I'm glad you're doing well. c: I'm doing alright, just moving into a new apartment for the next 7 months, so I'm pretty stoked.
DOW OKAY I missed you too. c: yo yigity yo wut uppppp i'm gud howz u
a.k.a normal summer weather
That's good. :3 I'm doing fine, a lot of college schoolwork and work. Trying to get by. ._.
Hey there, Plums! How are you doing? c: sldkjfsdkfj hi i'm good how are you?
Hi Tootsie. : ) I don't visit often either, so this is hello to everyone as well
And I totally don't feel like I'm turning 19 in a month. I still feel like I'm 16 sometimes... And I get mistaken for being that young too. xD
I don't want to be an adult anymore. Can I just be a kid again?
I hate you, Nova. :c
Awe, I didn't see your post until after. D: I'm so sorrrrrrry forgive me please lskdjfslkdjf back again rissy's back i ain't no man (idk just rhymed with the song) hey boy. c: haven't seen you in a while! Hey! It's great to see you! c: It's good to be back here! c: And thank you! I hope you're doing well too! (I was going to put as well at the end of that sentence but then I was like wat Rissy that doesn't make sense. ._.) We should totally do this sometime. And have matching Avatars and Sigs. Like Male/Female things. Omg. Hahah, people would think we're brother/sister or boyfriend/girlfriend. Harharharhar also be quiet about me being hot as hell stfu no no no[DOUBLEPOST=1366238337][/DOUBLEPOST] omg sorry i missed your post omg so sorry fskdjfslkdjf and I'm well, how are you?! Hahah, I love the exclamation points! And I'm going to try to, I can't make any promises, but I will try. c: How have you been, girl? c:
muhahahaha yeeeeah got ya to talk c:
osfsdjflskdjflksdjfs awe bby u da bes c: We can be back together, and go to every thread and stuff together and sdlfksdjfsdf :ccc i thought you'd remember
iight khv dats how its guna b i gtcha hoes I've been well, thanks for asking. And it's great seeing this place again, college and life has me pulled to the thinnest, so it's nice to be here. c: How've you been, dear?
i givs up
nova you hoe y u no sho me dis tred nywy im guna typ liek dis fr u
1. Human Relations in the Work Place 2. Electronic Drawing II (Lecture Hour) 3. Electronic Drawing II (Lab Hour) 4. Typography II 5. HTML Web Development There's a two hour break between 3 and 4 as well. c:
Yeah well i'll stay warm with my pillow and blanket and slippers thanks
I don't want to do that :c I'd get cold and wet and not cool.
It's not the staff that's keeping me. It's my parents and boyfriend suggesting I stay here for my safety. The roads are really icy here and I'm driving a little Honda. I'm not going to be going anywhere until the sun comes up. Which I wish would come soon, it's getting rather boring here. ._.