Well, so many people want to know how to make their own vids of PS2 gameplay, or, well, anything Things you will need DVD Recorder A DVD recorder is a DVD Player for your TV, BUT, has the ability to burn Some blank DVD Discs DVD - WMV http://www.dvd-wmv.com/bits/DVD-WMV-x86-0021.msi.asmx Windows Media Encoder 9 series http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=5691ba02-e496-465a-bba9-b2f1182cdf24 DVD-Decrypter (comes with DVD-WMV package) Patience, lots and lots of patience 1) Hook up your PS2 to the inputs on your DVD Recorder 2) Load up your CodeBreaker, ARMAX, whatever 3) Input the codes 4) Load up whatever game you want 5) Load a save, and hit record on your DVD Recorder 6) activate your codes (jokers, etc.) 7) Stop recording 8) Finalize the disc (Read the DVD Recorder manual to find out how to Finalize) (A COMPUTER WILL NOT READ A BURNED VIDEO DVD THAT IS NOT FINALIZED) 9) Place the FINALIZED disc into your Computer DVD drive 10) Start up DVD - WMV 11) On the left of the DVD - WMV window, you should see a steps tab it looks like this 12) Click on step 1 if you get any errors or anything, just continue on like nothing is happening 13) when thats done, click on step 2, ignore the errors, just continue on, and click step 3 when done 14) keep going until you get to step 5 15) When you click step 5, you will get a BOATLOAD of errors, just hit "Ok" or "Ignore" or "Continue" 16) It'll encrypt to a WMV, which is a NORMAL windows media video file 17) The output file should be in "My Documents" on ur comp 18) Go watch the vid 19) DO NOT UPLOAD TO YOUTUBE YET! I will run through the rest, in the mean time, that's how you can make your own code vids, or vids for whatever you want
Well, I FINALLY made a vid... its got my 1000 Heartless battle warp, and my Sephiroth battle warp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9Dffi0VXUA
Anybody who tried my DW Roxas in PJ's code, probably got a BSOD, because, I kinda messed up one of the digits in the code THIS is the correct code DW Roxas in PJ's 21CC3830 58455F48 21CC3834 5F303135 21CC3838 414A4150 21CC383C 0053414D Just activate this code, and the code to play as UCM digit 0323, and go!
DW Roxas is in PJ's 21CC3830 56455F48 21CC3834 5F303135 21CC3838 414A4150 21CC383C 0053414D (Just play as UCM digit 0323)
I can do that in like, 2 seconds, actually, I'll do it now
Okaaaaaay Anyway SEPHIROTH BATTLE WARP! (hold R2) E002FDFF 0035B55C 2033E830 4B000104 2033E834 00004B4B now you can fight Sephiroth over, and over, and over, and over again
Ok, here's the deal, I have finals for many of my classes starting monday, so I can't do crap, but the week after... Basically, at the end of Finals, there's a big blank spot, where I have some free time for once soooooooooo... I have 3 things I can do, I shall let the people decide A) Update the Hacking Tutorial (republican) B) Work on codes (any game, just hacking in general) (democrat) C) Work on the Code Database (independent) America is a democracy, so people, VOTE Current totals A: 7 B: 0 C: 4 A voters: DJC, Advent_of_apocolypse, Thir13en, KH220, 13draconus_maximus13, Soraoscuro, mikael110 C voters: Antiweapon, Sasuke240, Cloudstrife252, Blacknumbers
Why are you liek, not on MSN erkz, anyway, right, I hate Riku, he hates us, he won't let us do anything, the spikey haired b****** Or, you can just not attack on the ground
Scratch that code, it does the SAME things it does with the UWM... D: This proves... RIKU HATES US!!! HE WON'T EVEN LET US USE HIS DAMN WEAPON CORRECTLY! Let alone play as him without T-stancing, or using his abilities D:<
I need someone to test this NEW new code Wield Way to the Dawn 21CB9E10 48455F57 21CB9E14 00303030 This code should allow you to use Way to the Dawn PERFECTLY As in, you can use Finishers and stuff Someone test it Equip Kingdom Key, and WTTD should appear
D: DAMNIT! :stupid: what the hell is been going on with me? D: 0_o Ok, anyway, I'm gonna go see if Riku works now
HA! That was ME who found it! Anyway, I'll be writin the tutorial on it :D
*facepalm* my bad... D: On a non-stupid note, Riku (normal partner) does not liek my 1000 Heartless code, if you've got Sora in slot 1, and partner Riku in S2, the game freezes when the command menu comes up and no, it wasn't session, session WAS unequipped
Wohoo! New code I got, and no Erkz, this isn't yours, I fixed yours Warp to... the FINAL BATTLE! E002FDFF 0035B55C 2033E830 4A001412 2033E834 00004A4A Yes, thats right, the final battle, it works PERFECTLY too
a) I'd joker it, because its the one joker thing that doesn't wait until you switch rooms b) Rising Sun will freeze if there's no armored knight nearby c) Same thing with all the other reactions, those who participate in the reactions must be present, so if you use the Snag reaction, there must be a Surveillance Robot nearby, or it will freeze
Ummmm, ooookaaaaay... Anyway, NEW code (I'm just crankin em out) This code, is a very awesome code, an awesome code... of AWESOMENESS This code... brings you into the thousand heartless battle, all you have to do IS HOLD R2 AND WALK INTO ANOTHER ROOM! And when you finish the battle, you end up in the Dark Depths And then you can just turn around, hold R2, and... DO IT AGAIN! Thousand Heartless Battle Warp! E002FDFF 0035B55C 1033E830 42001104 1033E834 00004242 edit: going to do a Thousand Heartless marathon, when I'm done... this is what will happen Saix: XIGBAR! What does the scanner say about his heartless kill count? Xigbar: ITS OVER NINE-THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAND! If there's any other scripted battles like the 1000 heartless one you want me to give a warp code to, just do the same thing for the cutscene viewer, but dump it during the battle
YESSSSSSSS.... IT WORKS! Using a little bit of hacking, and the room mod, I have found... A CUTSCENE VIEWER CODE! Each cutscene has its own little Room Mod thing and Dataflags, all you need to do... is a) Find someone who can use PCSX2 b) Have them go into the cutscene, and while viewing it, hit escape, then go to Debugger -> Memory Dump -> Raw Dump c) have them dump from 0033E82C to 0033E83C Then have them send me the dump I'll give you the code to view the cutscene Oh, and as with any code, proof is needed So..... Here's the code to jump to the cutscene before the thousand heartless battle! Just hold R2 and walk into a new map! E002FDFF 0035B55C 1033E830 00000204 1033E834 00000100 Note, after the cutscene, you end up in ansem's study 0_o I'll fix that soon
Well, I have started programming in Visual Studio, I haven't got anything to show off yet, but I'm going to need some testers for my apps and YES I will relate this to KH2 coding... I'll be making a series of mini projects that will be part of one big project... this project... is to create a physical database of codes, not a thread, and my program will search the database, this will allow you to quickly find whatever code you are searching for Projects 1) The actual code database 2) The search program ...a) Use Keywords to search for whatever code you want ...b) Search within PAL, NTSC/UC, and other regions ...c) Search between verified and unverified codes 3) Updating the code database ...a) First Section: Verified Codes ......i) Basically, there will be 2 sub-databases to each DB, these will be verified (official) and unverified ..........ia) Verified codes are ones that are verified by a coder, unverified codes will be those awaiting verification ...b) Second Section: Unverified codes ......i) These codes are codes uploaded by non-coders, they need to be verified by coders Basically, here's how it will work The Big Database |_KH2 Codes ...|_NTSC Codes .....|_Verified codes ........|_ARMAX format ........|_Raw format ........|_Other format ......|_Unverified Codes ...|_PAL Codes |_.KH2 FM+ Codes And well, you get the picture I'm going to be starting this project soon, not yet, I just got started with Visual Studio, but when I finish, there will be a big database of codes for KH games ^_^ And this is one project I actually plan on finishing (unlike the tutorial <_<)
In the credits? The only reason I ever watched the credits was to get to the Secret movie And Erkz, get on MSN, I have to leave in 45 minutes
Well, anyway, I noticed that nobody has ported the Sora Model Switch mod, so I shall do it What I need: Someone with 1) A PAL KH2 Disc 2) A computer with ...a) A DVD reader ...b) at LEAST 2 GHz CPU ...c) 700 MB RAM ...d) Windows XP or Vista 3) English as their native language, if you don't know too much English, don't bother, I don't have much patience now If you fill those requirements, PM me, and you can help me port codes, hell, someone who meets those requirements would be able to help port ANY code, EXCEPT FM+ codes