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  1. HellKitten
    Xioimara shot a look at Ling. She was quick to shut him up. Despite her shortness, she managed to cover her mouth. She wanted to break his neck for attracting much un-needed attention on them. They were a lot more involved in this sensitive conversation than they needed to be. 'At least they know we're here, I guess.'. "You stupid moron," Xioimara muttered as she pulled her hand away from Ling's mouth. Xioimara threw her head towards the door. 'Stupid prince.' Xioimara started towards the door with Armstrong. She looked back to make sure the idiot prince was following.'

    Alphonse looked over at Xioimara, Armstrong and Ling as the Prince loudly proclaimed that he wanted to hear their life story. Alphonse watched as Xioimara seized Ling from talking in a flash, once they started heading towards the door Alphonse spoke up again. "Teacher," He started. The subject was becoming very touchy. He at least wanted to wait for the group to leave before Teacher continued with her story on Human Transmutations.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 17, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. HellKitten

    I'm okay with this.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 17, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. HellKitten
    Xioimara pinned her ears back as Izumi reprimanded the two. Her voice was like getting stabbed in the ears with shards of glass. The wolf felt a little shaken from the power that this woman had. Something was different about her. Xioimara respected and favored it.

    "We just missed our mother!" Alphonse cried back at Teacher, out of fear. "We thought we could bring her back."

    Armstrong could tell they had obviously come at the wrong time. "We should leave." Armstrong whispered to Xioimara, as well as Ling.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 17, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. HellKitten
    Xioimara growled at Ling and suddenly lashed forward, slapping the food out of his hand with her paw. She looked at it with distaste and stepped over it. "I'm a wolf, asshole. Not a dog." Xioimara brushed past him and continued towards the shop. It didn't take long at all to get there. They were only about two blocks from it, so it seemed. She felt her stomach growl at her but ignored it. The moon was helping her push through the night.

    Armstrong ignored Ling's taunts. If Ling got bit, it would only be his own fault. Armstrong was relieved to see that she ignored him after getting rid of the food. Armstrong knocked on the door and waited patiently at the doorstep.

    Mr. Sig left the room to go answer the door for the group. He had been expecting them for a little while. Mr. Sig let them into the room.

    Xioimara peered into Al's hollow body from the entrance of the room. It intrigued her but she decided it would be best if they remained quiet until they were done talking.

    Alphonse looked from his brother back to Teacher. After some hesitation, he took off the helmet of his body. "I lost my body when we tried to bring out mother back." He admitted, showing Teacher his hollowed body.

    The keeper handed a key to the two of them.

    "One for myself too, please." Lust asked the owner.

    He stared at Lust for a moment or two and handed her a key as well.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 17, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. HellKitten
    'Well who else would it be?' Alphonse thought. He froze a little as Teacher asked for his story. "M-my story?" He tried to talk clearly but found his thoughts were almost as jittery as he was.

    Xioimara unlocked her room and looked in. It wasn't anything special but it wasn't total trash either, which she was thankful of. "We should probably tell them where we are." Xioimara said to Armstrong, who was stationed next door to her.

    "Not a bad idea." He agreed, glancing into his room and closed the door again. He started out of the building towards the shop that Izumi and Mr. Sig owned.

    Xioimara trotted behind Armstrong as the two left the building. The two walked in silence.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 17, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. HellKitten
    Yesm. I have about an hour ^^
    Profile Post by HellKitten for Hiro ✩, Sep 17, 2011
  7. HellKitten
    People still do this? I suppose it is better than chatroulette though.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 17, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. HellKitten
    Alphonse froze up with fear as Teacher turned around and finally spoke directly to them. He stammered as words tried to come to him and finally he just said, "I'm sorry." He was at a loss for words. He knew what they had done was wrong but it seemed so far into the past that the remorse for their actions was almost completely faded, at least for Alphonse anyways.

    "No pets." The owner of the hotel said to the group.

    "Call me a pet again and I'll show you who is really the pet here." Xioimara threatened as her form shifted.

    "I'm terribly sorry! I had no idea!" He froze up feeling nothing but apologetic. The man started writing down in a little book on his desk. "That was how many rooms?"

    "Three." Armstrong repeated to the owner.

    "Yes, yes, of course. Here are your keys." The owner reached down under his desk and grabbed three pairs of keys, handing one out to each of them.

    "We have two more people joining us tonight as well. They aren't here right now." Armstrong told the man.

    "No problems. There's two beds in each room and we have cots if you need more."

    "Thank you."
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 17, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. HellKitten
  10. HellKitten
    The red wolf moved forward quietly and quickly. She wanted to get out of the streets as fast as possible. Xioimara's ear swiveled towards Ling as he struck up small talk. "I don't think they'd want us to pity them." She commented as the odd trio stalked the streets of Dublith.

    'They wouldn't be out this late at night.' Xioimara reassured herself. 'Besides, no one knows how to tell me from a dog and an alchemist, unless they've seen me change before. Xioimara's fur ruffled up a little as a cold breeze chilled the streets momentairly. 'Stop thinking so negativley. Everything is fine.'

    "None the less, the Elric brothers have a very powerful relationship. Their history is sad though." Armstrong input as he turned to enter a small hotel.

    "Even if she's a threat to the brothers, she's still just a human." Lust regarded towards Juliet. "The same goes for The Strong Arm Alchemist, Wild Wolf of the East and that prince from Xing." Her face was contorted with distaste as the names of this group rolled off of her tongue. This only made things that much more difficult. It wasn't a welcomed sight, in the least.

    "Izumi, don't be too hard on them." Sig commented, watching how he worded his sentence, as to make sure she didn't snap at him. Not that she normally did but Sig didn't want to be responsible for any broken limbs either.

    Alphonse became shaken as these words slipped from Izumi's mouth. They were really in for it now. He knew better than to fight back against Teacher. If he even thought of fighting back she would make sure his soul would be bruised for eternity. "What's going to happen to us, Brother?" Alphonse asked Edward, trying to be as quiet as possible so that Teacher couldn't hear. Hopefully.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 16, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. HellKitten
    Xioimara gave a nervous but wolfish grin to Edward as he commented on how well she was reassuring him. Xioimara left, dropping next to Armstrong as the two started away to go find a hotel to accomidate them.

    "It was a pleasure." Armstrong said to Izumi sincerily. He started away with a wave of the hand towards the Elrics. Xioimara was at his side at once. "Well, they knew what they were getting into when they came here." Armstrong commented.

    "They also came on their own. I would have chosen to go somewhere else." Xioimara said back and the two walked in silence, acting as just a man with his dog. Nothing out of the ordinary. Xioimara was relieved that, at least, this wouldn't attract any unwanted attention.

    "I think we should try to stay positive at least..." Alphonse whispered to his brother. He could feel dread circulating through his metal body. He felt lucky that he couldn't feel any pain, unlike his brother.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 16, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. HellKitten
  13. HellKitten
    "I'll go pick out a plot for you two in the graveyard." Xioimara reassured them as they got off the train. Her mouth never moved as she spoke in her wolf form. Xioimara watched as the teacher as well as Mr. Sig approached the two. Their teacher did certainly look like she could teach them a lesson or two about pain. The red wolf looked to Armstrong for the next move.

    Sig knew better than to interfere with Izumi's lessons when she was set off. He followed his wife to greet the others as they reluctantly got off the train. He watched Armstrong intently. They had, in the past, had a competition of who had the better muscles and it had been decided that they were even and both of worthy respect. Sig awaited the pain that was going to follow the boys once they got within arms reach of the teacher.

    Lust got off the train and kept a distance from the group, hiding in the shadows of the night realm. She could see they were very worked up about their teacher. Perhaps they were underestimating their teacher's strength. Maybe she could be a threat. Or maybe those two children were just afraid of a woman with power.

    "This is a little unnecessary! You don't have to escourt us you know, Mr. Armstrong!"

    "Now, now this will all be over very soon."
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 16, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. HellKitten
    Uhm idk. It's up to you.
    Profile Post by HellKitten for Hiro ✩, Sep 16, 2011
  15. HellKitten
    Alphonse became horrified once Edward noticied this. He tried to recoil back into his seat immediatly. Maybe they wouldn't see them. Hopefully. "They're fine, Brother! We can go!" Alphonse panicked.

    Xioimara looked at their teacher as well as Mr. Sig. She wasn't sure what to think of this all except she wanted to go back to Central. She shifted as to blend in as just their dog. Nobody would notice her except maybe that she looked a little feral for a regular dog.

    "Now we can't all run from our problems!" Armstrong strongly stated as he pushed the boys out of their seats and off the train, making sure that Xioimara followed.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 16, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. HellKitten
  17. HellKitten
    Profile Post

    Lol .

    Lol .
    Profile Post by HellKitten for Hiro ✩, Sep 16, 2011
  18. HellKitten
    "Why don't you be a good boy and mind your own business?" Lust said sweetly to Edward. She smiled to him and turned back to look out the window. 'I need to be more careful.' Lust said. 'He's already suspicious.'

    Xioimara was relieved to be taken from her nightmare by Ed. She looked over at the woman and then back to Ed. "Just ignore her for now." Xioimara hushed. The moon was already out. "We'll be there in a few minutes..." Xioimara added. Xioimara looked over at Armstrong.

    Armstrong looked back at Xioimara. She looked like she was about to jump out of her skin. "Dublith is a big place. I doubt you'll even see them." He said to her, already aware of how she was feeling.

    "She's right, Brother. Just leave her she's probably just curious of the group."

    Xioimara stayed seated as the train started to slow for the station at Dublith. She was shaking. She wanted to cry. It was like being forced back into Hell.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 16, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. HellKitten
  20. HellKitten