life forms. A man and woman could be seen. Zeta stopped right before them, curious about their presence there. If anything, she could hope for a sale of weapons or some other precious mineral.

    "Greetings. Am I interrupting anything?" She questioned the two. She got off the bike and grabbed a strogae cube, the item carrying all of her merchandise.
    Post by: Mysty, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Mysty
    Username: Myst
    Name: nino/ nina
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: both
    Race: Spyrix User
    Power: hormone manipulation
    • Gender Mutation: can increase amounts of testosterone and estrogen willingly to change to a he or she
    • Adrenaline Rush: Can tap into adrenaline reserves willingly
    • Half-Life: cells are able to age quickly or even reverse the aging process.
    • Immunity: Immune System is overall quick and abone average allowing for quick white blood cells and antibodies to heal and cure beyond the normal human rate.
    • Emoti-on-off: can willingly turn on and off emotions.
    Weapons: Long swords
    Personality: Whatever they choose at the time. They turn off negative emotions unless provoked. Deep down they want the best for life. Believes that life is the greatest gift in the world.
    ◾Bio: One of the first few people born with the gene. Originally they were born as a man but discovered that they could change whenever. More abilities were learned and the most powerful one was the ability to manage age. Now they go around trying to discover the world's ins and outs.
    Other: they may like life, but they still turn on the mischievous side to play around. Nobody is perfect and neither are they
    Post by: Mysty, Nov 11, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Mysty
    I'll be writing another one shortly. A god is coming
    Post by: Mysty, Nov 7, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home