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  1. Mysty
    Dawn performed a Cure upon herself. Everyone was dying and she was just that noob with 1 HP. This was not good at all.
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Mysty
    I'm not sure if they ever got posted by Krowley in the Social Forum so I'll put them here: These are for characters that came when I was away.

    [​IMG] Aden [​IMG] Cailyn [​IMG] Hikaru
    [​IMG] Rain [​IMG] Raisor [​IMG] Anora

    Anyway, miss you guys in the RP that I never get to talk to anymore. Hope you are all doing well! Wish I could return and play with you all again <3
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 6, 2015 in forum: OOC Lounge
  3. Mysty
    Update 1.01

    Added the Shoppe. Items are now purchasable.
    Introducing Shoppe Level - In order to level up the shop and gain new items, the inventory must be bought. When enough gold has been put it, the shoppe will level.
    Recovery Items Introduced.
    Some items are in ??? format. This means you cannot see them until the story has rewarded them. They cannot be bought until the story has shown them.
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Mysty
    Cats... Cute, adorable, fluffy, small cats were everywhere. Star was trying hard not to jump from excitement as they walked around on two feet and lived around like normal people, but cats! Hunter then came up with another stupid remark. As did Zephine which was surprising. "Hunter, it's not magic if you are channeling it through our orbs."

    "And Zephine, they can't grow wings and f-" She looked up and noticed that they were flying. Her face turned into shock as she saw them gliding across the clouds. Okay so Zephine was right. That wasn't surprising anymore. But... if Hunter was right...

    Star pulled out a bag of catnip from her pocket. She was keeping it there in case she ever found a cat to kidnap- I mean adopt. The girl loved cats. She sprinkled some on the ground and a few of the Exceed came running in, almost getting high from the small amount. She once again looked like she was in shock. Okay they weren't deities, that was for certain.
    "I'll give you guys an entire bags worth if you can fly us humans over to the other side of this island."

    The Exceeds happily agreed, almost shaking from the idea. She looked over to the others with a smile and a thumbs up.
    "We've got a ride."

    Post by: Mysty, Feb 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Mysty
    Nobody broke Dawn out of tge cage... Dawn used Blizzard
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Mysty

    The group manged to make it to the courtyard and soon after make it out of the castle where they reached a large city surrounding the entire castle. Wendy was a little surprised they managed to make it out alive in one piece thanks to some of the members that went a little over board.

    The tall blue haired girl looked over at the group. "I know where the guild went, but there is just one problem, it's on the other side of the Exceed area."

    Star as well as the others looked in confusion as to what she meant.

    "Er, they are like the rulers of the kingdom. They are small cat-like creatures that can use magic at will without the help of a magical item. Frankly, its a crime to even look at one without bowing. You'll have to help me get through it. After that display in the castle, I'm sure you'll be able to help... just don't hurt any of them."

    Go through the land of the Exceed and find Fairy Tail!
    Complete in 5 posts!
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 3, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Mysty

    Star glared at Hunter for his rash take on the entire situation. Once he was done gloating about slaying a guard, the girl gave him a hard punch to his side. "Such an idiot!" They were supposed to be quiet and Hunter is over here yelling at the top of his lungs. They would be lucky if a whole platoon of soldiers didn't show up after that sort of display. They were going to have to harm innocent lives if this baboon wasn't careful.

    She continued on with the search for the exit. Taking out a few more guards one after the other. They were close to being out of this castle and maybe an extra step closer to figuring out the situation of this world. Zephine was right to ask Wendy a question like who Erza was. If things ended badly, they'd end up fighting her most likely. It was good to listen in.

    Wendy sighed at the mention of Erza. It couldn't be helped. "Erza Knightwalker is the one of the kings top captains. She is sadistic and cruel. She has killed half of the members of Fairy Tail and plenty of other guilds. She is famous around the kingdom for her success, but to us, she is feared."


    Galia leveled Up!
    +1 Intelligence +2 HP

    Jesse leveled Up!
    +1 Power +2 HP

    Acele leveled Up!
    +1 Defense +2 HP

    Shinji leveled Up!
    +1 Power + 2 HP

    With many of the guild beginning to fall apart, it was becoming difficult to maintain the amount of people needed to defeat the Thunder God Tribe. The members of the group weren't going to be enough to do it alone. When all else looked bleak though, more faces came to the heat of battle. The women who were previously sealed in the stone statues were now among them. One of who was a woman with scarlet red hair.

    She looked over to the non-members of the guild. "I've heard from the master. Thank you for fighting for us. We can explain how we are here later, you have to go look for Laxus. Look at the church. We'll handle the Thunder God Tribe. Now, GO!" She commanded of the group. It was now a search for Laxus. Where he would be was anyone's guess.

    Head to the church!
    Complete in 4 posts.
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 3, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Mysty
    The tall blue haired woman looked over to Zephine. There were a lot of unanswered questions clearly. She wasn't going to mind answering since their was bound to be confusion during the events that took place. "Well, I was on my way to join Fairy Tail as soon as I saw you all get into a fight and knocked out by Erza and her squad. They sneaked up behind you and knocked you all out. I followed them back to the castle to release you guys. My reason for saving you is because you did nothing wrong, and Fairy Tail seemed more or less fond of you. I help you, you help me. You're getting me to Fairy Tail's new location."

    Star listened in to the conversation and gathered enough information on what happened. An eye for an eye was the basic conversation. She sighed and accepted it. It was only fair enough. She worked her away around the side of the jail cells, looking around there were a few guards standing watch. There was a rock on the ground, well a pebble, that Star picked up an thanks to anime logic, she was able to throw it at the guards and knock them out. She signaled the others to move forward.
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 2, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Mysty
    The woman with the wings of fire looked down at the group. A smile came across her lips. "Not bad, not bad at all."


    Star leveled Up!
    +1 Power +2 HP

    Hunter leveled Up!
    +1 Intelligence +2 HP

    Zephine leveled Up!
    +1 Defender +2 HP

    Renju leveled Up!
    +1 Defender +2 HP

    Alkes leveled Up!
    +1 Power +2 HP
    The girl jumped down to the group, her wings slowing her decent. She walked towards Star and bent over with a smile crossing her face. "You did well for your first fight against the Umbra. My precious children were all slain one by one by you wicked people." She turned away and gave a large sigh. "You know I told the king I could dispose that Fairy Tail guild thing for this world's orb, but it looks like they got away and some new brats appeared. No matter, I'll get that guild either way."

    Her wings extended out far and wide as she hovered above the ground. "Meet thy power and consume the flames of heaven. I am Ignis, Angel of Fire. Next time we meet, you shall be destroyed. Take them away, Knightwalker." The girl flew off.

    Behind one of the floating rocks was a woman with scarlet hair riding a dragon like creature. She said nothing and within an instant, the entire party was knocked out, including Hunter...

    A few hours went by and the group found themselves within a prison cell. The keys were placed in front of them for unknown means. Once they were able to look around, a tall blue haired girl was there, waiting outside the cell. "I'm so glad you all are okay. I'm Wendy. I'm here to help get you guys out." Wendy reached for the key and unlocked the prison door. "We have to get out of here quick though. The guards will be here soon. You're all in the Castle cellar right now."

    Work your way out of the prison and castle.
    This is a timed mission! 3 days remain!
    8 posts remaining!
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 2, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Mysty
    And now everyone on the battlefield was fighting finally. The only one she didn't really care for in this battle was the egotistical prick known as Hunter. The guy thought himself some sort of god. It was obvious that he was pretending that he was. She was just glad there were some that were competent enough to fight. Star slashed at an Umbra and looked over to Hunter. He was imagining killing something via a disgusting means, she knew it.

    "Shut your mouth and just fight." She was a little irritated with him to say the least.

    "Zephine, lets keep this up!" Star praised as she was doing just as much work as her. With that she sliced another two with her chakram. There was one about to hit Hunter, but she hits it. "You're welcome."

    44/50 Umbra Defeated
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 2, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Mysty
    Dawn waited for her turn to attack. It hasn't come yet because RPG laws say that there were several others before her. She simply waited, waited until the turn came. Whenever that turn would come though, she'd use cure on herself. She just didn't want to make the RPG gods angry at her for going out of turn and cast a curse upon her, her family, and her pet cat. Her cat Snow would not like to be cursed cause then no one is happy. She would be patient and wait her turn to use that thing that was written earlier.
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 1, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Mysty
    Character Name: Zita
    Age: 5
    Appearance: Girl
    Personality: Young and naive. She is unaware of her potential. She is easily scared but is friendly and caring of others. Darkness is not in this girls dictionary.
    Brief Bio: She grew up in a noble family far off from the kingdom's central hub. One night something occurred that forced her to display magical talent that almost destroyed the entire city she lived in. Her parents sent her away with her butler to go and learn to control such massive power. If the kingdom also heard of such an ability, they might have taken her as a weapon. Now she roams around with her butler/ friend in seek of adventure.
    Magic/Powers: Earth Manipulation
    Weapon: N/A
    Additional Information: her magic has to do with the earth, the ground. Think of an earth bender from Avatar. She just cant control her magic so sometimes you get lava, sometimes you get a pebble thrown at your face. Just don't scare her...

    Character Name: Eldridge
    Age: 34
    Appearance: Man
    Personality: Disciplined man who enjoys the subtle things in life. His life is his job and his job is his joy. He also has a fondness for children.
    Brief Bio: A man born and raised within the kingdom. He left on an exploration to find himself. After an event of almost dying from a deadly disease, he finds a young girl and a family in the call for assistance. They were hiring for a butler and he took on the job, finding he was enjoying himself far more than he anticipated. After the events of Zita's terror, he joins her in seeking a way to control her powers. He has to watch over her and stop her if her powers danger anyone, or if anyone dangers her.
    Magic/Powers: Power Negation
    Additional Information: Pretty much the reason he joined Zita was because of the absorbing magic in case she exploded. This does not mean he doesn't care for her deeply. Also, magic doesn't work on him. Good old hand to hand combat.
    Post by: Mysty, Jan 31, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Mysty
    Another had joined their fight to end these strange demon creatures. Star didn't mind if combat was involved. Working alone in combat situations was never really a good strategy, even if she hated the idea, she knew it must be done. The chakrams in her hands began to glow as she cast flare onto two of the enemies. That however did nothing. Not the brightest of moves.

    Star leaped into the air after the explosion of fire on fire contact and decapitated the two Umbra. She turned around to slice at another and another after that. These things just kept coming though. Those with a nature to enjoy the death of small minions though probably were enjoying themselves.

    16/50 defeated
    Post by: Mysty, Jan 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Mysty
    Dawn saw that the battle had been redone. It was as if time magic began to go into place and all that darkness and emptiness she had felt had vanished. No matter the case, they had a battle at hand. She needed to focus and try to be a part of the team. Her eyes were now focused as she began to summon a spell. The advantage to this is, she didn't have to call out the attack and let the enemy know exactly what she was doing so they could block it... she tried to understand why magic users even did that.

    Either way, Dawn cast Blizzard just like previously.
    Post by: Mysty, Jan 29, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Mysty
    I tend not to like watching video playthroughs cause I feel that ruins the intensity of it.

    And yes... Its my first time. When 1.5 came out it was my first time playing 1. I had played every game but 1, 2, and BBS. I read the manga so I wasn't really lost.
    Post by: Mysty, Jan 27, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  16. Mysty
    I updated the Original Post with the phase 3 movies as well as release dates.
    Post by: Mysty, Jan 27, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  17. Mysty
    Okay so I'm playing KH2 for the first time. I got to the fight against Terra, and as soon as I walk in, I pretty much get killed within seconds, if not a minute or so. Anyone have any tips for this guy?
    Thread by: Mysty, Jan 27, 2015, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  18. Mysty
    It seemed a new foe had appeared shortly after their conversation with Lucy. Things were going well until then. For whatever reason, the woman in front of them had an orb as well. Her status and attitude to take their own gave hint enough that she probably obtained that orb by stealing it from some past user. Star activated her chakrams and was ready to fight as soon as fire creatures came in front of them to combat. This didn't seem to be normal with this world.

    Star threw her chakram at one of the fire creatures and pulled it back out, killing it quickly. These creatures seemed easy enough to defeat, but right now it was quantity over quality. They had to work together, a concept she wasn't too fond of, but it had to be done. Another one of the creatures was charging at her. She leaped into the air and sliced its body, making it disappear.

    There were two more that were coming from her sides. She spun around and sliced both of them. Apparently another had begun to fight too. They managed to kill 8 of them, but that was only a fraction of the total amount. They were going to have to work harder to defeat more of them. They also had the unanswered question on who that woman actually was.

    8/50 Defeated
    Post by: Mysty, Jan 26, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Mysty

    The talent show went on and all the chosen were trying to enjoy themselves. The final entry came up, a girl named Lucy. As soon as the girl started to give her appeal with a set of magical keys, the show was stopped by a strange woman. She was tall wearing a green outfit, dirty blonde hair, and glasses.

    "There is no need to continue this contest because I am already the winner." The woman said in a very egotistical manner. She turned to Lucy and looked into her eyes, the girl turning into stone. "All the other entries have somehow turned into stone anyway!"

    The small man walked through the crowd, angrily. "Evergreen! You cannot do this. Free them right now!" Makrov stated in anger as the woman gloated.

    "No can do." Another voice came from the back of the Guild Hall. A man with Green hair and another wearing a helmet and sticking his tongue out stood there. The one with green hair began to speak on the contradictory. "We cannot. This is a challenge from Laxus. He is claiming that the battle of Fairy Tail is going to start now. If none of you comply, the girls will break into dust within 3 hours. Those newcomers are to participate as well." The three that had offered the challenge ran out of the guild in a frenzy.

    Makrov began to growl in anger. There was nothing that could be done though since the Guild Members were already outside of the building, off to challenge them. The only ones that remained were the girls, a boy with pink hair who was sleeping, Makrov, and the group. "I'm sorry for this. I need to find Laxus immediately." He walked towards the exit but was stopped by a magical wall in front of him.

    On the magical wall wrote text:

    These are the rules to the game
    Nobody who is made of stone,
    the age of 80+, or dragon slayers
    may participate in the games.
    The only way to end the games
    is if Makrov gives his leadership
    to Laxus as new guild leader.

    Makrov sighed and looked at the newcomers. "My guild is going to be attacking those three. They are the Thunder God Tribe, a group of bodyguards for my son, Laxus. They are probably going to make my members suffer. He wants my job. I would give it to him if only he learned what is most important in this guild. My poor children are going to be hunted down and hurt! Please, you people. Find Laxus, and stop him!"

    The group was going to be told to look for Laxus, however, they were going to be targeted by guild members as well. They had a hard mission ahead of them.

    MISSION: Search for Laxus. Battle the Guild when run into.
    12 posts in total. 0/3 Guild Members defeated.
    Reward 100 EXP, 50 Gold


    The group had concluded to gather information about the king and this world. Lucy overheard their conversation and offered to help them.

    "You aren't really from around here, are you? Well I'll help you out. Our King is a man who hunts down guilds. We guilds take on missions for the people to help them out. We haven't had much magic in the past few years because of the amount that keeps leaving compared to coming. The King thinks its okay to take magic from another world. He also uses all the magic for himself to make his life more comfortable. It is hard enough for the rest of us to get by."

    She continued to offer information until an explosion occurred outside of the building. The group ran outside to see something that was odd. Even the members of the guild were confused to what was going on. The members of the guild ran quickly inside and somehow warped away with the group being left alone to challenge.


    On top of one of the small islands stood a woman with wings that radiated fire. She looked down at the group and to their orbs. She revealed her own orb, and orb with flames within.

    "My my, orb wielders in a place like this? It's my lucky day. Umbra of Fire, I summon you to destroy these worms and acquire their orbs." Around the group began to summon small demon like creatures radiating in fire. There were several of them and they were all ready to attack.

    MISSION: Defeat the Fire Umbra that have been summoned
    0/50 Enemies defeated
    4 enemies can be defeated per post
    Reward 100 EXP, 50 Gold
    Post by: Mysty, Jan 26, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Mysty
    So we have had many Keyblade Wielders come and go. I'm going to warn you this will be spoilers for those who have no played all the games.

    Sora, Riku, Kairi, Mickey, Terra, Ventus, Aqua, Erquas, Xehanort, Yen Sid (kind of?), Roxas, Xion, Lea, Replicu, Data Sora.

    We've had enough to find characters that we like and who use their keyblade respectively. I want to ask who your favorite of them is.

    My personal favorite two or Terra and Roxas.

    Terra is just that individual who knows he has a problem but he works his best to fix it .He doesn't really ever give up. Even within Terranort, he still managed to fight. Throughout the worlds of BBS, he made mistakes. He wasn't perfect. He tried to fix those mistakes though. Making mistakes is one thing, correcting them is another. Each time he also genuinely thought he was doing the right thing. He came across characters that weren't the best, but he didn't know them. He didn't have their story like we the players do. Sure he has darkness in him, but he didn't have to fear it. He could use it. Erquas kept saying darkness is evil, darkness is bad. But its not darkness that is bad. The dark isn't even bad. Riku says one of my favorite lines in KH. "It's not darkness we are afraid of, its those who are hiding inside it." I think if Terra went by that sort of idea, he could have learned to accept the darkness. He could have learned he didn't need to be pure light. It's those struggles he goes through that makes me enjoy him so much. I find him deserving of a keyblade definitely. He tries to do what he thinks is right. Protecting his friends was right. I thought him fighting Erquas was the most noble thing he did in the entire game. Logically, it doesn't make sense, but to the heart it does.

    Roxas is that story of hurt. I don't think I could actually like Roxas so much if it wasn't for Xion. Roxas is the kid who had friends and they were just thrown away. He says in Re:Coded that the memories may go away, but the hurt remains. That deffinitly tied into his feelings for Xion and his loss of memories. Castle Oblivion was the perfect way to show Data Sora what true loss and hurt means. But he also was taught that the pain is something that keeps you remembering. It keeps you knowing that there is feelings for the loss of a loved one. If that happened to me, I'd be pretty pissed and ready to take down the organisation too. I honestly believe Roxas could have too. If he teamed up alongside Axel, they could've taken them down. That brings me to the point of Roxas's abilities. Can I just say I love his fighting style more than any other KH character? He uses light like no other. Even with all that pain and sorrow, he still can use light and not be shrouded by darkness. I cant get over how badass he his.
    Thread by: Mysty, Jan 26, 2015, 3 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts