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  1. HellKitten
    Profile Post

    iiight i'm ready

    iiight i'm ready
    Profile Post by HellKitten for Hiro ✩, Sep 21, 2011
  2. HellKitten
    I can around 7ish busy now
    Profile Post by HellKitten for Hiro ✩, Sep 21, 2011
  3. HellKitten


    Now I finally have regular youtube back. Thank God. Thank God.
    Thread by: HellKitten, Sep 21, 2011, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. HellKitten
    This is amazing.

    Whilst I totally forgot about the Wildthornberries(however you spell it....) I do remember this scene -__- somehow. Somewhere. In the back of my brain.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 21, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. HellKitten
    "You shouldn't allow dead emotions to stop you from completing your work." Lust remarked towards Sloth. She was a little annoyed that the woman hadn't even tried to look past those memories.

    "Let's try not to be so harsh, Lust..." The old man started. He spoke as if he only had one lung. "I do recall you having emotional issues when your past started to collect itself." He recalled. "These emotions will be dealt with and possibly forgotten, Sloth." Father told her. "Try not to let them override you."

    Armstrong nodded. "Or at least be quiet so that Xioimara can't hear us." Armstrong noted. He didn't know how long this procedure was going to take or what was happening for that matter. Armstrong did have the proper mind to trust the Elric's descision on a doctor. He was sure that whatever happened would happen for the better.

    "If I may ask what are you doing here, Xoram?" Armstrong finally asked, looking over at The Storm Alchemist. "And for that matter, did you know we were here?"

    Alphonse watched as Armstrong and another stranger, around his brother's age, talked. He was also curious to know where Xoram came from and why he just happened to end up at Izumi's house. Alphonse looked at his brother. He decided they would probably pick up their conversation later on when times were feeling a little less hectac.

    Xioimara breathed unevenly as the doctor worked. She glanced down at her wounds that were being stitched together and felt a faintness come over her. "I think I might faint." She shakily warned the doctor. Xioimara was shaking with tension and pain. "I think I might faint." She repeated a little louder and sounded, as well as looked, a lot more pale.

    The doctor stopped his work on Xioimara as she started to repeat herself. "Perhaps you should lay down then." He suggested. He had better light if she was sitting up but he preferred she lay down if she was so borderline to passing out. He didn't blame her for it. He could easily see she had a fever and was obviously in pain. "Someone please bring me a wet facecloth!" The doctor ordered as he resumed his work once Xioimara was laying down.

    Mr. Sig stood by with the others just in case anything went wrong. He wasn't too fond of Xoram being here. Their house seemed to be invaded with strangers. Sig moved to go retrieve water and a cloth at the doctor's request.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 21, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. HellKitten
    Profile Post

    See ya later.

    See ya later.
    Profile Post by HellKitten for Hiro ✩, Sep 21, 2011
  7. HellKitten
    I was kinda hoping you'd be able to help clear me up on that..
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 21, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. HellKitten
  9. HellKitten
    Xioimara's eyes grew wide as he examined her wounds and then pulled out a needle and thread. Her stomach dropped and she felt sick. "No anaestetics?" She whined. Stitches were on her top ten of things she hated.

    The doctor looked at her uneasily. "We're low on medicine at the hospital and it's too risky..." He said as he threaded his needle. "I can only sew up the openings... The wounds should heal through in a few months." He leaned closer with the needle and started to stitch the first wound.

    Xioimara looked up at the ceiling, feeling a little faint as he started. 'Don't look. Don't look.' She was thankful she hadn't eaten anything and even hoped she would pass out. Xioimara shook her head. "Gross..." She whined. Her skin was quickly becoming painfully numb and red with irritation.

    Lust nodded.

    "It is true." Father agreed with Sloth. It was better she knew now, he supposed. The memories were bound to come back.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 20, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. HellKitten
  11. HellKitten
    Alphonse agreed. "Especially at this time of night." He added. Alphonse watched as the doctor came back with a medical kit at hand. He started back towards Izumi's house. Alphonse hoped all this company wouldn't drive Teacher insane. He hoped she'd just stay asleep if they were lucky. "Brother, do you think they'll attack us again?" He asked quietly, to avoid the conversation dropping onto their doctor's ears.

    Armstrong heard the familiar steps of Alphonse's body coming towards the house. Armstrong stepped outside to see if it was really them. "Just in time." Armstrong said, looking at the doctor. "Thank you." Armstrong led the doctor to see Xioimara.

    The doctor could see the blood stains on Xioimara's shirt. He looked to the others. "Can you please leave to the other room?" He requested, placing his kit on the floor.

    Xioimara heard the doctor's voice and felt a spark of hope ignite in her. She was on the verge of screaming the more she thought about her wounds.

    The old man breathed in and came forward with the truth. There was no point to hiding it. "You have the memories of Trisha Elric," His voice rasped as he spoke. "Because you were the Elric brothers attempted," He paused to catch his breath. "Human transmutation. It failed and so I brought you under my wing as one of my creations."
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 20, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. HellKitten
    This is the bees knees.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 20, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. HellKitten
    Lol .
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 20, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. HellKitten
  15. HellKitten
    Alphonse sighed. "Maybe we should just let things work themselves out." Alphonse suggested. Once they were at the hospital he tried stopping multiple nurses for help but they swished by like he didn't exist. "Excuse me," He finally said to a doctor. "Our friend is badly hurt and needs help."

    The doctor paused with some hesitation. He looked at the charts on his clipboard and back up at them. "Give me a minute. I need to let them know I'm leaving."
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 20, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. HellKitten
    back now... I'm tired -___-
    Profile Post by HellKitten for Hiro ✩, Sep 20, 2011
  17. HellKitten
    Profile Post

    Same... -__-

    Same... -__-
    Profile Post by HellKitten for Hiro ✩, Sep 20, 2011
  18. HellKitten
    "Leave!" Xioimara cried, her voice progressivley becoming louder with stress, pain and anxiety. She still wasn't exaclty fond of Xoram and the whole escape. Her memory still didn't recall him at all. Xioimara whined with pain as it started to overwhelm her.

    "Please, step outside if you're going to continue talking. I don't want us to wake Izumi." Sig noted as Xioimara's stress levels shot its nerves. If she got any louder they could be in trouble.

    Armstrong waved his hand. "We'll talk once the Elrics are back with a doctor."

    "From what I saw they went straight through her." Alphonse started. He paused as the door opened and a man stood in the doorway. "Please help us." Alphonse started.

    The man looked at the two tiredly. "I can't help with emergency situations... There's a small hospital a few blocks away." He shut the door.

    Alphonse was relieved they at least knew where to go now. He moved quickly to go find a doctor. "Brother, do you think those women were following us?"

    Lust placed a hand on her hip. "Sloth?"
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 20, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. HellKitten
    Profile Post

    Iiight. No problem.

    Iiight. No problem.
    Profile Post by HellKitten for Hiro ✩, Sep 20, 2011
  20. HellKitten
    OoC:// Iight.

    The old man caught his breath as he awaited Sloth to speak.

    Xioimara recognized Xoram's voice and scent from earlier. "Go away!" Xioimara strained to say. She turned on the couch so that her back was facing the newcomer. She hid her pain well for the most part but found herself whining quietly.

    "Quite a surprise seeing you here, Xoram." Armstrong saluted his fellow comrade. "I suggest you step outside though if you plan on talking." He added, looking at Xioimara.

    Alphonse recognized the sign to the doctor's office he had been thinking of through the darkness. "There!" He pointed out and rushed to the door. He knocked on. "Please, help us! Our friend is badly hurt!" He added. No reply. "Brother, do you think a regular doctor can heal her wounds?" Alphonse asked, remembering the clear in and out inscisions on Xioimara's body.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 20, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home