inb4ban. :3
Do it again, it was fun! If you don't the great fairy will come at you with her pointy boobs >:|
I honestly don't see the purpose of adding this requirement, it will be exactly like before; people whore for rep, which really has been an increasing occurance lately. In a way, it'll be exactly like with posts, you can easily whore to get to the requirement.
DD is smaller than E.
this. ^ MM is being fangasmed about all over the internet.
More girly as in more female looking, or girly as in younger? For making her look more female I'd probably try to make the breasts more evident. Her chest does atm look a bit flat, not that a woman can't have small boobs, but right now it looks a bit like she doesn't have boobs at all. Also, it might be worth trying to thicken the eyebrows a bit. Very thin eyebrows quickly make women seem older, especially since you've chosen such a dark eyeshadow. If you want to make her look younger, I'd try to maybe make her cheecks a bit more rosey, or make the shadows beneath her eyes just a tad lighter. Also, adding more tones to her hair will make it seem less dense, especially in the front, which will brighten up the picture and character. However, that might be counter productive as the feeling of the picture right now is rather dark I guess? That aside I absolutely adore your lines in the pencil sketches, bravo. I like your style.
First of all, if you want to master curly hair I'd start by studying pictures of it to understand the way hair moves and is shaped when curled, and then you should try to copy some pictures. It'll make it easier for you to understand how curls are constructed. When copying pictures for practice an easy technique for grasping shape is to first divide the picture you're copying into different routes, or sections if you will, and then copy the picture section by section. Also, I'd loosen up on my grip when drawing hair if I were you; the lines in the hair look very hard, however hair is light and "flowy", like wind if you will, thus if you tried drawing a bit more lightly you might have an easier time. This will especially make the hair blend better together, and make it seem less dense. Hair advice aside, I have to say I really enjoy your lines, they have a very distinctive and particular feel about them(especially around the legs), well done! (;
Oui darling, do it! :3
Haha Tootz, lol@ this thread. I honestly don't get what the fascination is all about. I have just as much appreciation for my boobs as I have for any other part of my body, I mean they're just there. Having boobs feels like having the power of manipulation stuck to your chest. >|
Psh, destroying? I recall no such thing. We were awesome. Also, why is my sistah name change not included in the username history?
Kitty and I are off the chart, if you know what I mean ;D
I knew it! you just love me for the tales I have to tell! ;_;
Drama queen :3
O, don’t swear by the moon, the inconstant moon. That monthly goes through changes in her circled orbit,
Suuuure, that must be why you exiled me to Canada. ;_; I know it was the second one, but it's the funniest and also what I remember you as.
You're one to speak forsaken_shadow. :3
That was the time when we were still getting to know each other, AND YOU TREATED ME NICELY T_T
No, because apperantely the "put the icy feet on someone" clause only applies to you!! >|
To cause or not to cause, that is the question. Still I think you'd make a great coffe table :3
Off with your head. >|