"I know you're lying," she said. She released Kuroh's barrier, in case it was true so that he could come tell her himself. She stopped attacking, afraid now to harm Horuk. She'd just have to dodge now.
She looked down, almost teary in her eyes. "I've got a past... I've been told that so many times, and yet, it's always a lie," she said.
"Hmph. Yeah right... your just trying to save your own ass," she hissed, shooting another beam at him.
"You moaned in your sleep, and it made me scared..." she said, looking around the room, still hiding something.
She shook her head, not believing him. "Do you think I'm stupid? Why would you tell me something like that? That should be your personal gain, stupid," she said.
She raised an eyebrow. "Why shouldn't I?" she asked, shooting the beam from her hands.
Jessica made it to the beginning of the cave. She took a deep breath, and ran forward into the cave, stopping where he was asleep. "Say bye bye, Horuk," she said rather loudly, holding her hands up and forming a beam in her hands, using her telekinetic powers.
She searched for his mind. He should've been connected to his mind, like Kuroh was to him. She found him and ran in the general direction, searching for him.
She shook her head, as she kept walking. She didn't hear the last thing he said, where she walked off. "Horuk!" she called out.
She shook her head. "I don't know what to think," she said. She looked back. "You two are now my whole world... I can stay alive," she smiled, a tear in her eyes. She turned and walked away, heading out to find Horuk.
She shook her head, creating a barrier around her home, sticking him and Nathaniel in it. "It's my fight too. I let him lose remember?" she asked, breathing hard. She kept walking, leaving them behind.
Jessica's eyebrows arched, and she silently stiffled a sob arise in her chest. "Only because you freaked me out," she said, breathing out a short breath and in taking another short breath.
"I will not have my baby's life endangered from something I let lose..." she shuddered, heading to the door. "Don't you dare follow me and put his life in danger," she said, walking out the door.
it's also sad because somehow it made sense to me o_O
Jessica got to the hospital, taking a deep breath. She walked in to Cliff's room, seeing Lexi. "I'm getting so bored of this place now," she said.
She nodded, and stood up, heading to the door. "I'm going to go find him," she said.
She nodded, a slight breath coming from her lips. "Do you know where he is right now?" she asked, curious. She handed him Nathaniel, already seeing him grow slightly.
Me and my 8 yr old brother are in the works of beating it <_< i just can't get passed the reapers at the bulkheads at the ship they dun't I do they dun't I do
I actually freaked out when the presenter said that some guy had dreamed of Rachel crying and something growing under her tears, and then her father found the picture in the back of her diary with her eyes in the sky, she's crying 13 tears and a rose is growing and 13 tears is connected to the 13 kids that died that made me think if she knew about the shooting... but idk i wouldn't worry about it too much... In highschool it's much different from being an adult (I take you are where you said you was in high school) Alot of us, as sophomores stayed in the gym, and me and like, 2 friends just hugged for an hour saying we all loved each other, and we signed a banner called 'Rachel's Challene' half of the freshman section was asleep, which I thought was so disrespectful. all they cared about what getting out of class.
Oh, yes ;D