joshua-is there something wrong
joshua-hi guys
joshua-everyone i am going to do my job in shibuya as the composer see ya....oh and would you all not try to spill the juice on the floor sho would probably kill you *laughs then jumps out plane*
joshua-okay *throws star in crowds*
joshua-take it tifa you will become invincible
joshua-*runs then does frontflip off second floor* look everybody i made an invincibility star
joshua-*gets star* peoples gonna love this
joshua-oh....i'll just walk to my room because im gonna surprise all of you
joshua-well i will see you somewhere in the crowds *jumps on top of crowds but nobody catches him* owww why didn't you catch me people
joshua-*opens plane* come on in
joshua-i see them
joshua-nooo there comming
joshua-oh yeah *calls people for party then puts twewy music*
joshua-who wants me to call people for the party
joshua-lets go in space like angry birds
joshua-what about the second floor
yoshiya kiryu-*comes back with fountain then puts it on desk* that was so heavy
joshua-okay *flys to store*
joshua-*gets out* well....we could use a fountain to make it look fancy
joshua-oww i stayed in there too long