Lust sulked as she was slammed into the ground. 'What now?' Lust rolled her eyes. 'Gee, I don't know. Escape again?' She whipped her arm out from under Xioimara and slashed the wolf across the eye. "Let's go." Lust ordered once the wolf stepped off to nurse her eye. Lust darted from the room and away from the warehouse. Xioimara cried out and stepped back. She pawed her eye as she wiped the blood from it. "Why am I always the one to get hurt?!" She cried out. Her stomach was cut open, thankfull it was a shallow wound, some of her stitches tore open, her ribs ached from hitting the wall, her leg was cut, and now so was her left eye and cheek. Armstrong decided to let the woman leave. Her went over to Xioimara. "Let's go." He said keeping a careful eye on Sloth. Alphonse didn't say much after that. He saw Xioimara get swiped across the face before Lust disappeared. He watched his mother's look-a-like, trying to pull two and two together.
haha feel free to attack her. ^^ Xioimara has got her pretty stuck right about now though.
Hey, wanna RP?
Too much for me to read right now... i am in a film class though.
I'm okay. My boy and I broke up on Friday(after a year) but now we're back together. How are you?
Ye... I just noticed haha.
Wait.... When did you become a mod?(I'm so awfully slow...)
My username wouldn't turn into anything good... I don't have a middle name because I made my middle name my first name >.> Anyways: Bleys=Xelbys(Zel-Bis)
Lust stepped back as his abdomen was punctured in and out by a lance. She furiously threw a look at Xoram, and Ling. She had become overly angry. "This is impossible!" She screamed angrily. They were never going to get to killing them if more people kept appearing. The spear was pulled out of her from behind. Lust whipped around and was pierced through the shoulder, in the same spot she had hit Xioimara. "Hows it feel now?" Xioimara pushed the lance further into Lust until it passed out of her. The wound on Lust's stomach had healed over and so would this one. At least she still felt the pain. "Go away!" Xioimara pulled the spear back out and held it ready to attack again if needed. Armstrong glanced at Xoram and Ling as they showed themselves. Alphonse and Edward were safe now at least. He turned his eyes back towards Lust to see Xioimara had gotten back up and taken the fight back into her own hands. Alphonse nodded. "Thank you." He said. Alphonse was happy the two had returned. They owed their lives to them. Lust slashed at Xioimara but missed. She was hit again this time, cut across the face with the spear. "You're nothing but a brat!" Lust concluded and lashed out at Xioimara, hitting the wolf this time. Xioimara lost her grip on Xoram's lance as Lust's hand closed on her throat. "How can you be so strong...?!" Xioimara choked and kicked Lust in the chest. She was dropped to the ground. Xioimara caught herself and lunged forward at Lust in a heartbeat. She threw her frame into Lust and managed to tackle her to the ground a second time. Xioimara stood over Lust and bared her teeth at the woman. "I don't care how many times I'll have to murder you. I will win."
When I was like 9, they had something on Toontown and I flipped out....
I'll have to papercut them to death.... Challenge accepted.
Damn. See ya around. I might have to film tomorrow so I don't know if/when I'll be online.
Lust fell back and was pinned down by Xioimara. She had her arms pinned by Xiomara's knees. She was hit across the face by Xioimara. She was then hit again. And again. Then Lust became fed up with this childs play. She threw Xioimara off of her and into the wall of the warehouse. "Be a good dog and stay." She taunted as she stood up. Lust was caught off guard once more and beaten back onto the ground with one punch from the Strong Arm Alchemist. "You can't hit me! I'm a woman!" Lust screamed at Armstrong as she wiped blood from her mouth. Xioimara hit the wall and felt the air in her lungs get sucked from her. She fell to the ground and lay there. "I cannot hit a woman, but I can hit a monster." Armstrong said back at Lust. He could see quite easily that she didn't take that insult lightly. Alphonse wasn't sure what to do. He was nervous of getting his bloodseal wet if he went to go defend his brother. They were brothers after all though. The only thing they were binded together by was blood. Alphonse reached forward through the onslaught of water to retrieve his brother.
Thank you. And yes I do fancy it. Captures her... Crazy side I suppose. -___- I wish you the best of luck with that... I don't think I'd be able to draw her... Long...
Xioimara caught Lust by the throat. "I'll leave you once you're dead and cold." She growled as she bit down. Xioimara felt a huge force hit her in the stomach and was thrown away from Lust. She landed harshly on the ground and barely caught herself. Xioimara stumbled and bared her teeth at Lust. Her eyes flared with rage as she stared down the woman. Lust grinned as Sloth started a simply battle of psychological warfare with the boys. She felt Xioimara's teeth sink into her throat. Lust fell back and threw Xioimara off of her. "You should be dead!" Lust became more angry with the teenager as her throat healed over. She darted forward at the wolf and slashed at her. Xioimara darted backwards as Lust came at her. Xioimara jumped back as a tear echoed through her chest. She flinched in pain as she was cut thinly across the stomach. 'I should've sparred more on my time off...' Xioimara regretted. 'Pay attention!' Too late. She was hit across the face. Xioimara stumbled again and fell back. "Shit!" She cursed herself and looked up as Lust jumped at her. "You're open!" She caught Lust and kicked the woman in the stomach. "She's going to get murdered." Armstrong said as he found himself simply staring back and forth between Edward and Sloth, then Xioimara and Lust. He prepared himself to fight when the time came. He did know Xioimara wanted to get back at that woman and knew better than to come between them, at least for right now. Alphonse watched as Sloth pulled away into a water mass and recollected herself behind Edward. "Ed, it's mom!" Alphonse cried once realization came to him.
Oh you .
My film teacher has a drawing of Roy in his office. That drawing made him my favorite teacher XD
"Of course." Xioimara welcomed Izumi and whether or not Armstrong approved she left to follow their trail. It wasn't long before she caught onto one other familiar scent. "This isn't good." Xioimara murmured and opened the door to the warehouse. "Still not giving up?" Xioimara smirked as she caught eyes with Lust. She felt her body flood with adrenaline and hatred. "Whore." Xioimara said casually. She was horrible when it came to picking her fights. She didn't care how weak she was or how strong they were. "Xioimara, you're in no shape to fight." Armstrong warned her as he entered the warehouse as well. It just seemed like one fight after another. He reached out a hand to hold Xioimara back but was too late. Lust's eyes flicked over at the familiar figure of the Wild Wolf of the East. "What a trooper." She noted sarcastically. She became increasingly annoyed with the fact that more people would show up as soon as they were about to kill someone. Lust kept her eyes on Xioimara and quickly flicked her hand and shot her nails towards Ed. Xioimara shot forward at Lust as the woman went to attack Ed. "Back off!" She snarled and leaped at Lust. She felt the tightness of her stitches pull and perhaps even tear a tiny bit, but ignored it. Her only focus was to leave Lust with no blood in her veins. 'Why is he acting like this...' Alphonse wondered."She sounds like mom too..." Alphonse quietly said as Sloth entered the picture. He heard Xioimara taunt Lust from behind them. She was followed in by the Major. This was a relief. They might just leave again, Alphonse hoped. "Brother, watch out!"
Hmm... Can't really help you there. I can draw them but can't explain it... Have you drawn Roy? Back.