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  1. Mysty
    Shinji has been renowned from battle

    Acele's turn
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Mysty
    Cyber have an awkward smile as he listened to Hunter. He was a lunatic. But all the best people were lunatics. He took the advice and grabbed one of the swords from one of the knights, melted the blade so only a hilt remain.

    "Let me see. I like your advice. Perhaps I will spare you." He shot out a beam of light from the sword hilt. His gaze turning towards Hunter. He began to imagine the slow cutting and burning of flesh being driven into the man back. "A much better idea indeed!" As he finished with a sadistic laugh.
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Mysty
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Mysty
    I would agree even more so now that they are being taken down
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 15, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  5. Mysty

    Blue Balls

    Okay, I need some serious help with this and doctors just don't think anything is wrong. What I have is something called blue balls. It is the build up of blood and semon during sexual arousal without release and it causes severe pain in the testicular and prostate areaa. Okay so I've Been suffering from this since September enough to the point of going to the ER. I didn't know what it was then. Anyway, to relieve pain you are to do one of several things: masturbate, put cold water/ ice on the scrotum, take a hot bath, or excessive. I've tried all and have had zero results. The only way I can get relief is sleeping. It is also suppose to last only an hour but for me it will not end until sleep. Does anyone know another solution cause I frankly can't take this anymore.
    Thread by: Mysty, Feb 14, 2015, 0 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  6. Mysty
    Shinji passed the 24 hour limit and was skipped. One more time and he will be removed from battle.

    Acele's turn.
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Mysty
    And with all that was said and done. Dawn heard the flirting attitude of Thomas again. Flrting was okay, but flirtin with different women when one was clearly interested was player status. Thomas had a rude awakening coming, and if he thought she was silent because of her voice, he was going to now get real silence.

    You don't cheat on the "score." Though, Dawn also came up with the idea that maybe, just maybe he was only doing it because she was royalty and they needed to win her favor if they wanted to get into the plastic castle with the toy soldiers and Lincoln log homes. Maybe she had a prince already lined up to. I'm sure Ken was a nice guy- I mean whoever he was. Dawn would let this one slide... this one time...
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Mysty
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Mysty

    Dawn smiled as the piece of paper was caught. It was difficult to get words out especially when you were high in the mountains where unannounced winds could simply blow your words away, quite literally. The girl she was with was named Lucia. She seemed kind enough. Maybe she could make at least one friend that wasn't trying to be a hopeless romantic.

    Thank you. I'm Dawn. I'm sorry that I haven't talked to you before now. I also cant talk. ~

    Now there was the ordeal with the princess. She was dreading this moment. She wasn't able to say the proper words towards a person of her stature. She wrote another note, placed it in front of her, and bowed. Her arm was just pointed towards her, making it look awkward.

    It's a pleasure your highness. Please let us guide you home. ~
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Mysty
    Okay so there are these cards in Japan that I really love to collect (online). They have fantastic artwork. A while ago, like a few months ago, they did a clothes swap for the characters Milla Maxwell from Tales of Xillia and Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail. Afterwards, a fan came out with Gray and Alvin from the same series. I followed the trend and made Elize Lutus and Wendy Marvel into this form of display. The Wendy one... I'm not entirely thrilled with. The Elize one though I absolutely love!

    Um, I have the initial drawings but I am lazy and don't want to get onto photoshop, save them, then upload them. Nor do I want to get the pictures from my Flash drive.


    Post by: Mysty, Feb 12, 2015 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Mysty
    Respawning? 60 seconds until the next life? It was quite the confusing tactic to say the least. He ignored his take on the not wanting to learn light, but what he did not ignore was the wrongly implied abilities of the light. "So you respawn. You do know light is much more powerful than you imagine... Let me give you a demonstration."

    There was a spider in the corner of the library. He pointed over to that library and pulled it in using magnetism. He let the magnetism balance out so the creature could just float helplessly in between the wall and his hand. "This creature of darkness has become immobile. It struggles to free itself. It knows danger is near but cant reach its target." He used another ability, making the light around the spider glow. He gave the spider free reign to move within the space he provided. "Now I have created an illusion for him, but not us. The reality it now knows is a real thing and it feels all that is made within it, like pain." He created a small unidentified object that forced the spider to scream. The object wasn't real, but in this virtual reality the spider lived in, it seemed real enough. It was like the scream of a black widow being set on fire, without the result of death.

    He stopped the torture to reveal another ability. Light appeared around the spider again and now it seemed much different. The spider tried to walk around but clearly couldn't tell where it was going. "Now the creature can no longer see, its torture ended only to endure a new form of suffering." He let go of the magnetism and illusions. He used a ring of light now to grasp onto the spider, it being squeezed tightly, enough to make it not squish him, but very painful. "And now with the forced strangle..." He ended with an explosion of the spider.

    "You find light to be good and pure. You believe it to be nothing but second class support. You know nothing of the light."
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Mysty

    Well it seemed that the person she was with was rude. Dawn was completely ignored. She just lowered her arms and followed along. She began to discuss how to react in front of the royal family all of which seemed very vocal. Did Johanna did not notice that Dawn couldn't speak whatsoever? You know, for being an S-Class mage, she was very inconsiderate. For being a high ranked guild, the people were kind of stuck up in some senses.

    Finally they headed off to the mission which apparently was in an arctic area. It was beautiful to say the least. The winter snow and frozen particles that were glowing from the sun light piercing down on them, creating a luminous texture, reflecting all around that was simply stunning. At the right angle, the rays could reflect against the air, letting it sparkle like a magical wonderland.

    Within admiring the beauty that was nature, Johanna walked on snow high and tall, Johanna slipped and had a great fall. Dawn smirked, she wouldn't lie and say she didn't feel bad. Of course she was worried that Johanna and the other girl was okay.

    Dawn caught a glimpse of the girl who was clearly of royalty. She took out her notebook and began to write a message.

    Are you perhaps related to the Queen or are in fact the princess we are looking for to protect? I mean, you are dressed very pretty and have all of the attributes of a princess. ~

    She held out the piece of paper only for it to be blown away from a powerful gust that came from nowhere. She stood there, her hand just being stuck out. She just sighed and went along with it. Frankly, if nobody else could not see that this girl was clearly royalty, then maybe there was something mentally wrong with them. Johanna already gave her that impression. That just meant she had that urge to feel pity.
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Mysty
    Oh my. Quite the rift raft had appeared in front of him. This man was intimidating to say the least... to an ordinary man that is. Well to say the least, Precious began to work his magic, if you know what I mean. His saboteur powers began to course through the room, causing a light fatigue. Given that everyone was already drinking, this was much easier to do.

    He stared down at Vex, "Do you not know who I am? I am Commandant, leader of the Royal Knights, one of the most
    powerful people you will ever meet! Now darlin', if you are going to go and get angry at me, that only increases my suspicions about you being some rebel. I know our lovely kingdom would be quite charmed to have any rebel scoffed away. And my my, language. Such a fowl tone to use. Do you kiss your mother with those succulent lips, I sure hope not. Now, how about we try that again. Perhaps if you answer correctly, I'll even buy you and your lady friend a drink. Of course, go the other way, and maybe there won't be much of a lady friend left." He glanced over at her, his whip readied in his hand.
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Mysty
    A bunch of things happened, some more things happened, then some separation, some fights, and some awesome stuff that was important but apparently easily explained. Crybex stood inside the Magic Library within Disney Castle. He quite liked this place. It used to be full of light. So much light, darkness couldn't really get in too easily. He learned a few things in this Library now that it had been many millennium since he was alive. He learned about the Heartless, the Nobodies, and the events that transpired with this evil dude named Xehanort, a war between light and darkness a few centuries in the past, and now they were there currently.

    He looked upon the group, his intent on killing them was a desire he was putting off until he could find this hero and see what kind of man of light or dark he was. If he wasn't pure, he was inadequate. This Goddess everyone spoke of didn't seem to bad either. Sure she made some people not so happy, but did they die? No? Then really it cant be all that bad.

    There was only one thing on his mind, this man named Hunter. He apparently unlocked an ability to be immune to the laws of life and death. He needed this power. He couldn't remember much about his past and who his Somebody, the term they called it, however, it could be a very good power to use in the long run. He walked over to Hunter, ignoring any of the idiocy that may have been going on.

    "Listen, Hunter was it? I'd like to ask you a question on how you received such an ability to define that which governs mortality. It is a rare trait that could be most adequate for the future. Perhaps I can share my own secrets on the powers of Light with you in exchange."

    The man in armor had returned from his confrontations. The Goddess needed to know about the failure that occurred within the pride lands. He did manage to capture one of them, but she seemed to be just giving a blank stare and responding to anything, almost like she became a vegetable. According to one of the cultist, it was a condition called afk. Whatever the condition was, it worked in his favor.

    Eigo reached the Goddess. "Your excellency, my mission within the Pride Lands was for naught. Some people who worship the wall of fourth appeared and escaped. What are your orders or punishment for my mistake?"
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Mysty
    Shinji was inactive for 24 hours. It is now Acele's turn.
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Mysty

    The morning had come and a little girl was skipping around, avoiding the puddles that were scattered around. She was humming a song and twirling around. She laughed as she hopped a puddle then looked backwards to a tall man in blue. "Eldwidge! Eldwidge! I jumped a BIG puddle, it was da size of da ocean!"

    The man behind her stood, looking around the parts of the city. Things here were down, very down. The people looked uncomfortable and angry almost. The royals must have been doing something dreadful to create such a time for them to live in. He kept a hand on his sword, making sure nobody thought twice about kidnapping the girl he had watched over. She was young an naive about the world, always trying to find the good in it. How little she knew, and how much he desired everyone could have that mentality. He heard her cries of excitement. He smiled as the girl's imagination was in full fruition. "That is quite the feat, my lady. Very few can jump such a vast amount of water."

    "Yep! I'm da best jumpour in da worwd." She ran around him then held her hands up, indicated she wanted to be carried.

    Eldridge picked up the girl and placed her on his shoulders. "That you are, my lady. Be careful up there. I wouldn't want you to fly away."

    "No Eldwidge. Cawl me Zita. Zita."

    "As you wish, Zita. How about we visit the castle and see how large it is. Maybe there will even be a dragon." He played along with the girl, enjoying himself.

    "I would wuv that! I'll take down dat dragon with my magic!"

    He chuckled and went on his way. "I'm most certain you would succeed. Most certain indeed."
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Mysty
    Oh man its been so long. I've been RPing since I was 13, that was a good 8 years ago. Ah, 13 and naive. I thought my 17 year old friend KiKi was the baddest guy ever. Oh boy was he a something else and now that I look back, he really wasn't. Okay off topic....

    My first RP experience was in an RP called The Lunar Chronicles, it was originally a Pokemon based RP but it was all off. It eventually just became a video game only RP, based on Nintendo console characters so characters like Nights and Sonic were aloud. We were SO BAD though. We just did actions and quotes. I.E.

    Nights flew in the air to meet Darkrai.

    "I'm here now."

    Nights was ready for battle.

    That is how bad we RP'd it was ridiculous. Every character was basically OOC. That is what I had to base RPing on for the longest time unil Slaughtermatic introduced me to KHV to do an Avatar RP. THAT was a good RP and I am so sad that it died because of the creator vanishing. Either way, I was better at RPing thanks to some of his tips. Though, I had this bad habbit (still do) of talking in a certain person point of view. That's just how I writer so really you can get mad at me. I aint changin'. Oh man my RPing has become so much better over the years. Better enough to apparently win most improved RPer... either last year or this year. Either or it is MoK and I.

    Now I RP on here and Tumblr and I love it more now than I did way back when. Of course, its more fun when you have competent RPers among you. Met some good people here in RPA. Heck, the first person I've RPd with is Gexln (Dr. Wiggles) and we've been buds ever since. Ah... good time... good times.
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 11, 2015 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  18. Mysty
    Star used a regular attack ending the fight against Erza!

    Erza had fallen to the ground, her body covered in bruises and burns. She was breathing heavy and almost seemed like she was about to use powerful attack, but she fell to the ground. She mustered up some energy only to see the Fairy Tail guild disappear. Her last resort was to get upon her dragon and ride away. She had been defeated.

    A magic ball fell from Erza. The orb had a glow that was astonishing to say the least. This was the orb of the world. Erza apparently had it the whole time. Star picked up the orb and it began to shine upon all the group.

    Party Obtained Ability!
    Absorption unlocked! - 50% boost from the mana restored from normal attacks. (.75 instead of .5 per physical attack)

    Party Obtained Summon!
    Exceed can be summoned! - Exceed allows for party to do bonus damage against flying enemies. Has own HP bar.

    Within the distance was a familiar sound. A vehicle that belonged to a member of Fairy Tail, Natsu! He drove over to the group and noticed the guild was now gone, again. "Looks like there was a battle?"

    "Yeah, we fought off Erza to buy them time." She looked at the orb and then handed it over to Natsu. "Erza had this. Its very important. I think Fairy Tail should be the ones to hold onto it. You all look like you are capable of handling yourselves."

    Natsu didn't argue. He took the orb and waved them off. "Hope to see you guys again. Visit us whenever you feel like it. I'll tell the guild about what happened." He drove off with the orb in hand. Now the group was done with their mission on Edolas. There were many questions left unanswered though. Who was that angel woman, and why did she want the orbs? Maybe Styme would know more.

    MISSION COMPLETE! Group has been sent back to the Connected Land!


    Post by: Mysty, Feb 11, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Mysty
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 11, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Mysty
    Given that Flare was apparently stacking in damage, and she could probably do more damage with that than a regular attack, Star cast Flare against Erza.
    Post by: Mysty, Feb 11, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home