what dries you when its dry and wets you when its wet? xD
has an old part of an old comic for a sig.
nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ;~; rliekomgwtfroflolpwndnoobezpz I been playing too much gunz xD
mello >_> I stared at the avvy
o___O seriously I pictured "o__O"
is finally online
is teh only 9 one?
Nuuuuuuuuuuu I liek okami TT^TT
Yeah I guess xD I'm not bad, just got 2 new members ^^
I hate camping ;~; I haz to go on a freaking 4 day camping trip wit school soon TT^TT
lulz I will when I see him xD (probs tomorrow)
Hai guyz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hazn't been here in ages ;~; I gots to leave teh copmp soon TT^TT But anyway HAI!!!!!!!!!!
Lulz I just convinced my friend (the human fish) to join Sadly he had to leave before he could activate his account. Plus he's too much of a n00b to find the intro section. So I made this for him now celebrate >/
Go fu<k a duck . Go buy a dog. POTTY TRAINED PYJAMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 orange orange orange peanut peanut peanut peanut peanut peanut peanut WARDROBE!!!!!! OMFGWTFROFLOLBBQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIEKOMGWTFNOWAIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 panda.
I have waaaaay longer hair now
left to right: me, my mum, my dad God my hair was bad ;~;
^ WTF YOURE PLAYING OKAMI AND YOU WERE THINKING I WAS TALKING ABOUT KH AND NOT THAT???????????? < Is uber annoyed V will tell me what to do in onimusha 3 (im desperate)
^ THERE ARE NO SPIDERS IN KH < Needs to get said message across V plays okami?
^ no spiders in kh xD < is obsessed with this game V knows what game it is