I'd be on here way more if there was something like MSN or Voxli for us again. I loved hanging out with you guys. ;c I hate Skype because it involves cam and stuff and I have bed head and wearing no make up 97% of the time so
OMG LIEK HAI NOVA ITZ UR FAV PERSUN EVAR you know me. ;D loljk i'm awful Now, onto your questions! 1. Name your top 5 video games of all time? 2. Describe your favorite outfit to me? 3. What do you think of this song? 4. Have you missed me? :L 5. What's your current obsession? 6. Are you excited for the holidays? 7. Do you have any posters/artwork/decorations on your bedroom walls? 8. Gimme a must-watch anime to watch. 9. Can I come over? 10. What's your most memorable moment from elementary school? (Grades K-5 if you went to a different school you know what I mean) I'll come up with more for you. :3
Awe, that's great. [: And Hyundai's aren't so bad when it comes to reliability. VW's are always tough to maintain and fix because they're imported, and I'm not sure if Hyundai's are too...? Trying to sound car savvy and just sounding dumb.. Anyway, congrats!~
herp idgaf its fun 2 play hu cres bout da charactors lux is mai fav so
I'd so join but I don't have my tablet and only a laptop mouse so I suck.
Either Mary Jane or Bud.
ur a hatr of da league u jus suk das y
Please do, preferably League jargon. I want to bag on them so bad it's not even funny. :L And of course! I'll text you sometime soon, we really need to catch up. I missed you so much it's not even funny. :c
OMG NOVA HAI WE SHOULD HANG OUT PLEASE LOVE ME STILL BECAUSE YOU'RE SO FAMOUS AND STUFF I'VE NEVER WON AN AWARD AND I'VE BEEN HERE FOR LIKE 3 YEARS OR SOMETHING SO YOU'RE ON A GOOD START It was kinda coincidence that he asked me about it, because they're all League of Legend players and I've been carrying around a Legend of Zelda bookbag since I started college and they've kinda considered me one of those gamer girls who doesn't know anything But then I opened my mouth so d:
A ball point banana.
I figured he was talking about the whole series of Kingdom Hearts together, because not even ten seconds before we were talking about the 3DS and I mentioned I had one, and his friend asked if I played the Kingdom Hearts game that came out for it yet, and I said no, I wish I did though. Also hello to you all c:
I was hanging out with my friend in class, and this guy turns around and says: "Hey Elaine, did you ever play Kingdom Hearts?" And of course I get all excited and think "Oh yeah I'll own all of you in Kingdom Hearts trivia and knowledge and be cool for once." When she answers with "No.." And he says "Good, that game sucked." I literally told him to get the fuck out of the classroom.
I don't understand how it could be awful, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I loved the soundtrack too. c:
When I went to go see The Great Gatsby in theaters, I couldn't help but think of you and Lackadaisy. Do you remember that? ;-;
omg fork hi
the cutting out and breathing is priceless i can't breathe
And kinda an Avatar reference too so they get the ball back right?
Yeah, sorry. :c I love you Toots please don't be mad at me
Or just overload yourself with Radiation and get that cool perk i mean
Hi. c: