Haha, I see what you did there! Very clever ~ :3
Well, like Saxima mentioned I think the first thing you need to work on is confidence. It's difficult, but everyone can do it with a little encouragement :3 Also, a very important point in all of this is that you actually have a boyfriend. That means there's things about you he loves enough to want to be in a relationship with you, you should cherish those aspects instead of letting your breast size get you down. And actually if you feel like wearing lingerie and dressing up for your boyfriend a small breast size shouldn't stop you. Lingerie, at affordable prices, is very much available to girls with a small breast size. I even dare say it's much easier for girls with smaller bust to find lingerie than for girls with larger busts, whenever I go shopping all I see is lingerie for petite girls. Now, I know you're worried that you might need cleavage to pull off these things - not to worry - a good push up bra will solve all your problems. Also, your boyfriend already knows how your natural breasts look, so it's not really unfair to him to use push up. I really recommend talking to the store clerks about what bra to get etc, you'd be surprised how much a person can know about lingerie. So yeah, main point is to be comfortable in your own skin, but if you feel like dressing up that's also very much possible. (:
I think the one you've already given me is pretty cute, but if you feel like renaming me, go for it ~ :3
All you have to do is log onto skype ~
Haha, my posture is horrible due to a back injury I have. However, instead of forcing my shoulder blades backwards to get "better posture", my physiotherapist said it's better to pretend that you're going to tip-toe, however don't lift your feet off the floor. That way you walk more upright, and you don't have to feel super awkward forcing your shoulder blades back. Haha, random tip of the day ~
Thanks, that really doesn't make me feel like I'm about to go present my inner thoughts to a horrifying, drooling watchdog with sharp teeth :B
The local stores here don't sell Nutella ;_; aw, <3 I literally don't know how to handle being nervous ;~; it feels so weird to know that in a couple of hours I'll be in front of a stranger, telling them about my personal thoughts and opinions, and I am not nearly ready to do that. *explodes* Ah, you're sweet ~ <3 I'm really just about ready to crawl up in fetal position and stay there D: Kaminaaa! ~
omgomgomgomg, I have my final arts exam tomorrow, I am so nervous as this is actually the only subject I care about. I never get nervous, ugggggh, and I am not nearly enough prepared and I can't get anything done because I am wigging out. Help KHV ;_;
Wow, the use of colour and shadow in the face is absolutely a-m-a-z-i-n-g! it really is. I love it. The only thing is that the colour difference between the two halves of the face might be a taaaad too big. To have the palette look more whole, and thus bring the face more together, I'd try making the left half (the rosy pink half) a bit darker. As for proportions the body looks a bit too large for the head, but apart from that do what Llave said, and in addition copy everything you can. Copying naturalistic photos just for practice is a brilliant way to learn proportions. You could also try drawing bodies upside down, it'll learn you to focus on shapes, and not necessarily what your brain thinks it sees. Good luck :3
Congrats Maggy, enjoy it! (; Oh how I love these. lol, my thoughts exactly.
Haha, you sound insulted. Don't worry, I put much more affection in the name than its way of creation. ~
In that case, I guess slamming your hand gently on the keyboard can have a fortunate outcome :3
Yes it is, why do you think I have all this blonde hair? I need to cover my second face with something o: -le gasp- Also, are you trying to...
Well ofc I do, it's super adorable and made with care. I'm bound to keep it forever ;3 <3
Well, unless you have something better in mind, I think it's a great nickname :3
Oh Mr.Afadafadoo, when will you finally show me some art? ~ :3
Guest please! :3
Lol, seems legit.
You wish, I'm just charming and you know it ~ Also, that reasoning is false! You do not have hot feet, hobbit have hot feet, therefore you are...
You did call me a tease, so it wasn't uncalled for :3 We might have the same size, however since you're a scot and all I bet yours are covered...