She switched back to that other spear. The one that cut magic in half. Okay, that means now it was time for a physical attack, and she was now able to do so. Dawn used Strong Attack against Erza.
It seemed it was already time to go. They didn't even get time to rest and talk among themselves. It all felt very rushed and Dawn didn't know if she had the energy for another mission like the last. She could think after that, they all would have been given a little bit of a break. But no. If this system continued, they were all going to be corpses by the next two missions. Whoever the guild leader was needed a lecture. As did the S-Class mages who were clearly uncaring and impatient to everyone's struggle. Some people were incapacitated for crying out loud. Let's just ship them off to the next dangerous task! It couldn't be helped sadly. The rules were in place and they had little say. They didn't HALF to go but that would put a bad reputation on their name. Dawn already was a nobody so being looked down upon was not an option right now. She had to fight through the pain and anguish. The girl walked over to Johanna, the leader of the mission. She pulled out a piece of paper introducing herself. ~My name is Hikari Akatsuki. Please treat me well.~ She gave a light bow in respect to her superior. She was curious to else was joining her. She didn't really get a chance to look given how fast this went.
Dawn passes a note with a thumbs up on it.
It was another attack. It was different though. Last time she did this, it absorbed their magic attacks. What if this one was the same but in reverse? Or maybe it was a charge attack that would do significant damage to them all. She didn't want to use magic, but she didn't want to somehow get trapped. She sighed and let go, using Flare against Erza.
Star looked at her attack and how little to nothing it did. She growled. "Damn it! Hunter did so much with that last attack!" She just grumbled and decided to never use magic again. Alkes also took a hard hit. She used Strong Attack again.
Looking at how much Hunter did to Erza. Star looked in shock at such power. She began to cast Flare, hoping to do the same. Even if she was physically strong and magically weak, she couldn't miss this opportunity to test her skills.
The motel smelled of piss and alcohol, a smell only familiar to those of a lower class. However, that was just what Precious wanted. He sat on the bed, a smile across his lips an his tongue licking them. On the side of the bed across from the dresser was his whip, a long and powerful device he used to infuse with his magic to cause many effects of negative alignments. "I really enjoyed the evening, love. It's just a shame we can never play again." He spoke as he stood up. "You are just a low class after all. Nobody will care if you die." He grabbed his whip and turned away, the body had its eyes wide open, its mouth drooling what was left, and his entire body covered in scratches. The man was dead. "Maybe next time I'll find a partner who whimpers instead of screams. Now won't that be a treat. Maybe he can truly hurt me too. Oh that would be fabulous!" Leaving the motel, Precious decided to get a drink after such a long night. Within the bar he decided to arrive at, he caught the conversation between two gentleman, a bartender and the man that looked like the rebel leader. "So, I hear you are the so called man trying to overthrow his highness. I'm not so sure how I feel about a cute boy like yourself doing such a thing. Do I need to inflict punishment?"
The battle was on and now that Erza had attacked all them, they were able to fight back, well that is how Star thought anyway. Watching Alkes use a strong attack command, she did the same and went for Erza!
The girl gave a light smile and blush as he complimented her. He honestly was trying far too hard. She wrote another message to Thomas, one that was subtle and honest. She liked Thomas, but he was just trying far far you hard to get her attention and complement her. She already liked him so he didn't need to work at it. ~Please, Thomas. Don't try so hard. I already like you so just be normal. I want to know you.~ She passed on the note to him with a smile. Her eyes were trying to look away from him. She liked talking to him of course, but maybe she would like it if he talked about himself some more.
Dawn will sign up for number 2
As Dawn continued to draw, she could feel that heat settling in. It was an odd feeling to say the least, but she was comfortable so it didn't matter. Now that she had drawn Gaius, Ra, Charlotte, Thomas and herself, she was beginning to draw Alessia and continue on. Behind her was the familiar voice that had welcomed her once before, Thomas. She smiled and moved her hands to show him the work in progress. There was a notepad to her left that she began to scribble in: ~I wanted to draw the guild. I'm not that good though. Its kind of embarrassing.~ She tried to explain to him. She was now curious to why he, and only he really talked to her at all. Was she just not welcomed by the other guild members? At least one cared enough to talk to her. Maybe she needed to make the initiative and say hello to them, but she was to scared to. She didn't want to be judged.
The doors of the church were wide open. Within the church was a man, tall, bulky, and blond. His aura gave off that of lightning. Behind the group however was another figure, one that was unknown to them for some time. He was a man cloaked in dark clothes and his face being completely hidden. "So, you cowards managed to find me and also brought Mystogan with you. I'm impressed you managed to fight through and beat the guild. Guess the old man see's you all as his "children" as well at this point." "That's enough Laxus. You've betrayed the guild. I'm here to stop you and I know these warriors are as well." He turned over to the group of four and nodded in appreciation. "Get ready for a fight, Laxus!" Party received Ring! Fairy Ring obtained! MISSION COMPLETE! Galia leveled Up! +1 DEF Learned Freeze! Gained a Point! Jesse leveled Up! +1 DEF Learned Strong Attack! Gained a Point! Acele leveled Up! +1 INT +1 STR Learned Friend Block! Gained a Point! Shinji leveled Up! +1 DEF Learned Strong Attack! Gained a Point! Boss battle is next. You have some time before the battle to spend points, equip, and purchase items. ------------------------------------------------------------- Things were going well now. Everyone seemed relaxed and calm. However, there was still this feeling within the air that something was amiss. Star went outside for some fresh air only to notice the same woman who had knocked them out all before, Erza Knightwalker. "You have lead me to the guild at last. I knew letting you all escape would pay off. Now it is time for you all to meet a miserable end." The other's came running out. Lucy joined them with a look of panic over her face. They needed time before they could get the magic generator to work once again. "Please, you have to help us. We need to escape again. We're not ready to fight Erza after fighting that fire angel!" The girl plead. It wouldn't matter though, Erza was on the attack and the group was now thrown into battle!
No Internet til Tuesday so posting by phone. Dawn was breathing heavily as the battle came to a close. She managed to successfully complete her first mission and survive farther than some of the other members. She was weak now and tired, wanting to fall to the ground. She stood tall though until they reached the guild once more. Arriving at the guild finally, Dawn took a seat at one of the tables. She pulled out a book and began to flip through the pages. A pencil came out of the middle binding. She began to draw images of the guild she was now a part of. A large group photo was underway with the members of Team King being drawn first. She smiled as she drew alone,. She was happy, an emotion that hadn't been truly felt after some time. She was still too nervous to go to anyone.
Star equipped and bought an orb of life. Equipping the Exceed Crown. Spending a point on Guardian.
The Exceed had carried the group over to the other side of the island. Fairy Tail was there and things were going under way. Now all the group had to do was figure out how to stop the King from revealing the location of the orb. There was going to be a possible battle soon and the group needed to prepare! Wendy was also welcomed to the guild with open arms. Party received Accessory! Exceed Crown obtained! MISSION COMPLETE! Star leveled Up! +1 DEF Learned Strong Attack! Gained a point! Hunter leveled Up! +1 DEF Learned Freeze! Gained a point! Zephine leveled Up! +1 STR +1 INT Learned Friend Block! Gained a point! Renju leveled Up! +1 STR +1 INT Learned Friend Block! Gained a point! Alkes leveled Up! +1 DEF Learned Strong Attack! Gained a point! Boss battle is next. You have some time before the battle to spend points, equip, and purchase items.