squall-uhh okay
squall-*takes out gunblade*
yeah if you save as 1 person the other will be in that save
i could of got the secret ending but i didn't get any trophys only 1 lol i played on begginner
if you ever beated the game like me you may have end up at a point in the game when roxas ventus and xion ask u questions what happens????
squall-i have no idea
hi welcome to kh vids if u want you can join my rpg group
squall-i know an idea lets all hang out
squall-that sounds fun
squalll-let's do some missions or something
squall-hey guys whats up
can we start the rpg now?
yeah u can
i am done doing the characters for now
oh okay im gonna add more people
nothing it's just that i just noticed the people anyway yeah u can be anyone just tell me