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  1. HellKitten
  2. HellKitten
    Xioimara looked at Ed and Al as they went to go talk to their teacher. "That woman's nails... Stabbed me, didn't they?" She asked, a little shocked at this memory. It didn't seem real. Her stomach cramped up and she fell silent with pain.

    Alphonse agreed and left to go wake up Teacher.

    "If you wish."
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. HellKitten
  4. HellKitten
    Xioimara face turned red and she bit her tongue. She could feel tears form in her eyes. "Thanks." She said to Ed. It still hurt, if anything a little bit more but her panic factor lowered itself now that she knew she wouldn't die from bleeding out. Xioimara looked at Ling as he came out of the hotel. 'How could he have not heard any of that?' Xioimara was helped to her feet by Armstrong and then picked up. Her face turned even redder. "I can still walk...!" She told him.

    "We can't risk you overexerting yourself and you'd just slow us down." Armstrong informed Xioimara. He could see that she was thoroughly embarrased by this whole sitation. He pitied her a little bit and turned to the brothers. "Do you two happen to know any doctors in this town?"

    "I'm not sure, but I think she was stabbed by this lady..." Alphonse said to Ling. He looked at Armstrong. "Do you think Teach-Izumi would know any doctors?" Alphonse asked his brother.

    "You're the failed result of the Elric brothers attempt to transmutate their mother back to life." Lust said plainly. "I think you're starting to see that though."
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. HellKitten
    Armstrong avoided the water hastily and once he looked around for the mysterious woman again, she was gone. Armstrong was cautious as he made his way to Ling's room. He knocked on the door before opening. "Hurry. We're leaving." Armstrong said. He hurried outside to see what state the brothers and Xioimara were in. "How is everyone?"

    "She looked like mom..." Alphonse noted to his brother. The Major was quick to appear. "We're fine, but Xioimara isn't..." Alphonse said, looking over at the disstressed teen.

    Lust escaped with Sloth. They met Sloth's 'son' out back of the hotel. He had listened well and they were ready to leave. "That couldn't have gone any worse." Lust said to Sloth.

    Xioimara didn't say anything to Armstrong. She could still feel her wounds bleeding out. The pain was immense and almost unbearable. She had been biting her tongue to keep from screaming. Her heart thundered in her chest and her world seeped in and out of conciousness. "My fucking body hurts...!" She cried, writhing a tiny bit with pain. "What in the Hell was wrong with that woman?!" Xioimara wanted to murder Lust for the pain she was being put through.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. HellKitten
    "He'll be fine! Stay here." Xiomara pleaded, once they were outside. It was hard to breathe with her wounds. Her stomach still ached on top of it. "What in the hell happened?" Xioimara asked out loud. She leaned up against the wall of a building and collapsed to the ground. "I need help..." Xioimara added, her voice sounding weaker and tinier.

    Alphonse looked at Xioimara. She was badly hurt. The stab marks in her chests could've resembled that of a bullet. He never heard any gunfire though. "Brother, what do we do?" He looked to Ed, unsure of what to make of all this. This night just kept getting more and more intense.

    "Well, this didn't go quite exactly as planned..." Lust pouted, she jumped back as Armstrong took a swing at her. "Sloth! Let's go!" Lust wasn't prepared to fight someone of such immense power. A weak wolf was one thing.

    "You're not going anywhere!" Armstrong struck at Lust once more. He was surprised at how agile she was, he was also more surprised at the powers that she held.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. HellKitten
    Alphonse looked at Sloth. She looked so familiar... She looked like mom still... He wondered what she was up to but wasted no time trying to hurry his brother out of the room.

    "Xioimara, go get the brothers and get outside." Armstrong ordered Xioimara, as he stared down Lust.

    Xioimara stood up, holding a hand over only one of her four deepest wounds. She didn't hesitate to leave. "See you there." Xioimara shakily said back to Arsmtrong. She made her way out of her room and looked across the way at Alphonse and Edward. "Let's go!" Xioimara cried, the woman standing in their room didn't seem so bent on murdering her as much as Lust.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. HellKitten
    Xioimara picked up Ed's voice in the room across from her. Her voice came back to her. She had never been so happy to have it back. "ED! AL! RUN!" She screamed. Xioimara felt the nails fully puncture in and out of her chest. Xioimara felt her world wash white with pain for moments. When it finally started to come back to her, the world was still fuzzy and the woman stood over her. "Whor-"

    "You couldn't have been anymore of a loudmouth!" Lust announced, cutting off Xioimara's breathe once the girl tried to curse her off. She retracted her nails out of her chest and lunged for her throat.

    Xioimara threw her hands up in front of her throat as Lust lunged for her throat. "I dare you!" She screamed, the weight of the woman came off her throat quite suddenly.

    "I wouldn't be doing that if I were you!" Armstrong said as he quite easily tossed the homonculus off of Xioimara. He stood in front of Xioimara, prepared to face Lust full on.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. HellKitten
    Eight by La Dispute. I don't think you really need to have singing talent for this... Hard to memorize though.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 19, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. HellKitten
  11. HellKitten
    Oh so you're Noah Griffin... I add all these people and have NO idea who they are...
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 19, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. HellKitten
  13. HellKitten
    Lust looked at Sloth oddly. "We'll talk about true and false memories later. We need to get this over with." Lust added and nodded towards Xioimara's door. She headed over to the door and quietly tried the handle. It was open.

    Xioimara backed up. Her view became foggy and obscured as their transmutation circle lit up. "Stop!" Xioimara shouted. She was confused and scared. The world dropped into darkness, except for the two figures of the boys. 'What are you doing?' No sound came out of her throat. 'Ed?' No sound. She tried to scream his name but out came nothing. They disappeared. Xioimara stepped back and fell out of the room and into blackness. Her voice finally screamed their names as the ground neared her painfully fast.

    Xioimara awoke with a start. She wondered if it had only been minutes or hours she was asleep. She had somehow managed to throw all the sheets and pillows across the room. ’What happened here?’ She didn’t recall having that violent of a dream though she was shaken from it. Xioimara felt pain surge through her stomach and head. She felt like she was about to be sick. Xioimara dragged herself out of the bed and to the bathroom. Xioimara collapsed on the tile floor. The coldness was a comfort a midst her urgent pain. ’What’s happening?’ Her eyes glanced over towards the entrance of her room, blocked by a wall. "Go away." Xioimara threatened. She heard a swishing sound and felt a tremendous pain burrow into her chest.

    She gasped in pain and grabbed onto Lust's black nails, as they dug deep into her shoulder and chest. Xioimara stared at the woman that was on the train with them earlier. She looked shocked and terrified. She ground her teeth together. 'Call for help. Scream. Scream. SCREAM.' Her mind pleaded but she stayed held by Lust's gaze.

    "Why... don't you look scared?" Lust said to Xioimara as she approached the girl. She smiled at the girl, her nails pushing almost completley through Xioimara's body.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. HellKitten
  15. HellKitten
  16. HellKitten
    "No, Brother. Stop talking like that. It was both our faults. We're young and reckless. It's not your fault." Alphonse pleaded with his brother. This was about the third time, Al guessed, he had heard his brother talking about this was his fault. It was both their faults in the end. Alphonse found their room and opened it, entering the room.

    Xioimara felt her world come in and out of sleep. She twisted and turned as she fell through darkness. Xioimara saw the ground near her fast and was relieved to land quite lightly on it. Her current realm slided out of view and shifted to a dark room. Two young boys were drawing on the ground on the room. There was a pile of elements in the center and the reak of death.

    Lust knocked on Juliet's door once the Elrics went into their room. "Get ready."
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. HellKitten
  18. HellKitten
  19. HellKitten
  20. HellKitten
    Profile Post

    See ya. c:

    See ya. c:
    Profile Post by HellKitten for Hiro ✩, Sep 19, 2011