I spent half a year studying this; ruined Tetris for me for life.
I need you to work your stylish charms on a little doo-hicky here, chum. Image: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121211203045/cardfight/images/4/46/Stern_Blaukluger_(Full_Art).jpg Size: 550x200 Colors: Gray in the background (ideally to match my avatar) and I'm hoping you could do something to the lasers to make them as close to Premium Pink as possible. Luminous: Yes Other: You might notice a scratchiness to the texture in my avatar; if possible, I'd like for you to try and duplicate that when adjusting the background of the sig. Thanks in advance.
Kisskiss by Parov Stelar
You spoil him too much :\
I See Fire by Ed Sheeran
I just watched the Hobbit sequel, and I just want it made public that I'm claiming Smaug as 'the best guy friend'/'homoerotic buddy' in my harem.
Banned for having me realize they really should have taught me more about politics in school.
I should take those books for a second read sometime; I always felt like Adams really understands the way I think.
I f***in' hate Koala bears. It's one of those things I just can't seem to let go and I feel like it's taking over my life.
A wee belated, but hope you had a very merry one.
I Have Not Begun (Unreleased Demo) by Linkin Park LPU is the only LP.
If it weren't for these accursed shackles of time, matter, and reality that prevent me from coming over there and ruffling the s*** out of your hair....
Done and done.
That is so.....sublime....
I remember when games were designed to bring people closer together. And I don't mean in a "within firing range" sort of way.......
Odessa by Parov Stelar
Thought of Yosemite Sam through the whole Prologue. Sign me in. Just a heads-up, though: I already registered for a username change, so you might want to jot that down as 'Spike'.
Sure thing; feel free to notify His Highness of my impending arrival.
You say it like it's a bad thing. I mean, what's the point in socializing if you can't even enjoy your own company?