joshua-thats sad and good
joshua-then i became the composer
joshua-in shibuya i didn't really have any friends
joshua-this reminds me of kingdom hearts *puts on the world that never was music*
josnua-*coughs* sooo..what should we do now
joshua-i don't know but i'll brb at 1:00 (12:00 in here)
joshua-give this pin to her if she wears it then she can hit people with thunder. (yep...thats twewy's wepons...pins)
joshua-okay. anyway let's give the "so called fake” katia some pins REMINDER:TURN TO CARTOON NETWORK
joshua-maby. try asking her a question that only the real katia knows
joshua-it's so obvious that's the real katia but slightly older
joshua-kaita thing¿
joshua-it already did
joshua-lets take the„mooooon
joshua-im one of the people in the gamefly commercial *screams then throws fountain out the window by telekinesis* only 9 freaking dollars¿?!!¿?!¿!?!! i paid 9 dollars and 1 cent why can't you give me the extra cent *blood starts to eyebleed*.......i rather listen to nyan cat for googol hours that's 100 0's but i got gamefly...i can get mad games for free and i can get pc games but first you have to click on the joystick at the top right corner. enter joshua will beat the crap outta you then get started with a 1 month free membership so get it......
joshua-yeah..i guess