Xioimara raised an eyebrow. "That's a vicious way of teaching." She commented as they turned to enter the hotel. It was unusually quiet but she enjoyed the silence. The lights burned her eyes though. Xioimara unlocked her door and entered, " 'Night." She waved a hand at the brothers and shut the door behind her. Xioimara collapsed on her bed and fell asleep without even trying. "Brother, do you think I'll ever remember the past?"
Thank you lol I was bored. It's because she's a homunculus.... I actually tried creating one once... Just a bunch of nothin' and carbon though haha
lol I do. Oh Lust. xD I need a life http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBEWKbSml3M
Xioimara smiled at the thought of food. "Oh yeah." She repeated. Xioimara started back for the hotel. She yawned a little and shook her head. The cold of the night bit at her skin. "Alex got you guys your own room. He's probably still awake so just ask him for the key." Xioimara said holding up her own key. "What happened in there that made you scream bloody murder, if I may ask?" Alphonse followed quietly after Xioimara. He was trying to remember the past events that occured in his life.
What...? Really? 11 years ago??
Alphonse bowed too. He wasn't quite sure if to call her Teacher or Izumi. "Thank you." Alphonse headed for the door. He looked down at Xioimara once he stepped outside. "We're going to head back now." He said in hopes his voice would wake her. Xioimara opened her eyes and looked at Alphonse. It gave her a jump at first but the day's events quickly flooded back to her. "Oh yeah." Xioimara stood up tiredly. Her limbs were already partially asleep. "When did I get so tired...?"
Alphonse stared at his brother. 'I can't.' He tried to remember that fateful day but nothing could come to him. He couldn't do alchemy without a transmutation circle. That's why Ed was the state alchemist not he. Alphonse strained his mind for the memories but couldn't collect them. "I can't..." He told everybody. Xioimara shook her head to stay awake. She had drifted off, even standing up. Her thoughts drifted to the future and the next time she would be able to run freely in the forest, then to food and then to sleep. Xioimara found herself sinking to the ground and falling asleep without her mind's permission.
Didn't they start coming out with new ones a few years ago? I don't like them either. I think they need to keep it simple haha.
Alphonse nodded. He looked to his brother. "I don't want to keep Xioimara waiting too long..." Alphonse noted. It seemed like their conversation was coming to an end, and if there was more to be said, then there was always tomorrow.
Hmm yes I suppose I see then. I don't know much about the new pokemon and don't remember much anything about the old ones ^^'.
Alphonse shook his head. "I don't remember anything.." He repeated. Xioimara sat back down as Edward went back inside. She simply nodded. Xioimara wondered what time it was. She felt so tired. Xioimara decided not to lay down this time. 'No one I know should be out this late.' She trusted this thought and shifted to her human form. Xioimara stood up and leaned up against the house, crossing her arms, keeping a close eye on the darkness.
Hmm... Skitty I suppose... It's a cool pokemon(I know nothing) but I think Mew is cuter :3
Oh jesus lol. I don't watch/play/whatever pokemon anymore but I do appreciate these teams though I think Alphonse would have Mew. c:
Alphonse watched as his brother left and then continued after some hesitation. "We studied for months and then we got her ashes and tried to bring her back..." Alphonse started. "I don't remember anything up until I was in this body... Brother says he saw a door. Now he can do alchemy without a transmutation circle." Xioimara's eyes opened. Edward startled her. She had heard him coming but didn't expect him to shout. She growled and sat up. "I didn't catch anything." Xioimara commented. If there was someone they had somehow managed to be downwind of her and soundless. Xioimara stood up and stared into the darkness for any movement. She did catch a ripple in the darkness. Xioimara growled and lunged forward. She found herself pouncing on nothing. "It's just the darkness. We're tired." Xioimara said to Ed. She stared at her paws. Xioimara searched the night for any sounds but heard nothing. 'My eyes never decieve me at night though...' Xioimara looked up at the moon. Lust moved out of range of Edward and Xioimara quickly once Edward had caught sight of her. She barely made her way past Xioimara once the wolf had decided to pounce. Lust ran from the sight and decided she was becoming too cocky. She would just have to wait.
None .
...The Pink Tissue Box... Superhero of drama...
Alphonse paused for a moment before speaking. There was so much going through his mind it was a little overwhelming. 'Which story? What we've been doing up till now or the night I lost my body? Why did I drag myself into this?' Alphonse decided to go with the night that he lost his body, since that's what they had been doing up until they were expelled. "We just wanted our mother back..." He muttered. This was too much to be processed at one moment for him. "Of course." Lust headed past the hotel to go see what the Elric brothers were up to. They were taking a little longer than expected. Lust stayed in the depths of darkness as she came around the bend to the house that Izumi and Sig lived at. The only sight around was The Wild Wolf of the East. She was such an easy target at the moment. 'Maybe we should just attack now... No, we don't know when the Elric brothers will come back outside...'
Just tell them he's having a bad dream.
Yes'm . c:
Alphonse found himself helpless and confused. He felt like he was staring at a lioness ready to pounce on him. "I-I... Brother, he, didn't t-tell me?" Alphonse stammered. He looked over at Edward for help of where this conversation needed to be headed. "We'll attack once they're asleep. They'll be too tired and off-guard to react." Lust assumed and found herself smiling.