You know exactly what I'm getting at.
That's what I said. To her. This time....
So, about this thing in the room..... *a-HLEM* Title of the thread sounds like something out of a porno. *bam* Elephants everywhere~
Just me, having a ball. Spoiler A masquerade ball, in fact.
I'm going to a charity masquerade to raise money for cancer research.
Spoiler The leader was originally a guy with a lance that turned into a railgun, but Neptune drowned that idea. The speedster had dual swords that came together to make a bow, but Cinder burned that idea to ashes. My heavy was a guy with a large sword that was good for AoE (tremors and wind blasts), but Yatsuhashi ran that idea to the ground. Finally, I had a mage/priestess who used an avatar as a weapon that needs to be saved up and used on dire occasions, but Velvet came along and blew that idea to the wind. I was able to rethink the first guy and so far the idea holds, but yesterday proved that Monty just does not want to give me a break.
Spoiler Pretty much all of my team, save for one guy (and the most important one at that, so I'm somewhat relieved. Thankfully backstories and designs are intact, but I have to rethink their weapons which was the hardest damn part.
Fire Your Guns by AC/DC
That opening scene to Guardians of the Galaxy just tugs on way too many heart strings. I can't watch that s*** by myself.
Spoiler I had to throw out so many ideas for OCs last night, it was heart-breaking. On that note, I am all aboard team Coco. Also: that awesome song! Gotta love that punk rock~ I wonder how long it's going to be until Volume 3.....
Photobucket can be rather fickle to the unsavvy.
You people are Froot Loops.
You can put my name up for this one too.
I can do that.
Not sure; got something in mind?
I owe you a debt. Normally I make due with free drinks at the local pub, but we'll have to work something out in this case. :P Perfection. Thanks a ton, bro.