BIG NEWS!!! I found a program called EmuHaste... No... it doesn't speed up PCSX2 It's like an ARMAX that comes with a memory viewer, a memory dump function... AND a cheat searcher... But... its a universal cheat device... it supports MANY emulators INCLUDING PCSX2!!!! it comes with an auto refresh... so YOU CAN VIEW DATA CHANGES LIVE (Well, Erkz can already, but this one comes with a cheat searcher, well, PCSX2 comes with a cheat searcher, but that one sucks) The best part... it comes with the ability to add emu support... meaning that if you like an emu... you can add support for it I attached it (I added support for VBA myself, I'll post the stuff in the Hacking Tutorial Thread)
Leave the Jokering to me... Ok Raw E005FCFF 0035B55C 11C94F04 00002EE0 01C95088 00000080 01C9508C 000000FF 21C950A8 00000064 21C950AC 00640000 ARMAX RF2W-89V7-DG84X ADPD-BH6T-46H1N 708U-9XYV-XJ35K 7MVW-7CE7-68HFV ZBFH-DTVK-76WBV 4M2Z-G1KK-A36UM 5EWM-RNZ0-ZUKY1 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 There you go, the Joker is L2+R2
Maybe, but if you mean like the ability that wisdom form has with rapid magic, then no, I don't think so On a christmas note, Jingle Hacks, Jingle Hacks, PS2Dis all the way... oh what fun, it is to hack, and see the bosses we slay... XD
A limit break involving sora and goofy, think goofy tornado, but waaaaay bigger and more useful
Tried it... didn't work... if it did, Riku would probably work too
In KH2's case... For an NTSC/UC KH2, its a file on the disc called SLUS210.05 The ELF is the file used to hack codes (unless u use dumps... but thats another story) In a general case... Its the file on any Playstation disc that is named like this SLUS###.## or SLES###.## (the number = SLES/SLUS # Theres a bunch of them Full list Code: SCUS, SLUS, SLES, SCES, SCED, SLPM, SLPS, SCPS, SLED,SIPS, ESPM ^Complete list from a program called "Simple Popstation GUI 2" (Popstations turn PS1 Games into PSP games, in other words, FFVII on PSP) The most common are SLUS and SLES Anyway, only Playstation games get numbers, PS1, PSP, and PS2 games all have their own numbers for each game. Why do they use that system? I have no clue... its just another odd thing that Sony does... don't ask
No, a data flag is a part of the room mod, and I don't think it does A common data flag is one that triggers a cutscene
XD I love that, and I'll see what I can do I've seen pit droids, so I know how it works, but I'd need to see the programming Ususally, cheap *** games like that aren't securely programmed... so I could reprogram the game from scratch, make it so that the pit droids explode, and guts come out XD
Thats weird... but if you don't have proof... it didn't happen sorry, but thats the rule Antiweapon, and anyone else, get on AIM
Congratulations! YOU are the 1,000th person to ask that question in the KH-vids Code Vault! CLICK HERE TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE!!! That aside, I'm open to UCM suggestions, tell me an area and I'll hack it
Dude, I gave u credit... and I said, I NEED TESTERS
UCM's for the 1000 Heartless Battle Credit to Antiweapon for the idea, credit to me for the codes Testing needed plz 01c87614 01c87654 01c87694 01c876d4 01c87714 01c87754 01c87794 01c877d4 01c87814 I'll post the rest later, theres lots more, but I NEED TESTERS!
Nooope.. sorry... unless organization roxas has a character outside of Cutscenes
Meh, I prefer to live off snacks, like protein bars, chips (not fatty doritos), and all kinds of "Healthy" snacks, I guess its because I play too much DDR, I needz the energy... but anyway, I do like some meat Anywho... Yes, it is really cruel what they do to get the meat from the animals... that's just disturbing I really don't like turkey in the first place... (meh, they get killed by the billions before thanksgiving)
Supposedly worked, eh? I lost my grandmother to leukemia, my grandfather on the other side of the family has cancer, but he's still alive, and well. I have a few friends with cancer, so, if this really DID work, it should be reopened, cancer is deadly, even if a cure doesn't work for everyone, anything helps
Hmmm... well... Lets see... 1) Terminator (I don't really know the story there, but oh well) 2) I-Robot Love this movie, I got it 4 mah PSP, and for those who haven't seen it I should explain... 3 laws (watching the movie now, here they are) The reason why the robots were able to take over was because they were doing it to protect the humans, as if they did not, there would just be more wars Basically, this could have been avoided if the robots weren't shaped exactly like humans, had they been shaped with tank treads, or wheels, they would not be as mobile, and probably wouldn't have been able to overcome the humans 3) MCP This guy was just plain whack, he developed an inferiority complex (can computers do that?!?!?!) MCP was the Hitler of computers, he believed that computers were far superior to humans, and the humans should be the slaves of the computers, or something along those lines Pending that we don't make the robots TOO smart, and we don't make them too mobile, we should be OK with AI We all need some AI, even a little No AI = No Halo 3 Campaign mode No Halo 3 Campaign mode = VERY unhappy gamers
If you're talking about the group in AIM, I started that damn group, it was me, Xendran, and my friend, then Xendran invited KHKid, then I asked him to invite anti weapon, THEN he invited KH220 and Xaldin, and from there, well, at that point, it was 10:00 PM my time, and I needed sleep Damn, I wish I had stayed
Yup, I did, that was a fun one, struggle balls went freakin everywhere when I used trinity XD
I dunno, I get a "Code decryption error" so its probably wrong
You can't have the digits in the code, only a full code without the X's can be converted to ARMAX