Love and adore it, like I do ;D After all, Demon Lord Ghirahim is F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S ~
We all know who'd win that fight ;D Haha, but really the funny thing is Kitty has nicknamed me her wee king for years, while I've been calling her queen. So the whole thing fits almost too well :3 Also, for some reason people already mistake me for a guy, so I find amusement in making it even more confusing.
D'awww, I remember making this exact same thread when I was a newb, five years ago :3 oh memories ~ Anyways, my day has been LONG. First mock exams in two subejcts, which didn't go super awesome to be exact. However then I had my driving lesson which went really great(yay), and on the more girly note I discovered some spray that dries nailpolish in 0.0003 seconds (which is every girl's miracle dream come true) lol. And now I just have to do two bio labs, study 100 pages for more mock exams tomorrow, and clean /killmenao.
did someone say custom usetitle? dang, I want one!!1!!1 oh wait, :3
Y u no on skype? D:
Happy birthday, have fun! :'D
Niceee, thanks! :3 also, I guess I'll be the wee king, and Kitty is the fab queen :]
Oh, indeedio Queenie! ;D <3 So when do we get to sport our superfancy custom usertitles? o:
Wow, well that was unexpected.. but cool! :3 And this was an entertaining event, it was especially fun to deduce who the perp was. Thanks staffies!
Llave's fanclub 2.0? haha ;3 <3
Lawl, essentially you just made your own fan club. Haha <3
Alrighty then, but if anyone's rocking their usertitle that's me ;o
Wow, I never even realized we'd talked here. Either way, happy to see you noticed it Mr.Afadafadoo ~ Now, where's that name change? >:o
D'aww, it's so big x3 Mine hasn't come yet :/
yeah it is, always has been, however what annoys me is that she even mentions that she does it, and is "aware" of it. 90% of what she says is redundant, and though Navi and Kaepora Gaebora are annoying, they don't come off as plain stupid, which I think Fi does.