OOC: Hmm, uhmm... it's not that much to read.. Just the dance where Jessica goes insane XDDD then her HERO carried her to his room ;D BIC: Jessica began to dream. It was the night she was turned, of course. Then, life was so simple, and she didn't have the burn in her throat lately. She could see her world crashing in her head.
She smiled, putting her head against the couch, very tired. The memories wore her out. The rain kept her up good now, but she then looked down at her soaking wet dress. She'd head to her home to change into her regular clothes. This dress was only for a night as special as this.
She nodded, and laid her head against the couch. Her stupid dress was always making her fall, but she felt like he was so nice to her now. "What's your name?" she asked, before she would forget.
Not yet, I'm usually busy lately.... sorry for not talking much <3
She shrugged. "I'm not sure," she said, shaking slightly, trying to go a little faster down the stairs. To her surprise, she actually tripped, grabbing the rail so she wouldn't fall all the way down. She couldn't help but almost cry. Something was different with her, and she knew it.
She shook her head, depressed now that she was supposed to have her memory. "I can't remember anything to be honest... All I can remember was waking up behind a bar, and my clothes were all muddy, and it appeared I had been in a fight. I didn't have any I.D on me...."
She reached for the railing, another black and white memory elapsing through her brain. "Is it supposed to be this bad? Remembering your human life?" she asked, almost choking on her words. Her breathing was more easy, as she took each step, one by one, just slow enough to not trip.
She nodded, not really able to say anything. She'd be afraid to say something her human life would have said. She wasn't a very old vampire, only about a few months old. She was still learning the basics.
Her eyes distorted from red to black every few seconds, and she kept dancing a puzzled look. "I'm going to fall," she said, almost breathless. It was, indeed hard for her to breath at the memories coming back. It was like a few dreams whooshing by her eyes. She could remember her human life more vaguely.
She kept dancing. The sight was lost from her and more memories spun through her head. She spun around also, out of sync. It wasn't like she meant to, but she was becoming distorted and following the way the memories were tracing through her mind... She moved around more differently than the thunder and lightning crackled.
Jessica nodded, and held out her hand, taking his hand in hers. She grabbed his other hand and smiled, waiting for the perfect thunder. It was just a few seconds away. Boom And she went off into the graceful dance.
Jessica felt the storm increase after a few minutes. It was much stronger, more energetic than she thought. She couldn't wait to dance with Mr. Hero. She's still have to ask for his name.
I know you're trying to help, but there's really no point in it. It's over, and I don't really give a flying **** if they say anything. Sure it...
She staggered slightly as she came to a stop. She held her hand up to her forehead, hoping to calm herself. Every picture felt like a quick turn on a twisted swing. She looked up, the pictures finally fading away. Her past was becoming more visible now, but needed to put the puzzles together. She decided not to worry about it too much, and stretched softly, trying to get the pops in her back and arms. She waited for her Hero.
She continued dancing. More memories began fluttering past her brain, more little flashes of pictures. It was too fast for her. She'd wondered if she would make it through the dance with the guy she met. She hadn't even asked for his name. She needed to know her hero's name.
*quotes* you grew your hair out, and it should get a little longer for the ultimate sexiness >8D
She made it to the top of the stairs, faster than what she expected. She took a big deep breath and went to the roof. It was more beautiful than the one she usually went to. The roof was a silver color, instead of the ugly stone color. It was still raining, and she went to the middle, already dancing to the same song in her head.
but it's fuuuuun D; AWWWW CPP You look so awesome :'D I luv your hair. That's how I want miiiine D;
She couldn't help but grin. Her pearly white teeth shined and she almost looked to cry in joy. She giggled and dashed for the stairs. It was a necessity for the stairs. She was quick in running, she'd be there in a minute flat. She didn't dare change from her dress.
I actually was xDDDD OMG You look so adorable 8D *pinches cheeks*