Sora's hair, I don't like too much Roxas's hair.
I was at Game Stop and I saw a big poster of Kingdom Hearts II. I thought that the game was childish and I didn't buy it. Then, I saw in a Game Informer magazine that this game was in the first place of the top 20 and I decided to buy it. Now, is one of my favorites games ever.
Hi! Welcome back:)
Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Mario Kart DS Yoshi Island 2 Final Fantasy III Mariovs.Donkey Kong 2 March of the minies If you like dogs, Nintendogs
I think that some of this are already posted. You know you're obsessed with KH when... 1. You talk about KH ALL the time. 2. You have a lot of pictures of KH in your computer (like me) 3. you draw hearts, crowns and keys everywhere. 4. you named your pets like KH characters. 5. you finish KH2 more than 3 times in all the difficulties. 6. you draw new keyblades, heartless and nobodies. 7. most of your projects of the class are in some way relationated with KH. 8. you put an X in a name of one of your friend and says that this is his/her nobody. 9. you make vids all the time about KH 10. you're in Walt Disney World in the Winnie the Pooh machine and you think that you're in 100 Acre Wood. This is all I can think by now...:)
Cool, I like all the games of Mario and I can't wait for this!:)
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I'm in 10th grade.
I don't support SoraxRiku because they are best friends. Also, SoraxRoxas because Roxas is Sora's nobody. In others words, I don't support any gay pairing.
Hola! Welcome to Post a lot, read the rules and the most important of all: Have fun:)
I ask myself that same question when I saw that scene. I was like why Sora is in kh2's form?.....
I think that Sora is not a jerk because Riku and Kairi are his best friends and are the people that he most worry about. ... but i think that is bad that Sora didn't worry about their parents when the island dissapear.
Well, it is a little hard to decide, I think between Sora and Riku.... Sora :).
If it is between these 4 characters, I choose Roxas.
If is in english... Hello, if you can read this, say it in english... I think this is it. :) (I'm stupid...)
I don't like Atlantica because you can't fight, only make musicals (that I don't like). Also, 100 Acre Wood.
Hello! and welcome to the forums. Remember to post a lot, read the rules and Have fun:)
Hi there. Welcome to Post a lot and have fun!
Hi! and welcome to the forums! Read the rules, post a lot and have fun:)
Least favorite things: study a lot for tests and the stress.