All's well that ends well.
Inuyasha's last season is playing on Toonami.
I haven't a reason to argue with this, and I'm fine with the outcome either way. Since he's already in the soft lynch, I'll hold my vote where it is for the time being.
Happy tidings to you on another year of life~ View attachment 40830 Always wanted to do that on someone's birthday c:
Ugh, flu's gonna kill me in so many ways.... WHY DO YOU HATE ME!? Anyway, since we're policy lynching, and I know I'm innocent at least. ##Vote: Calxyin
Sorry for the massive delay, guys. I had to deal with a sudden flu and I think we should phone in for a replacement on my part. Now let me address all of these. - Knowing that someone was going to get killed at the end of the day, I didn't want to start off - We settled that it would be best to knock off the least active person at the time. That was going to be either myself or Beau, and I wasn't going to vote myself off, obviously. - I didn't realize how far his votes had gone in. If you read the sections following that post, you would realize this - That's the same as the 2nd reason. - I like to make my votes based on what's read between the lines. The actions that stand out have too many implications attached to make solid ground for accusation. You're making these accusations without looking at the context in which the posts are made. It's slip-ups like this that I'm talking about when I say I vote based on "what I read in-between the lines". You're pressing hard to accuse me, not looking closely at your own evidence, and I'm noticing you get somewhat panicky every time you try to support that the points you make shouldn't incriminate you. ##Vote: Mish I'm starting to think that would be best.
I had just come back from work at the time, incidents occurred on the way back home, and I just wanted to see for any major developments that would need immediate attention then go to sleep. About Trigger's case: It was ballsy, but in Mafia it's not the flashy moves that incriminate the guilty, so I'm not going to condemn him for it just yet.
Now this is a rocky start if I've ever seen one...... Anyway, I can't stay on too long because I start work in an hour until late and again tomorrow morning going into the afternoon, but in the meantime, does anybody have a thought on why tale would get killed at this point? He didn't seem that significant of a player last round.
I like this one. Spoiler .....and this one.... Spoiler .....and don't even get me started on this one... Spoiler ......but this would be my favorite (don't tell the others~) Spoiler They're an all-around great band. I'll admit I was starting to doubt at Resistance because most of the album wasn't my cup of tea, but 2nd Law totally threw me off all that. It was actually an old member of this site, Roxma, who got me into listening to them at first (though he probably doesn't know that). Since then they've become one of those bands I like to go back to when I can't find anything new to listen to.
Davido-kun would be proud.
Ultraviolet, b****.
Destroy Everything by Hatebreed For those days where you just want to.
I have a thing for symbolism, psychology, and mythology, so when you put the three together you have something that borders on an obsession of mine. It's kind of like profiling where I look at small details in a person's behavior and I'm able to find a whole bunch of things I can associate with that. I'm talking colors, animals, the classical elements, and things like that. Essentially, I'm really interested in the matters of the soul and trying to figure out what people are like in their depths. We live in a world that's so preachy when it comes to individualism, but I feel no one's tried to grasp at it's essence. So yeah, I put a lot of my free time into that. Didn't do that kind of stuff so much as a kid. View attachment 40813 Power to you , gurl.
Oh dude, tell me about it. The one I'm using I found by pure chance.
Spoiler: I like mecha View attachment 40810
I swear, if this thing points me to the valley....... Oh, wow.
Doesn't. Happen. I hate you.
A small dragon happily eating a large steak.
I am lovin' what's going on with the colors over here. Care to share, mon frere?
Settle down, you two; all this over a little loligagging?