Grey pillow. So boring.
Okay so I'm straight but damn he so finee
Damn dogs and their short attention span
I cannot view them because they are not available to us.
So much d'aww it's unbelievable NEXT TIME KISS HER, BITCHES LOVE TO KISS
Is the problem solved? I've packed and everything.
Okay so I never watch these things, but I was bored and decided to check them out. I must say they are pretty darn awesome! I liked the ET and the first one the best. I could never do such a thing, keep it up guys.
Looks pretty cool. I'm glad they put the Notre Dame story in it. From what I can understand that other kid is Neku or something and is from a Square game. Pretty clever, now they have a lot more options to go with.
Almost the entire world drives like that, except for the British, because they are lame.
Oh you did NOT just puff out your lips and tan sprayed you face
I missed this whole hacking issue. I'm glad I did though, you never know what the hacker (Phil I believe?) can see and/or do. I'm glad everything is sorted out and thank you guys for taking care of this stupid threat.
It was a great movie. Spoiler Beautiful CGI, I loved the acting and the story made sense to me until the end. Obvious references to the original and I actually liked the concept of a virus destroying earths human population. Like others said, the apes had no intention in killing (except for the scarred one, I thought he was the bad guy in the original but I forgot) and this was a good way of still making it a planet of the apes.
I can't get enough of my wonderful Snes. On a more serious note, I prefer my PS3. Cool features, free internet, high quality games and graphics and Blue-ray. I was glad that they didn't change the controller that much because I was used to the PS2 controller. Only better controller is the GameCube one, imo. I dislike any handheld device. PSP has sucky games and makes my left thumb hurt like hell after 20 minutes of playing, and DS isn't my cup of tea because of its games. Mind you, I have both though.
I chose my weapon solely based on how it looked. I loved how the wand looks so I chose that one. The shield matched the wand because of the logo, so that was my second choice. I didn't really notice it had to do with anything actually.
There's a difference between "OMGIWILLDIEIFIDONTGETTHATONENEWGAMEANDIWILLPLAYEVERYDAYFORTHERESTOFMYSADSADLIFEAEIUFHAKJS" and "I feel like gaming. Lets play for a while and then do something else that's fun or obligatory."
Please change your inferoir imperial system to our far superior metric system so that I can happily live in your country. Thank you.