I was going to say something like "Adios, 3D world", but this is VR we're talking about, so.....
Hit my brother's Charger while opening my car door today. Left a bit of a knick on his door, but thank Stairway to Heaven it ain't a 70's model or I'd forever hate myself. Anyway, don't want him noticing that thing anytime soon >.>'
This really feels like extortion to me.....
Hey now, I'll have you know I've never fluffed a nut in my life. >:|
You came.
Depending on how it's done you might look really cute or really boyish. If you're lucky, you might get *both*.
Superman [Instrumental Mix] by Eminem
Like, gag me with a spoon and such.
Love, health, and happiness, doll.
IGPX is pretty underrated, though.
El Camino by Cafe Fuego
Had to log in to see what avvy I was using for this site. I'm good now. See y'all next year! :D
So, I've been playing around with iBooks..... ......and here I am, 50 books later. Zagreb. ****in'. Cowboy.
I can think of another trick or two to get a lady wet. ZING!
What the *****? I could swear to God I killed you....
I see a pattern here. I don't know if this makes Pikachu a choice wingman or the biggest cock-block for the past 7 years.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand soundtrack
I like A&W for their discounts. I don't think I've ever paid the full price for anything I've eaten from there.
You can draw me like one of your- Esti calisse.....
So you're letting the chips fall where they may at this point.