I gotta go for a little bit. Dinner. c:
Who have you drawn so far? I'm trying to come up with a new pelt pattern for Xioimara.... So far I've just drawn a ton of weird coloured wolves...
"Don't hold back, darling." Lust told Sloth and made her way through the darkness to meet the Elric brothers. "Didn't your mother ever teach you not to enter without knocking?" She cracked as she appeared through the shadows in front of the Elric brothers. "What has gotten into you, Brother...?" Alphonse started. He hated to see his brother so depressed. He didn't hate his brother for doing "this" to him. He would like his normal back but he was content enough to just have his brother with him still. Alphonse looked at Lust as she herself up. "We're sorry-" Alphonse started to say. Alphonse jumped out of the way as her nails suddenly shot for him. "You're the one that attacked Xioimara!" Alphonse quickly concluded. "Aren't you a fast learner?" Xioimara looked back outside. "Let's go." Xioimara ordered. She forced herself to stand up tall and resumed her rare aura of dominance and power. "We can't be going around getting split up all the time over words." Xioimara snapped. She looked over at Armstrong for his word on this. Armstrong was a little taken aback at this sudden attitude change. "For one thing, we don't know where they went." He tried to excuse. Xioimara indicated her nose. "Maybe not you. I do." She told him. "You're not going to pussy out, are you?" She taunted, resorting to childish tactics to persaude the Strong Arm Alchemist.
Welcome back o.o
Mkay. No problem.
Hey. Wanna RP?
For the record, I read that in a very monotone voice.
I'm only in one active RP so it's not that I always forget but when I'm having a bad day I just turn into stone that presses F5 all day. -__-
same. See ya then.
"They piss everyone off." Xioimara growled as the two left. She looked like she had just eaten something that tasted absolutley awful. "I'm concerned." Xioimara voiced to everyone. She didn't like the idea of the brothers wandering off like that. Something just wasn't settling correctly with her. "I don't care if they're strong, we're a pack now." Xioimara said, looking back outside. She stretched out her arms and tried to get used to the new tightness in her skin. "They have a very high respect for you." Armstrong said to Izumi. He looked at Xioimara as she spoke. "You're in no shape to move around." He told her. "If you are that concerned I can go look after them." Armstrong said. "I don't know. Seems kinda futile to put more people in danger..." She was busy thinking over the days events. "May I ask what you did to make them so..." Xioimara waited for the word to come to her. "Uh, I guess, bent on trying to get you to accept them?" Xioimara was trying to connect why it was this that set Edward off. Xioimara did mean this question in the nicest way possible, she even went through the trouble of making sure she looked smaller to Izumi. Xioimara was fully aware this woman had power that could kick Xioimara's ass over the moon. She could feel bigger anxiety bubbling up inside her the more she thought about the Elric brothers wandering off. "Brother," Alphonse started. He wasn't quite sure how to put his words together but he had a high respect for Edward. He did make bad decisions at times but he was good at heart, Alphonse knew. "Whatever you decide is right. Everything always works out in the end." He finally ended up saying. Lust felt a smile come over her face. "Agreed."
I'm not sure how I feel about this...
Xioimara's face lit up as Edward told Xerom and Ling to leave. "I knew you two were bad news..." Xioimara muttered with a wolfish smile. She looked at Edward as he left. "Wait, don't go." Xioimara warned. She followed after him quickly, moving as fast as she could even with her stitches. "Have you forgotten a wench with wicked nails just impaled me? They're still out there!" She said to him as he walked away. She felt stiff from the stitches and decided it would be best for her health not to catch up. Armstrong watched as Edward left. "He'll be okay. His brother is going to be with him. Those two are quite the fighters." Armstrong reassured Xioimara. He turned to see Izumi wondering where Edward had gone off to. "He went for a walk to cool down." Armstrong told her. Alphonse left quickly to keep up with his brother. "Brother, what's wrong?" He asked, catching up to him. Alphonse stopped looking up at the warehouse. "This isn't such a good idea, Brother." Alphonse commented. Lust's interests peaked as she heard a familiar voice echo through the warehouse. "Looks like we have company." She said, looking sideways at Sloth. "They'll know where we reside if we attack." Father decided. He shook his head as Lust became excited for this. "They'll know where we are whether or not we attack."
"We both know you need your rest now and days. I didn't want you to be anymore stressed out for the night." Sig told her. He smiled as he heard Edward from downstairs. Xioimara stared at Edward once he was done with his small rant. She did have a new respect for him. "You're a little more different than I thought, Alpine." Xioimara grinned but it quickly faded with pain as she moved. She stood up straight though, despite a discomforting shoot of pain in her chest. "We should probably head out tomorrow..." She suggested. They had been greatly side-tracked by this dumb attack. Xioimara was thoroughly fed up with the woman that attacked her. She wanted her dead. "Those bitches will just follow us. We can take care of them another time." Xioimara said with some distaste towards Lust. Xioimara already had a dislike for other females, one that was beautiful and had humiliated her only made Xioimara angrier. Alphonse backed up a little as his brother broke out with rage. "Not too harsh, B-brother!" Alphonse added, but he did approve of this. If Ling and Xoram were about to degrade Teacher because she was a female or older, maybe both, Edward would always be there to put them in their place. Armstrong looked at Edward as he exploded. He did respect Edward's huge personality despite his size. He looked at Xioimara as she finally spoke up. It was easy to read on Xioimara's face that she was beyond P.O.'d about this woman attacking her. "It's up to Edward and Alphonse." Armstrong added. They had the lead in this until Xioimara figured out more of the Midnight Eclipse. Armstrong was simply there as a bodyguard.
Xioimara agreed with Edward. "You're just now realizing this?" She retorically said to Edward. She knew they were at least half the reason Xioimara had to listen to a woman scream at their group. She cocked her eyes at Ling. "You and I have a very diverse definition of better." She said bitterly. Xioimara looked as the doctor left and then to Armstrong. Her heart was still thundering in her chest and adrenaline pumped through her veins. She would've attacked all of them if she wasn't scared of her stitches tearing. Xioimara sighed and rolled her eyes. "You have no idea the amount of power that Teacher holds!" Alphonse added as Edward was ready to murder Ling and Xerom in their tracks. Mr. Sig followed Izumi upstairs. "Their friend was attacked by... Something... They needed somewhere to come while Ed and Al went to get help." He explained to his wife.
Mr. Sig shot the two boys a glare as they mocked his wife. He stepped in front of Izumi. "Let's go upstairs and talk." He calmly advised her. He could tell Ed and Al were about to jump out windows with terror. Alphonse had his arms over his head ready for the worst as Xoram and Ling tried to show up their teacher. They would so be in for it if they didn't show some respect. They had no idea of what power Teacher posessed. He hoped that Mr. Sig would be able to calm her down. He had to have some power or else, Al was sure, Sig would have been dead long ago. Xioimara started to cry as the real pain and numbness of her new stitches and wounds set in. "I swear, I'll throw that wench off a cliff once I get a hold of her." Xioimara reminded herself as well as Armstrong. The doctor stood up and packed away his tools. "You should have the stitches taken out in about a month, or at least have them replaced. Those wounds are going to take a long time to mend themselves. Don't be going out and doing stupid things." He warned her. The doctor turned to Armstrong. "Thank you for the help." "How much will this be?" Armstrong asked, nodding as the doctor thanked him. He shook his head. "Our hospital is mostly volunteer." He said. The doctor was wise to wait this out until there was some sign that it would be safe to leave without being attacked. Xioimara sat up tiredly and took the cloth off her face. She pulled her shirt back on and stared blankly as she tried to comprehend how much longer until the pain would cease. "Thank you." She finally said to the doctor. Xioimara stood up after a while and headed to the next room to see what the fuss was about.
Awesome person to RP with.
Alphonse was hit with the knife but it merely fell from him with a clank. "Teacher, please! Our friend is hurt!" He cried, flinching in fear of an impending knife storm. He could hear the screaming was definently getting to Xioimara in the next room. "Major! Please take her from here!" Mr. Sig started as he heard his wife had obviously awoken in the other room. Once Armstrong was there he went to go calm his wife. "Izumi, they didn't have anywhere to go. Their friend is hurt." He tried to ameliorate her rage. Xioimara had simply resorted to whining and biting down on her lip to keep from crying out again. "Please, shut up!" She finally shouted as chaos blew up in the neighboring room. She was now being watched by Armstrong just in case she fought back again, least to say was humiliating. Xioimara whined a little bit louder and tried to calm down. She was jittery and distressed. "Only a few more stitches now, you're doing fine." The doctor tried to ignore the yelling and just finish the job.
I have no idea how to fix it either. It just fixed itself today -__-
Armstrong looked at Ling. "So you two are aquainted then?" Armstrong wondered aloud. "How come Xioimara though?" Armstrong wasn't one-hundred percent sure that The Wild Wolf of the East and The Storm Alchemist were aquainted but he was pretty aware of the fact that Xioimara almost never introduced herself to anyone in the military unless required. Armstrong looked to the doorway of the room that Xioimara was in once a scream errupted. "What's happened?" He asked, moving quickly over to the doorway. He looked in at the doctor. "The needle went too deep." The doctor muttered and continued to work, with the help of Mr.Sig holding Xioimara down. "I'm almost done." He informed Xioimara. Alphonse looked into the room as Xioimara shouted. He had never had stitches but heard they were quite a hassel. Alphonse hoped it didn't wake Teacher at all. He became a little more nervous as Xioimara started to retaliate Mr. Sig's grip. "Xioimara, please just bear with it a little longer...!" He pleaded. Xioimara's world rippled as pain shocked her nerves and reverberated through her body. She screamed with a startle and was held down. "Stop!" She shouted. "Stop this!" Xioimara begged as she was held down. She calmed down a tiny bit once the doctor announced he was almost done. Xioimara tried to relax and lay back down. She had the cloth placed over her eyes to reduce her fever and stress.