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  1. Spike
    Breaking Me Down by SOiL
    Post by: Spike, Oct 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  2. Spike
    Feel Like I Do by Drowning Pool
    Post by: Spike, Oct 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. Spike
    Just for kicks and stitches.

    Post by: Spike, Oct 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Spike
    Banned for Communism
    (I love that ****)
    Post by: Spike, Oct 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  5. Spike
    Truly the most sacred day of the year.
    Post by: Spike, Oct 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Spike
    Not yours, "Nuktuk".
    Post by: Spike, Oct 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Spike

    Get ready.

    Don't blink, bro. You never f***in' blink.
    Post by: Spike, Oct 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Spike
    Profile Post

    Anarchy in the Galaxy

    Anarchy in the Galaxy
    Status Update by Spike, Oct 26, 2014
  9. Spike
    Bad Machine by Dark Stares
    Post by: Spike, Oct 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  10. Spike
    Nothing against you buddy, but the avatar is way too happy-lookin' for my tastes.
    Post by: Spike, Oct 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Spike
    Where Is The Line by Billy Talent
    Post by: Spike, Oct 25, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  12. Spike
    I determine morality by how it affects the community, the repercussions, and to what extent they are reversible. The more thoughtful, dutiful, orderly, and selfless you are, the further you go into the 'good' zone. If you're selfish, apathetic, and chaotic, then that puts you closer to the 'bad' zone. It seems like a very simple system at first, but it gets complicated.

    For example, I consider myself to be near the neutral zone. I can say that because despite the fact that my goals are always self-oriented, the last thing I want is for others to be affected negatively by my choices because I hate feeling the guilt for being responsible for another person's misery. For example: I actively avoid forming close relationships because of how it would affect my own freedom, but at the same time, I'd feel guilty if someone tried to reach out to me and I just blew them off without a reason that's not "I got better things to do". With that in mind, are my friends just people that I humor so I don't hurt anyone, or do I really want to get to know these people but care too much about my self-image and my independence to really invest in those kinds of bonds? It's probably the latter because befriending someone out of pity is a low that even I draw the line on as I can say with certainty that I'm considerate of the feelings of others and they are a major factor in my decision-making process because I'm not a sociopath. However, my needs usually take a priority unless a compromise or a win-win circumstance is possible. If it's not, I look into the repercussions and decide which choice would lead to a mutually beneficial result in the long-run.

    However, I also have to factor in intentions. You can do good things for the wrong reasons, and that's often the case with me, hence why I'm only 'near' the neutral zone- slightly leaning towards 'bad'. It doesn't matter how I justify my actions because ultimately I'm a self-centered person whose main priority is his own satisfaction, but I can still live with myself despite that. The key is not to dwell on the details and find comfort in the fact that at the very least my decisions made the day easier to enjoy for everyone. The fact that I'm able to do so is what pulls me to the gray area, and I'm content with being there.

    Asking how well it serves me personally, I'd tell you it serves me well enough I need harmony in my environment and the freedom to enjoy it. Harmony is all about how well the cogs click together and whenever something's out of place I have the willingness and incentive to approach the problem and work on it until I find a way where everyone benefits in the end. I'll admit that my love-life's a complicated issue but that has more to do with how I fit into the system as an individual and less about the system itself. You can't please everyone and you shouldn't have to if it conflicts with your personal ideals.

    And that's all I have to say about that.
    Post by: Spike, Oct 25, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  13. Spike
    Shoot To Thrill by AC/DC
    Post by: Spike, Oct 24, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. Spike
    That was the best Halloween party of my life.

    I'm all for thee ninja ting, dough :V
    Post by: Spike, Oct 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Spike
    We need more Halloween spirit up in this b****. Post some nice, haunting tracks that get you in the mood for some monster-based mayhem and debauchery down below so we can get this All Hallow's Eve s*** in full swing until the day comes and we're all ravaged by zombies.

    Thread by: Spike, Oct 24, 2014, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Spike
    Any thoughts on Ms. Katanarama? [​IMG]
    Post by: Spike, Oct 24, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  17. Spike
    I haven't been in a band since High School...

    - Blues Rock
    - Guitar/Harmonica
    - Spike*

    Post by: Spike, Oct 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone