I don't want to rain on your parade or anything, but the proportions are a bit off. However, practice is what makes perfect ;D First of all the feet are too small, especially since you've given her those long, sexy beach legs. Try making them a tad bigger, especially her right leg, then the legs will come together much nicer. Also her right lower leg isn't enitrely straight (it might just be because the black outline isn't even) which makes it look a bit broken. However, that being said you've done a great job with the perspective the feet are viewed in, and how you decided to solve drawing that. It's really difficult so kudos to you! Moving upwards, the upper abdomen is quite long and I suppose her ribcage is too big and it looks especially unproportional as you've chosen to make the ribcage so pointy. You should be able to fix both the long abdomen and the rib cage quite easily by trying to make the ribcage more round where it's at it's pointiest, and perhaps make the boobs a bit bigger so an illusion of the upper abdomen being shorter is created. And yeah as others have mentioned the neck is perhaps a bit too long, and the hands could be a bit bigger. Lastly, the head is a bit small for the body, which is very difficult to fix, however it's always something you can keep in mind for another drawing. This http://www.ehow.com/how_8408021_determine-head-size-drawing.html is one very simple guide on how to do it. I know the guide is intended for if you're working with a model, however it works just as well for free hand drawing without a model. The 1:8 ratio is something I usually find very helpful. I really like her tan and the colours you've chosen for this drawing, and also the little details you've added all over the picture to make it more realistic(like the indication of her hip). Good job, and keep practising, this is not a bad attempt at the female anatomy. :'D
this is a quality post within a quality thread within a quality forum. Deal with it B|
Ofc :3 Btw, dad and mum says hi, they too think you'll charm everyone with the lovely phrases <3
I will only permit the first one. Cause that one's very true, you sick sick person <3 :3
Charming darling, charming! You should definitely put those to use :3
Hmm, for me I think it's a tie between Smooth Criminal and Black or White. though Beat it isn't far from the top either.
Awww, so adorable Sabby! *_* Haha, awesome facial expression and beanie.
I usually think it's very friendly and a bit flattering when strangers use terms of endearment, as long as the terms aren't too personal/weird, as I think it's a polite and nice thing to do. I can't stand it whenever family members use them though as my family has the silliest humour and consider themselves "funny" pranksters. In total I think I have about 20 different names they like to call me, which are all either names that rhyme with my name or embarassing stuff I did when I was younger. Apart from that I love it when friends and other people use them, either for jokes or in all seriousness :3
As much as I fear a long line of perhaps disappointing sequels, I've got to admire his extreme dedication as an artist.
Happy birthday Mike, have fun! :3
+1 for you. :3
Oh hon hon hon baguette would be the "national anthem" of the site.
Apperantely I look like Taylor Swift >|
*spoilers ahead* Eh, as far as plot goes Avengers was incredibly disappointing. It was like seeing Transformers 3 all over again "we must save the world from the giant portal opening the earth up to monsters". Also, it didn't flow well at all, it was all about just getting in as much metal bashing action as possible( which is expected for these movies and I usually love, but this was ridicilous). However I absolutely loved Loki as the villian, not only is he hooooooot, but he plays the part perfectly. Also, as Forsaken touched upon the characters were really well developed, and Mark Ruffalo as Hulk is genious. What made the entire movie well worth watching and not entirely dissapointing was, in addition to the characters, the way everything looked. This was just a true eyegasm.
I do this waaaaaay to often :B
I'd feel like a small part of me was gone. I met my best friend and so many other amazing people here, and I've had so much fun. However, I'd probably make a tumblr blog if KHV was closed.
IE, so that probably explains it xD However, now it just occurs on the forum leaders page, not with "users currently viewing the thread".
When things are listed the text tends to overlap in many places, like on the forum leaders page. This also happens, occasionally, when you're in a thread and want to see who is viewing the thread.
Haha, ALL the love for that reference!
Definitely. Being out in nature is something entirely special. Nothing silences the mind like a long walk in the forest, and it brings a clarity unlike anything else. Not to mention it's very healthy to take walks and be close to nature, which the majority of the society really needs. What's a shame is that everyone doesn't have access to woods etc.