normal: riku sora kairi own closed: riku sora kairi own lol!!!!!!!!!
meaning : I like kingdom hearts... lol Inspiration: kingdom harts (I used to be a kh freak) Pronunciation reekoo soara kairee own Other info: I like okami ^^
Actually I was thinking about "dDONT USE THE SIGNS THEY CONFISE THE HELL OUT OF YA" lesson ^ none of the above -__-;; < killed the spider queen =D V knows what game I'm talking about
^ WOOHOO hey wait a minute that doesnt count >/ < learnt a valuable okami lesson today v KNOWS WHAT THE LESSON WAS.
Zak He is my paranoia in human form.
^ OMG IT IS ME < FALLING D< V willl catch me
^ risk shall not be j00r sacrifice < wonders what secret o__O V is wolfie and will tell meh
^ dun flaxon punch meh :~: < needs help on Onimusha 3 V Went to download '08
;~; .
kk when Ive just gone into the past as jacques and got the blue vest I go past the killer plants and come to this building Then what the hell do I do? TT^TT P.S. This is just after you get the fire whip
^ jah < saviour of this thread (many times xD) V has okami, or onimusha 3, or BFII OR godai elemantal force and will help me on whichever game it is.
comes in all flavours o__O
Vivi. Morons. Sprayers. (if you play gunZ you'll know wtf im talking aboiut here xD)