If you click the media button under the KH-Vids banner you'll find our cutscene archive where you can find the cutscene you're looking for. (:
I'll help you, nominate me for: Peyton best pancake of the year. Do it :3
Hahaha, nice one. You're Ghetto right? If not I'm sorry, haha. And cool, we live in the same state, I'm currently loving Florida for the most part (;
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time, for the N64. Completed at age 4 or 5 I believe c:
I work at Disney world :3
It's fine dood. Right now I'm so sick I don't know what to do with myself(curse floridian heat, airconditioning and freezers), but once I get...
Oh wow nice attitude, also I'm guessing in wonderland.
Oh wow, I totally forgot about this. Now staffies - postpostpost! Name: I go by many names, but you can call me Sammy, Peyton or Goddess of Love. Age: 18, becoming 19 Rank: Sectional Moderator Location: I am from the Land of Vikings, but currently reside in the Sunshine State! Interests: I have quite an extensive background in visual arts, I love meeting new people, playing video games, learning languages, travelling, doing sports, reading manga, and I am obsessed with films and theatre. Personality: I’m outgoing, friendly, and very silly, but at the same time I am organized, have a more mature side, and little interest in drama. Don’t hesitate to send me a PM if you want to talk (; History: I joined back in 2007 and some of you might remember me as K a i r i, which is the name I went by back then. I soon became premium (woo 13th prem on the site), and later I became staff. However, I decided to leave staff after some time due to personal differences, and my very busy schedule. I used to be very active around here, however school ++ got in the way of that, but I can assure you I’ve always been lurking (lol). Now I have more time on my hands and the staff has been kind enough to let me back on the team, which I am super excited about! Goals: Being a friendly and approachable member who creates a positive atmosphere around the forum, while trying my best to contribute to KHV. (; And of course, making sure KHV is filled with love(haha)! ~ ♥
Haha, everything's so friggin' hectic here, something happens all the time, and uploading a picture on facebook takes like 5 sec :'D and I'm on...
One basket of super awesome Disney swag heading your way booy!
Now I'll definitely have to watch two episodes of dr who. Hurr :3
Claw! Have a super duper awesome birthday filled with rainbows, fairy dust, and skittles ! >:3
Psssh, playing hard to get, are we? B) And I can't wait to see the new sig! <3 I just hope you don't plan to stain it red with me by the looks...
D'aw my poor baby. <3 Come to Florida and I will make all the hurt go away :3
Psh, we all know deathspank is the dude to date.
Haha, no I totally named myself after an anime dude that wears shirts like Charlie Sheen from two and a half men :3 But on a more serious note, there's no relation dear, just the name (:
Why thank you Mr. A!! I'm glad to see you've returned ~ :3 And if you could make the oh so lovely sig in a red colour theme to match my now...
all the laughter.
Not only do we feel like He-man, we also look like him. Beware ~
Did she get tired of you? :3