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If the next KH is supposed to be about the three keyblade wielders I think he would be Terra, but I'd like to be Aqua:)
Good poem! I like it:)
For me... Jack Sparrow :)
Well, I prefer Fenrir.
Hi! and welcome to the forums. Post a lot, read the rules, make friends and the most important of all: have fun.:)
Hi Lianlian and welcome to the forums! Read the rules, post a lot, make friends and have fun:)
Well... I would be very dissapointed because kingdom hearts(KH1, KH:COM, KH2) are good games, but I would try to find another cool games to play. (Sorry if my english is not too good)
Hello everyone! 24733
Hi! and welcome to the forums. Post a lot, make friends and the most important of all: have fun :)
Hi! and welcome to kh-vids.net. Read the rules, post a lot and have fun! :)
Can I be Yuffie and Rikku?
Hi Kelly! Welcome to kh-vids.net. Read the rules, post alot and the most important of all: enjoy!
Hi Dark! Welcome :) Post a lot and have fun!
Hi! and welcome to kh-vids.net! Post a lot, read the rules and the most important of all: enjoy!:)
KH2, KH1 and now I'm playing KH:COM.
Hi! and welcome to kh-vids.net! Post a lot, read the rules, make friends and the most important of all: enjoy! :)
For me KH1 was harder than KH2. KH2 is very easy but KH1 has many bosses that are difficult to defeat, like Riku/Ansem (he gave me many headaches).
Well, I found easy Demyx on beginner and standar, but, for me in proud mode is a little hard to defeat.
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