Jessica felt the man thwarted behind her as she fell to the ground. She looked up, the rain water trickling off her face. She heard footsteps behind her, listening to teh man run off.. It didn't make sense as to why he would, while he's got a gun and flashlight...The water weighed down her dress, keeping her towards the ground. She breathed heavily and shivers went up her spine. She wanted to cry, like she was a kid again. She couldn't remember much, but crying was something she always feared. OOC: Ahahahahahahahaha Azure 8D You was too laaaate
Jessica started walking around the corner, the barrel of the gun pointing at her back. This guy now felt a little strange. She's dealt with many others before, but he seemed different. She looked back with her eyes, seeing he had his ultraviolet light in his hands. She shuddered as a cool sweat went down the side of her face, and her eyes were wide. She made it to an old beat down brown car. She changed her mind about this guy now. He was prepared for a vampire attack, and she had no way out of it. She took a step and already started running. He grabbed her by the waist and she screamed loudly. Her scream echoed through the alleyways and streets, and she was surprised to hear it come back to her.
She did a flip in the air, her dress catching up with her. She landed solid on the pavement. her body was drenched in water and she looked up, her eyes red and hungry. She scowled through the city, looking in every alleyway for some thug or another. And there he was. His posture reeked of a teenage killer. She walked down the alleyway, poking his shoulder. "Excuse me sir, I'm lost," she began in her helpless tone. It was the same routine every night for her. Become faked kidnapped, which is what she called it, make him take her to a secure location, and kill him, so they wouldn't find the body. It was a perfect stradegy for her. He pulled the gun out, like she expected. "Get around the corner, and don't make a peep," his sly voice began. It was like taking candy from a baby. Of course her face scrunched up like the look of a scared girl, which is what anyone would do if they were in any real danger.
She danced her way over to the edge of the building, standing ontop of it. Her playground was ready for exploration. She was becoming slightly frenzy-ish. She needed to feed soon. Her beauty still remarked her. She ran in her glass slippers to the edge, jumping off the skyscraper. She was like a falling star now.
The lightning and thunder began. Each lightning sounded like a precise stroke on a piano. Each thunder sounded as if it were the music. Her feet began moving, as the rain followed her movements. Her dance was in the direct beat of the song playing in her head, and the same song that played with her in the rain. OOC-
The thunder sounded. It was just like home to her. She stepped from under the roof of the small hut where the stairs decended. The sky was already darkening, and now, the town was her playground. She felt the first raindrop in the palm of her hand. She lifted her chin up, feeling the sheets of rain starting to pelt her. Her makeup didn't ruin. It stayed as beautiful on her face as the moment she put it on. The lightning was about to cue her for her dance.
You're in! :D now it's time to RP The long walk up the stairs was just enough for her. The sun was going down, and it was time, for the vampire's dance to become active. Her dress lingered behind a step, dragging along. It was her most precious gift. Her hair swayed to both sides, as she opened the door to the roof, right as the sun was down. The clouds were heavy, and it was going to rain tonight. Such a beautiful time for her dance.
sadly, yes haha... You're in TB (: We're starting in 10 minutes....
xD well i don't live in England haha
>____>; uhmm.. xDDDD well idk.. we beat if yesterday, and got it the day it came out haha... We'll be starting at 6 pm EST (which is in 48 minutes xD)
Thank you 8D <333
SoraNRikuNkairi- why yes ;D we (my baby brother actually but i helped a little! xD) beat it (: you're all added!!! here's mine 8D Character Format: Name: Jessica Taylor Age: 25 Male/Female: Female Vampire or Human: Vampire Appearance: Biography: Often lonely, she spends her nights on the roof of the tallest building in New York City. Her best friend, is her senses. She has enhanced hearing, eyesight, and touch. Smell and Taste were never her best. Past (Optional): She cannot remember much after her turning. She can't remember her family or life. Weapon: N/A (idk yet haha it'll come to me later) Other: N/A
Give me the link to that so I can tell her to learn to spell before saying she's so smart xD
okay, so this isn't a 'Sparkling Vampire' RP... It's something like the real world. If you've ever watched 30 Days of Night, this is something similar, except less attacking and more defense ;D Story Humans and Vampires both exist. They've come out of hiding, from barely making ends meet. Of course, they attack humans, but the humans can attack back. Usually vampires attack in a more private place, other than in a mall or such. They're beauty and voices can drag them in, but they don't sparkle, for the love of god.... Vampires go crazy. They have to feed at least once a day and none of the 'animal blood' bullshit. It's gotta be human... They cannot walk out in the sun, but leather protects them from the sun. Rain is the opposite of the sun. If a vampire is in the rain, they get their energy. It's like their 'sleep'. Though they can sleep if they want, but in a rain shower it'll work the same. Don't ask why, i just like the idea xD Humans have every right to defend themselves (who wouldn't?). They are, by law, to carry an Ultra-Violet flashlight with them at all times for protection. They are also given a type of pepper-spray bottle that sprays garlic. Garlic cannot 'kill' a vampire, but stun them for a while. Ultra-Violet rays can kill them but not always. And Exposure to the sun for more than 8 seconds is an instant kill. Crosses don't work unless they are blessed by priests and such... There is a gang of Vampire Slayers (lol rip off from Buffy) that will kill any vampire in sight, no matter if good or bad. This story mostly takes place in New York City... So are you a strong vampire? or a weak human? Rules: I don't feel like xplaining the USUAL rules (godmodding, being active, no killing without permission, ETC) Character Format: Name: Age: Male/Female: Vampire or Human: Appearance: Biography: Past (Optional): Weapon: Other:
:) .
who cares?
Pretty bad.. My dad slapped me on the back and GOD i wanted to just scream D;
depending on how old dirt is dirt can be as old as you 8D
lol i think dirt is younger than him xD;
I'm not as old as dirt, so idk D;