I think I did pretty well here. I mean, look at that Bambi. View attachment 45432
I was 15 when I started logging in here. All I really remember about back then was drama, Death Note, and somehow becoming Pirate King. I was a cute kid, enamoured with thoughts of rock n' roll and putting together my s****y garage band. Hmm, I also believed in things back then. Now I'm 23 and not much has changed. Oh, I did drop out of university, though. Now I work at a car rental lot when I'm not teaching at a martial arts school. Despite all that, I still talk like I'm the next big thing since Elvis. Because I'm funny like that. Nowadays I just wait for an autobiographer to come along and give me a spot so I can tell my life's story. I'm thinking of "King of the Lot" as a working title.
Yes. I am man.
Not even a truck! (Inside joke) (Wait, but no one on the inside is here) (Or even part of this site for that matter) (F***)
I love you all
What's really gross is that they know how desperate people are for work, and yet offer this crap in the form of a handout to score free labor. I bet no one even gets hired in these programs, but they make it sound like "you didn't make the cut". #weriot
iBooks is my best friend. I don't like carrying stuff around when I'm at work, and I don't have patience to wait for the page to load on the internet (plus I take the subway every day, so that doesn't work out), but iBooks gives me the convenience of a data-free pocket-sized library. Also, about 90% of those books are FREE. I've got soooo many books about stupid s***, and probably some I've had for months without glancing at. It's kind of like that Steam addiction people have during those summer sales, but with literature. As for what I read? Trashy books. Trashy, trashy books the titles of which I am forbidden to share lest I be subjected to a swift and painful (and probably skittles-related) death.
........Oh, I guess I'm late on this one. Glad it worked out, though. I was working 3 jobs until recently and my best piece of advice was something along the lines of "Go where you have someone on the inside". It helps to have an employee there vouch for you. References are an invaluable asset. That's my usual M.O.
I went with Leopardos.
Just started on Unchained x. I don't think I've had a xylophone song stuck in my head since I was 4...
Senpai level: noticed
That's the key right there. Sometimes you need a break away from a project to be able to enjoy getting into the grind of it again. I feel the same way with pretty much all my projects. When you get too worked up or competitive over something, it's going to kill the buzz and throw your creative process out of wack. In the words of Frankie Goes to Hollywood: Relax~ Don't do it~ When you want, go to it~
Behind those smilies is a most sinister grin....
I wish my dreams were that coherent. Mine usually go from standing in a field, to Net Battling (a la Megaman EXE) outside my old 1st grade classroom, to finding myself sitting in a Wright Brother style plane being flown by a Koala dressed as Amelia Earhart. All in one sleep. I'm flattered, really.
I just learned that I've been playing Pokemon wrong my whole life..... Why would they give your Pokemon stats and abilities that you would never know about!? *glares at Typhlosion* I *know* you've been holding out on me!
Are you still interested in role playing? I haven't joined an RP in a while, but I'd probably be interested in joining one if the concept were interesting enough What attracts you to an RP? (story, the person who made it, layout, style) The openness of creativity (am I wording that right?), and an appealing theme. I also like to see that the creator knows what they're doing. What's your favorite theme/genre of an RP? Superheroes, school drama, sci-fi, various combinations of the aforementioned.... What annoys you about certain RPs? When people don't try hard enough to cooperate, or the creator hasn't laid out enough of a direction for the story to move in to help with said cooperation; just a lack of general organization. What do you look for in a Roleplay? Give me enough liberty to make my character the way I like, but give me a set of rules or guidelines that will keep me from deviating from the RP's plot before I can't go back. If it's your Role Play, enforce yourself just a *pinch*. Competence is still sexy.
This man is astoundingly outstanding.
Red's totally in this season anyway ;p
It's been a weird summer, but it takes a lot to throw me off my funk. How about you? Still staining your Sunday dresses with the blood of your...