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  1. HellKitten
    Xioimara met Edward's eyes as he said this. 'So I was right.' Xioimara glanced around for any watching eyes. "Perhaps this can wait until we get off the train..." Xioimara suggested. Her stomach was becoming tight with anxiety and stress as she knew they were going to be nearing Dublith soon. Xioimara bit her thumb nail as she watched out the window. 'Mustang knew this would happen...' She silently accused.

    Xioimara could feel herself tense up as she almost broke down then and there. She was terrified, though she hid it well, for the most part. Xioimara pulled her hand away from her mouth and leaned up against the window.

    "Stay in the closet!" A horse male voice screamed towards her. Xioimara hugged the walls of the closet as she held the door shut. She had her younger brother in the closet with her as well. Xioimara covered his ears as shouting and screaming echoed in the chaos outside the closet. She hugged her younger brother close to her.

    Xioimara now stood outside the apartment she had resided in with her desolated family. She didn't look back as she walked away from the agony that screamed in the house.

    Xioimara felt tears well up in her eyes but she blinked them away. She still felt guilty for abandoning her younger brother a few years ago. Xioimara brushed a hand through her hair and sighed.

    "I don't think it was the best idea to tell her that over the phone, Brother...." Alphonse said to Edward. The cart became silent for a while and tense. Alphonse could feel his nerves yanking at him and telling him something was wrong.

    Lust glanced over at the group every now and then. She took notice of distress and silence.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 16, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. HellKitten
  3. HellKitten
  4. HellKitten
  5. HellKitten
  6. HellKitten
    "Hmm... Is that a good or bad thing?" Xioimara asked Edward and leaned back into her seat. She felt tired and weak though their day was not nearing an end yet.

    'So they're going to see their teacher...' Lust turned this idea over. She was positive that his teacher would be no threat to their plans but it could still be a possible threat.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 15, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. HellKitten
    Profile Post

    Mkay. Ready to RP?

    Mkay. Ready to RP?
    Profile Post by HellKitten for Hiro ✩, Sep 15, 2011
  8. HellKitten
  9. HellKitten
    "Uh, sure, Brother." Alphonse watched as his brother left. He wondered where his brother was going but decided to ask him later. Alphonse turned back to Xioimara, Ling, and Armstrong. "We're going to Dublith to see our alchemy teacher. We're concerned she might be in danger."

    Armstrong could feel tears start to leave his eyes as Alphonse spoke. "I'm touched by how caring you boys are!" Armstrong announced loudly to the entire cabin. It attracted annoyed expressions from passengers just trying to get some silence. Armstrong wiped the tears from his eyes.

    'How dramatic... As usual.' Lust kept an open ear to their conversation though she watched as the scenery passed by.

    Xioimara looked at Armstrong as he proudly announced how he felt about the Elric brothers and how proud he was to be a man and cry. Xioimara shrugged at this. "How long do you think we'll be there?" Xioimara tried to get an answer.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. HellKitten
  11. HellKitten
    "Yummy." Xioimara joked once Edward commented on Armstrong's fan.

    Armstrong looked at Xioimara as she commented. He wasn't sure how to react though the situation had become a little bit less stressful, though he still had a worry about this in the back of his mind. "What business do we have in Dublith?" Armstrong asked the Elric brothers, deciding it was time to get down to business if only for a few minutes.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. HellKitten
    I REMEMBER YOU. c: Do you plan on staying long or is this just a once in a time visit?
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. HellKitten
    Wasn't your name purple at some point?
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. HellKitten
    Xioimara sat up a little taller once the stranger looked away. 'I win.' She had a silent victory in her mind. Xioimara shook her head at Ling and looked back out the window. Xioimara didn't want to talk about the odd woman just yet. It was too risky around here. Then again, it could just be a fan of FullMetal or perhaps herself or even Major General Armstrong.

    Armstrong shook his head as well at Ling's question. "But that certainly is odd behavior..." He commented.

    "We're getting too tightly wound up." Xioimara said after Armstrong's comment. Why were they just jumping to conclusions suddenly?

    "She's right. We are just a rather large group. We can't really assume anything."
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. HellKitten
    Alphonse laughed as the it started to turn into a name tag contest. The atmosphere had defintley relaxed if only by a little bit.
    Xioimara smiled at Edwards nickname. "You're just jealous of my beautiful mane." She said back to him. Xioimara glanced around at the other passengers on the train. One passenger did catch her eye though. Xioimara looked at a woman in a dress with gorgeous black hair. She was watching them like a hungry lion it seemed. Xioimara tried to make eye contact or at least would stare back until the woman would look away. A small growl rose in her throat, despite the fact she was still in her human form. She gave a low uff sound towards the others. She was fluent in wolf talk and this simply translated to a threat.

    Armstrong enjoyed watching their little contest of wits but grew a little suspicious as Xioimara started to give them a warning, or what he took to be a warning, and stared off at another passenger who seemed quite busy making sure they felt uncomfortable by the stranger's presence.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. HellKitten
    Xioimara smiled at Ed. "Already forgotten my name for you, Alpine?" She repeated to Edward. Xioimara put her hands in her pockets as the train pulled up. She looked down as she blocked out the sound of the train. 'What's in Dublith? Why do we need to go there?' Xioimara asked herself. She decided it would be best to stay in her alternate form once they arrived. Xioimara boarded the train once it came to a halt and the conductor gave the all aboard.

    "That's ironic for a nickname." Alphonse noted to Xioimara as he got on the train as well.

    "That's the point." Xioimara hinted as she dropped into her seat next to the window and looked out at the setting sun.

    Armstrong followed the group on board and sat down promptly next to Xioimara.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. HellKitten
    "I don't know if you realize this but I don't like you." Xioimara directed at Ling. "Makes sense, I suppose, Alpine." Xioimara said, taking notice of Ed's quick chance to defend the fact that he was born first. Xioimara dropped behind Ed, Al and Ling, near Armstrong. She let the group continue ahead. Xioimara looked sideways at the ground once Armstrong stopped to see what the fuss was. "Daryl Dwyre lives in Dublith. As does one of my brothers." Xioimara mentioned to Armstrong.

    Armstrong looked down at Xioimara as she let him in on this. He was one of the only, besides Mustang, that knew exactly why she would never want to risk being within ten feet of her family. "My duty is to protect you as well as the Elrics. You have no need to worry." He reassured her.

    Alphonse glanced back as Xioimara suddenly dropped behind. He decided perhaps it was the best to keep going and to not eavesdrop on whatever she needed to tell Armstrong, after all, she did give himself and Ed space when they needed to talk. They were at standing next to the platform for their train in no time, it seemed.

    "Maybe." Xioimara muttered to herself as the major walked forward. Xioimara brushed her hair back behind her ear and followed after some hesitation.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. HellKitten
  19. HellKitten
    "Hmm.." Xioimara paused for a moment, eyeing Ed. "Sounds good." She said after some hesitation and started out of the alleyway towards the train station. It was a brisk walk away.

    "Sorry to bother, but I never caught your name." Alphonse finally asked the girl, catching up with her.
    "Xioimara Dwyre." She introduced with a wave of her hand. "And you are?" Xioimara asked Alphonse as well as Ed.
    "Alphonse Elric." Al introduced, he felt a tad bit more comfortable around a calm Xioimara and it was nice to finally know her name.
    Post by: HellKitten, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home