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  1. JLHack7
    Do you actually read what we say, I said this 3 times



    FOR NOW,
    NO Dark Aura
    NO Dark Shield
    NO Cure Potion
    Post by: JLHack7, Jan 14, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. JLHack7
    Ahhh, I see

    I think I know... but I only tried him in Beasts Castle, and he never T-Stanced once on me, except when I grabbed a ledge D:
    Post by: JLHack7, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. JLHack7
    Nooooope, sorry, thats a big problem we need to fix, but the good news is, in my tests, the only time he t-stanced is when he grabbed a ledge, when he tried sora's magic, and when he called out a party switch, so basically, he's like DW Roxas as of now, he only T-Stances when he attempts something he has no animation for
    Post by: JLHack7, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. JLHack7
    Post by: JLHack7, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. JLHack7
    How many times do we have to say it...

    Post by: JLHack7, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. JLHack7
    v4 simply turns the Hovercraft Riku from V3 into the Final Battle Riku,
    The changes

    Riku takes out his keyblade IMMEDIATELY, even out of battle

    He does not T-Stance on the ground!

    He T-Stances when grabbing a ledge, because Final Riku doesn't have that animation

    Things that still need to be fixed

    Riku STILL does not take damage, and therefor cannot be knocked out of a T-Stance UNLESS he t's in midair

    Riku CANNOT use his MP-Costing abilities... meaning...

    YET is the key word, with me, Erkz, and KHKid working on this code, we WILL find out soon

    (speaking of Riku workers, guess what? Redsonic appears to be obsessed with getting Final Xemnas to work, he has stopped caring about Riku)
    Post by: JLHack7, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. JLHack7

    That was my post, not Erkz, erkz hacked the code, I posted it
    Post by: JLHack7, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. JLHack7
    The version 1-3 riku = Hovercraft Riku, however, I hacked it to use the Final Battle Riku

    Dark Aura still doesn't work though
    Neither does Dark Shield
    Post by: JLHack7, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. JLHack7
    Well, I decided to help out with this, here's the (unnoficial)
    Riku version 4

    Part 1 (The actual code)
    11CFA3FC 0000089B
    21CDCE70 48455F50
    21CDCE74 5F303030
    21CDCE78 5453414C
    21CDCE7C 65736D2E
    21CDCE80 00000074
    01CDCE96 00000023
    11CDCE9E 00000002
    20340CE4 00020100

    Part 2 (Shortcut menu mod)
    10340E64 0000028D
    10340E60 000001C6
    10340E66 00000001
    10340E62 00000263

    Use part 2 and then stay in the shortcut menu if you get glitches with part 1

    Both part 1 and part 2 are modified from the v3 code
    Post by: JLHack7, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. JLHack7
    Well, Erkz, looks like Red's gettin ahead of you, he already got the word chars workin without their respective weapons
    Post by: JLHack7, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. JLHack7
    For anyone who was having trouble with the Sora model mod I posted, well, I fixed it, I had the wrong ? digit for antiform, and there's 2 lines to the codes
    Post by: JLHack7, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. JLHack7
    Umm, recheck the Sora model mod before you try it, Anti told me about a little problem with it, but now I edited the post with the correct model mod set

    *can't wait to try wisdom form as antiform*
    Seeing wisdom form on all fours with dark power will make me laugh
    Post by: JLHack7, Jan 12, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. JLHack7
    Sora Model Mod!

    Big thanks to Erkz for hacking these, and Anti for compiling them

    Here's how it works

    ZZZZZZZZ ????????
    Base Model

    The base is the character being changed, and the model is the model that appears
    So if you changed Valor's base to Wisdoms's model digit, when you drive into Valor, Wisdom Form will appear... but he will use Valor's animations!

    21cb96f4 YYYYYYYY
    21cb96f8 ????????

    21cb9754 YYYYYYYY
    21cb9758 ????????

    21cb97b4 YYYYYYYY
    21cb97b8 ????????

    21cb9814 YYYYYYYY
    21cb9818 ????????

    21cb9874 YYYYYYYY
    21cb9878 ????????

    21cb98d4 YYYYYYYY
    21cb98d8 ????????

    Y Digits
    00303031 Normal Sora
    5f303031 Form (use this if you are replacing it with a form model)

    ? digits

    00000000 Sora
    464c5442 Valor
    4647414d Wisdom
    46495254 Master
    46544c55 Final
    464c5448 Anti

    Just replace the digits and ur done

    NOTE: You cannot drive into the model you are already in!
    Post by: JLHack7, Jan 12, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  14. JLHack7
    Well, anyway, erkz, I just need to ask u somethin

    The DW sora is
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    01CB9736 00000002
    21CB973C 09020000

    What does the
    21CB973C 09020000

    Because if its a fix that works differently for each Neo moveset ID, then tell me, because if its a universal fix, then I have an idea
    Post by: JLHack7, Jan 12, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  15. JLHack7
    Don't go there, unless you want to be banned
    Post by: JLHack7, Jan 12, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  16. JLHack7
    Ok, post the code base, as in, like, the code with the ???'s and the digits plz, I shall help work on that, it has certainly gotten my attention
    Post by: JLHack7, Jan 12, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  17. JLHack7
    Major Announcement!

    Well, I know, I haven't updated the tutorial in forever, mainly because I'm waaaaaaay too lazy...

    This brings me to unfortunate news, the tutorial is officially discontinued...


    Now that I have nifty screen capture program, I can do the tutorial... by VIDEO

    yes, thats right... I will be making videos of hacking, showing how to do it using my nifty screen capture program...
    First off, so that everybody can be ready when I finally launch the tutorial videos,
    I shall list off some tools

    1) My videos will be AVI's using a nifty codec (I think I overuse the word "Nifty")
    , the codec was modified by me to use my laptop's dual processor, so the screen captures don't bog down my framerate, the codec uses my dual processors, and then puts the video in the format of a regular DivX codec, all you need... is the new DivX codec, found

    (my modified codec is like, .2% my code anyway)

    And once you've downloaded the codec, make sure it works by watching my test videos

    Video 1: Jedi Academy (I just decided to make a random Jedi Academy vid)

    Video 2: Guitar Hero
    (I'll put the link here when it uploads)

    I was messin around with Guitar Hero, and I used an audio program called "Audacity" to add a distortion to "Smoke on the Water"
    Also, I did absolutely horrid in the video, in reality, I can 5 star it on Hard

    Video 3: Sims 2 (I was really pissed one day, so I took my sisters Sims 2, and tortured my poor sims)

    This one is in a different codec, so if it works, goody for you

    Also, I didn't use my screen capture program for this, I used Sims internal video maker, and then used a program called virtual dub to add the codec

    (Mods: I cut off the ending to make it kiddy appropriate, and replaced it with a message, which is freakin hilarious)

    2) If you wanna try the nifty screen capture program (which is free, but it only makes AVI's, you have to buy it to do other formats)
    Its a really nifty program, and I love it, I use it all the time (did I mention it was nifty?)

    3) Ummm... I got nothin here XP
    Post by: JLHack7, Jan 11, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  18. JLHack7
    Easy for me... IDC about Riku anyway...
    Anywho, I feel bored... I need to make some UCM's, anyone need a UCM for a specific area? (I can't get into Timeless River on PCSX2, and I doubt that I can get into Space Paranoids)

    Like my new Avatar? I made it in Jedi Academy ^_^
    Post by: JLHack7, Jan 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  19. JLHack7
    Scimitar should be 006F, and if you don't agree with me, run the description of 006F through a German to English translator, you'll find it comes out to be Scimitar

    Also, anyone that has AIM, get on, I'm JLHack7 on AIM so, yea, get on
    Post by: JLHack7, Jan 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  20. JLHack7
    I'll post the VBA Emuhaste addition in a sec

    A) Then read the tutorial
    B) Go to the art and graphics section for banners/sigs

    OK, I attached the file for VBA support
    unzip it, and place the INI file in the "config" folder of Emuhaste
    Post by: JLHack7, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Code Vault