thanks sweetie.. i told him about it and before he got off, he said "Remember I think you're beautiful and that i'll always love you" so i've been...
thanks for trying, but i don't know what to do anymore. I just got rid of Beat being an ass to me and now Atlas is starting up with me i just don't know what to do anymore.
omg why are you getting into this now?
I only gained weight because i couldn't play sports this year where i had knee surgery ._. usually when i play sports, i lose like 2-3 pounds every few days. i said ****ing whale because i'm mad, which i know is the fuel to your fire, so, idk why i'm telling you and because i'm not a literal '****ing' whale is because i'm not ready. Jared, my bf (and i know you'll say i don't have one, or why would anyone be with me or anyone that would be with me is insane, but I don't care) isn't pushing me into anything. But i can't be happy with him because you're saying all this shit to me and he knows that something is wrong but i'm not gonna tell him because i don't want him in on this... it's fine tummer, i can handle my own battles... if he wants to troll let him...
just because i don't give a **** doesn't mean it can't hurt and that was before he called me a ****ing whale.. :/
just because we're online doesn't mean we don't have feelings and that we're not real people ya know?
why are you such an ass? the only reason you don't like me is because of how i look? you're just pathetic. I don't see how you make it in life.
beauty is in the eye of the beholder. which means, i don't give a **** what you think of me (: good day
exactly (: i go tomorrow to get my front burned xD luckkkkky ._. i don't want to ask.
lucky <_< i need to tan before the Military Ball ):
I want to be a Registered Nurse/Author [: I've always found myself helping people in life and i thought it would be awesome to help others. I've always loved writing so i wanna get a literature degree in College xD
I find it more offensive because i live in Kentucky where lots of farms are ._.
not rlly i go tan ._. but it's just like sunburn haha
o_o why do that to me in the debate corner xD sorry if i'm *****y, long day and my bf's a numnut... ._.
sucks <: who else hates it? 8D
i'm sure that your read the whole thing where i said 'It makes you look like one, though i'm sure you're not" :/ this is exactly why i didn't why i didn't want CNC to **** it... everytime i try to discuss something i'm shot down...
i discussed my opinion with theirs i didn't want to be bashed by anyone else /durr
To be honest, i don't want no CnC for this I think rep is basically whoring around lately. I only rep if it's a good post or just to say 'Hey' usually to someone... i've only done like... 4 spam reps in my being here because i was bored ._. so, IMO i think rep is a way to whore around the site lately. Not saying who does it, ir who doesn't, but yeah. I've gotten IM's, (Not saying who) asking for rep because i had a large amount and they had very little and they thought if i repped them, they'd get 3 bars (lmfao) so i asked why and they thought if they had alot of rep, that they'd be cooler one thing you need to know, is rep (IMO) makes you look like a whore.... I think it makes me look like one because i get alot of spam in mine... but i'm not saying anyone is... it just makes them look like it, though i know they're not and again, i don't want any responses. Just saying my opnion <333
if you post this, then members will derep you :/ Sorry to be the one to tell you sweetie. There are plenty of bi's and gays on here, and no one says anything to them... I'd say Riku (:
She held Nathaniel and took a deep breath, hoping Kuroh was able to kill Horuk... She'd be able to protect him with her barrier.