Jack Sparrow and Jack Skellington are my favs.
The Great Escape - Boys like Girls
Wow six years, I can't believe it. I was in 4th grade when it happened. I was at the school's library talking with my two best friends and in the TV there was people talking about the accident. Me and my friends was like "What happened!?" That was so sad. But in my school they didn't make minutes of silence.
I love the song Simple and Clean! I heard it every time. :)
:laughing-smiley-004 lol! I don't hate Sora but that was funny.
I like your poem! Post more please :)
I feel sorry for Axel because of all the reasons that were saying previously. Also, for Roxas because he felt very confused by the strange things that was happening to him.
Who I'm Hates Who I 've been by Relient K fit perfect for me and Taking over me by Evanescence.
My fav is The Simpsons, second Family Guy.
That sounds good. I was in a chorus of my school years ago and my class sang the The Hunchback of Notre Dame's song.
I have been wearing school uniform during all my life, and I'm still use it. I don't like it. :( I want to wear my own clothes.
Hi! Welcome to kh-vids.net. :) Post a lot and have fun.
Hello! Welcome to kh-vids.net. Post a lot and have fun :)
Super Smash Bros Brawl Mario Galaxy Final Fantasy XIII and FFvsXIII Guitar Hero III Metal Gear Solid 4
Hello! and welcome to kh-vids.net. Remember to read the rules, post a lot and have fun. :)
Hello! and welcome to kh-vids.net Remember to read the rules, post a lot and have fun. :)
Hi! and welcome to kh-vids.net. Read the rules, post a lot, make friends and have fun. :)
My favs are Sanctuary, Simple and Clean(techno) and Final Distance.
KH1- Ansem (Xehanorth Heartless) KH:COM- Vexen and Marluxia KH2- Saix
Hello! and welcome to kh-vids.net. Remember to read the rules, post a lot, make friends and have fun. :)