Dawn was still hurt from Gaius's words. How else was she going to handle this situation. She was told on many occasions that she was beautiful and very girly in appearance, so why would someone say such a thing. She was going to write a response to Thomas about her name and its meaning but the one thing she relied on for communication was snatched out of her hands by Gaius. He was not earning any points. Gaius was whispering to Thomas now, saying this that were hard to make out but could make out some words. Losing one of your sense lets you focus on others like hearing and sight. Listening in, she could catch words like 'speak' and 'manly'. During it all, he handed back the paper and pen to show a message. The message was saying the negative thins about people who had dated Thomas. The girl gave a glare now. She was writing now again. It was only 4 letters. The girl used some type of magic to also make the paper super sticky. She took the sheet and slapped it right on Gaius's forehead, the word 'JERK' being writeen in all capital letters. The stickiness wasn't going to come off for a little while so he was going to have to live with it for a while. Another sheet was torn off and handed to Thomas as she walked away to look for the guild master to finally make her a member, if she could be accepted anyway. The note read this: <-{ I'm not a man in any way. What he said has really hurt my feelings. If you want to talk later, come find me. P.S. On the back on this sheet is the message he wrote me. }->
So, now that its been a few months and we haven't really had a moderator for the RP section because of Jayn's extended absence, who do we discuss things with if we want to try and relaunch an RP? Who do we really have to enforce the rules are being followed and we aren't having issues with a specific RPer at any given time? I'm kind of in a struggle with the first one, wanting to restart an RP but cant really do so because you need permission and what not. Are we going to get a new moderator now? I think we need one... Thoughts?
There is was, the steps backwards that she had expected from him, like everyone else. Even if they were just friends, girls or boys, they would never approach a girl with no voice to offer, a voice that shouted as loud as it could to be heard but only came up silent. But wait, he stopped and smiled? He was looking at her eyes once more. The words he spoke were embracing. He was sweet and kind, of course, she wasn't ready for anything that he was clearly attempting to do, not until she was more comfortable and knew him better. It was then he mentioned her name. That was right, she had yet to introduce herself. That was rude of her. His name was Thomas, a name meaning a twin, probably someone looking for his other half. The kiss on her hand gave her a large red blush over her face. The emotions going through her head were strange and confusing. Is this what it meant to feel embarrassed? She pulled out another sheet and began to writer and draw on it. <-{ My name is Hikari Akatsuki, but please call me Dawn. Thank you for the warm hospitality. (The paper at hearts and smiley faces over it as well) }-> Within seconds though, a man with orange hair and an almost burning personality was raging his way over to them both. He said something that began to boil underneath Dawn's skin. Did he just call her a man? If she heard what she thought she did, this man might end up in a hospital soon, very soon. Here they were having a pleasant greeting and this guild member decided to come and yell at them, specifically her. Was she truly not wanted by the rest of the guild? Was she already destined to be kicked out? Dawn's face lowered down, her eyes looking away.
The events that just occurred were strange needless to say. This must have been the guilds everyday activity of playing around and having a good time. This girl was maybe just a little angry at something Thomas did, but he didn't seem like a bad guy. He was cute to say the least. He seemed to have manners with the way he spoke and the way he replied to the girl. She didn't know the history so she couldn't judge the two in their little conflict. As soon as Skadi walked away from the two of them, Thomas put his hand onto her cheek. It was warm and felt strong. A blush was beginning to cross over her face. This was strange. Men usually weren't like this towards her. Being a mute, boys tried to avoid her because of how different she was. Next was unexpected. He began to give her a pick up line. Well she was uncomfortable yet flattered at the same time. This was a strange choice for a first encounter. The girl reached down to her notepad and began to write. She needed to explain things quickly. It might end up that he'll ignore her because of her lack of tongue and verbal communication. <-{ You are very sweet. Thank you for making me feel so welcomed! I'm sorry I cant say how I feel... I cannot speak. }-> She showed the piece of paper at him and looked away, expecting the worse to come already. She was glad to find someone nice, but even if he didn't accept her, that was not her goal. Dawn's goal in this all was to join the guild, even if she had to run solo.
I'm in squad.......... um...........
Eon stood in Castle Oblivion, alone and unaware of who he was, what he was doing there, why he had a purpose at all. The white rooms went on and one and on with no end. His memories continued to fade every time he entered a new level. For some reason if he backtracked he would regain the memories lost. He came into a room and finally remembered one of the supplies he obtained in his journey. It was a mirror from beast's castle. He couldn't remember his friends names but he could in fact remember their faces and the time they spent together. He pulled out the mirror and began to look into it, concentrated on the faces of those he once knew. He missed them and wanted them to be together once again. There was hurt in his heart as he tried to remember their names but couldn't. The mirror showed different worlds and different people he knew all going through one by one. While he spent his time in this lonely prison known as Castle Oblivion, he could hold onto one thing that would never go away, his connection with those he had come to know as friends. His heart still longed for them. If only he could find his way out. It was probably assumed he was dead.
It was happening, the girl's dream to reach the guild and become a member was only moments ahead of her. Her eyes grazed across as a smile fell upon her lips. Hikari Akatsuki, a girl also known as Dawn, looked at the guild. It wasn't the way she expected it to be however given the destruction that was around it. Something happened to the guild of her dreams, to Sapphire's Eclipse the damage was measurable. The girl stood in shock as she looked, however the sound of people within meant the members survived. This was good. They could just repair the guild hall and things would be nice again. The door opened as Dawn walked in. Her arms were folding over while her head was farther down than usual, frightened at if she would be accepted or not. She couldn't just walk up to someone and say hello. That wouldn't work given that she could not speak. It was a curse to say the least but it was one that she learned to live with. It had its advantages at times. All she could do was hope to tap someone's shoulder and get them to acknowledge her. The question was who though. There were so many candidates that she could choose from. It didn't help that she was just shy and didn't have the courage to actually follow through with it. She swallowed the fear and walked to the first person she saw. He seemed happy enough. He was tall and had deep indigo hair. His clothes were that to match. (Thomas). The girl walked up to him, shyly, her finger tapping onto his shoulder. She pulled out her notepad and began to write something. <-{ Hello }-> She pulled the paper off and held it in her hand to show the man whenever he chose to turn around.
Name: Hikari "Dawn" Akatsuki Gender: Female Age: 16 Description: Dawn Personality: Quiet and calculative. She cant really help being quiet though. She wants to be friends with everyone, even though its difficult because she is different. Weapons: Baton Armor: The clothes on her back AS: Aero, Cure, Blizzard Strengths: Very analytic about situations. Strong heart and trust in her allies. Weaknesses/Fears: Cannot communicate in battle. Very shy at first. Afraid of lightning and earthquakes. History: She was born into a family with magic that was beyond limits of much other users. In fact, her family had forbidden magic. Needless to say though, Dawn did not acquire the trait of the forbidden magic and instead was just given moderate abilities. At a young age, the magic was used on the girl, around the time she was born. This was a method to save her life due to her premature birth. The magic was successful and saved her life at the cost of her voice. She can never speak again. She carries a notebook with her, drawing pictures and writing notes to let others know her replies and emotions. It was difficult to say the least. She heard about Sapphire Eclipse a while ago and had been seeking to join them ever since. She has seen the good they have done and wants to use her magic to help others. Other: As previously noted, she cannot speak. Character Build Chosen: Magic Character Build Weakness: Defense
I have this feeling of the Music Moister popping out of nowhere.
I was thinking about this. Re:Coded gave the answer. After playing BBS and seeing Xehanort body hopping, couldn't it may be Xehanort is a lot older than folks think? Maybe that keyblade is his and there is no predecessor to No Heart because of the body hopping thing xehanort can pull. He was just hopping time and time again until he could find the one to forge the xblade since his original attempt failed...
Contains spoilers fir those who havent played or at least seen all tge games. So I honestly haven't really played the Kingdom Hearts games until the remastered games came around. I've come to enjoy some games more than others and experienced quite the difficulty with some bosses. This is about the final battle in KH3 which I'm sure will be Sora vs Xehanort. What I have gathered is this fight is going to be ridiculously hard. We've fought: No Heart (BBS assumed Xehanort armor) Mysterious Figure (BBS Young Xehanort) Terranort Ansem Xemnas Young Xehanort Given all of them are the same person-- and after fighting each one-- I can only assume that the final fight will be tough but doesn't that make the victory so much more rewarding? I just got done fighting Mysterious Figure on BBS and needless to say he is no walk in the park. It would be cool to have all those elements from each battle fused into one with some other time-space powers thrown into the mix. What are your thoughts?
There are many things about khv that I miss but role-playing in Kingdom Hearts SOS is something I miss most of all T-T
The fools, all of them. Turning themselves into worthless Nobodies. It could be seen as a decent strategy, forming two entities into one only to come back later once both parties have been killed off. That was in theory anyway. If one could destroy the Nobody before the Heartless, the reincarnation would be void and a permanent, suffering end. Eigo might have had the advantage in strength and defense, but the quantity was beginning to out way the quality. He landed onto the ground, his hand pointing over to the cultists. His finger pointed towards them. No words escaped his lips as he walked backwards and opened a corridor of darkness. The motions he used only symbolized they had won the round. Returning to the realm of the goddess, Eigo could only come empty handed. "I will accept any punishment for failure." He says, not caring if anyone heard him or not. "The goddess must know about the betrayal of that girl as well..."
My heart is broken after that episode.
They are different canons. I love them both. The theme and way its told is the exact same. One you just have to depict with seeing their faces for their emotions which can in itself make it more enjoyable because you don't know exactly 100% what they are thinking or feeling. As for the light novels, you get to read what they are feeling and what not but the visual impression isn't as grand. More detail, less visual. Both are good of course, I love them both. I'm sure if I read the Manga I would love that too. I can also understand how readers of the light novels would be someone dicks about how you feel during the episode. They got more emotions from Asuna that aren't flat out told to you. It shouldn't matter though. I'd say give the LN a shot. They are good in their own right. Of course, it's not required. You just get more dialogue and emotions being thrown at you. There are some extra scenes that aren't in the anime but it's okay cause they are minor. For example, before Asuna confronts her mother to talk in the virtual world, the novel says that she logged into Erika and flew her over to the home to sit in a chair and wait there for her mother to log into that account. Then she did the same with her Undine account. After that she goes to her mothers and confronts her about the entire situation, but the scene isn't THAT important. It just makers the moment deeper, as a book is supposed to do. Regardless, I love both the anime and the light novels. Which ever you choose, as long as its SAO, I'll be happy. It is one of my favorite series after all.
http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/new...urns-next-spring-in-high-school-sequel/.77195 A while back, okay like a few weeks ago, they announced the launch for a Digimon adventures 3 Anime. This will be set several years after Adventure O2 and is being made to celebrate the 15 year anniversary of the first Digimon anime (feel old yet). There was a picture released for what the digidestined look like too:
20th anniversary? Guys... I feel old.. I feel so old. My childhood is just yelling at me in the face and now I get to experience some glorious nostalgia whenever this comes out.
The insanity continued as the reanimation of the dead... no he wasn't dead. It was a temporary mutation that aloud for minimal heart beat to only make the appearance of death. Now that there was more threats under way, Eigo had to act more irrationally. The Goddess did tell him if they resist he could fight, and these religious types sure made him want to engage in battle. Hunter and Beuce were by far the most powerful of the cult. However Beuce's abilities would be far greater if he focused them instead of used his mind to banter worthless preaching. In a religious stand point, he'd be considered the pope while Hunter would be an arch-bishop. Eigo locked onto the cages that trapped some of the other cultists. He now should have some fight in him while maintaining the barrier preventing the others from leaving and transforming into their true forms. Xero was certainly not going to be able to handle them both given her new appearance. Bless the goddess for retaining his original form. Now it was going to be him against the devil looking creature known as Hunter. Eigo began to lift himself into the air with his magic abilities. The daggers that were rested onto his body also began to levitate around him, acting as a spiky shield. The benefits of being granting the power to use gravity. If it weren't for his grandfather's ability to wield a keyblade, this trait may have never given light. Only if he could have inherited Time magic as well, then he could have powers over timespace, which would probably make him able to surpass the goddess in combat ability for certain. Regardless of dreams and desires, the battle was now. Eigo launched several of his daggers at the demon creature. They could have just ended the hunt and it would be over, but given a name like Hunter, that would simply be impossible for him to end the hunt without getting any of the prey. "You will have to sadly die, cultists. None of you may pursue the quote on quote hero any longer!"
Latest episode was... okay... They missed a lot of things. Wow, so this is what happens when you read a book before its release in motion picture... Now I know why I hated people that do that... I feel like a prick... Anyway, Next week I may just have to do something cause I will NOT be a happy camper.
Her mum is dumb. But anyway, the book goes into better detail about it all. As for it losing it's light, it'll lose all of the light that you know of when they do SAO3 which they probably will because Mother's Rosario leads right into it. For SAO3, aka Underworld, is set in a world with new characters. Kirito is the only one who returns for this. The others aren't even really mentioned, except for Asuna for reasons I won't spoil. I know it brings more light onto the facts of SAO and possibly PoH, but it's unknown yet. I haven't read LN 14 or 15 so idk. It's a theory though. Course, it's also thought the old cast will be brought back into the picture for a war of some-sort. It should be more interesting. Just take GGO as a small scale to the big picture, Calibur and Mother's Rosario as small stories that have a big impact emotionally on character's decisions later on.