I left Kh-Vids a while ago and pretty much got rid of everything, which was about 50 enemy UCM slots, and God knows what else (my memory of my old codes isn't what it used to be) I'm going to have to find them again, and as of late my PCSX2 has been acting weird.
It's rediculously simple You gotta know what to look for, and that's really easy, since for enemy UCM's you just need to know which enemy appears in which slot since the one I'm talking about is a crapload of Bolt Towers, you just find the digits for Bolt Tower, and look through a memory dump for a bunch of that digit repeatedly, in a pattern. If an enemy has multiple digits (like armored knights have like 3 digits that correspond to them) test each one and look for patterns. The key to finding enemy UCMs is looking for digits near each other that happen to be valid digits for sets of enemies.
that's call replacement, this is like the UCM Basically, everything that appears has a UCM slot, it's at a set address. Sora's UCM slot is called for every world everywhere, whereas each of the bolt tower addresses are only called when you're in that area under the conditions that make the enemies appear. Basically, if 32 bolt towers appeared, there would be 32 UCM slots, the trick is finding them (which I know how to do). Each individual Bolt Tower could be replaced with some other UCM digit, allowing you to do something different, like 32 extra Sora's, or any combination of characters you can think of (e.g. 15 shadows, 12 soldiers, 5 large bodies) Note: 32 is just a random number I came off the top of my head, there could be more slots, or less, we'll know when I finish it.
Emuhaste is fail as a cheat device, it's only good for finding offsets (and memory dumping sometimes), since it only supports type 0, 1, and 2...
Alright so I've got stuff finally working, it's great. If anyone has a powerful computer then I'd recommend emulating KH2. Fair warning though, the average person (which is most of you) might be very confused. if you do pull it off, and you happen to have extra hard drive space, I heavily recommend making a disc image (ISO) of your KH2 disc. Reading from an image on a hard drive is much faster than reading from a disc, so if you get choppy loading screens (basically the sound starts to skip like a CD player) then an ISO will fix that. I'll probably make a guide later, but for now, I've got a particular idea for hacking KH2, I started working on this a while ago but I never really finished it. I was parsing some memory dumps when I found the UCM slots for all the Lightning Towers in the Throne Room of Disney Castle, during that part where Minnie is following you. For those who don't realize what I'm implying, that room is a WIDE open space, and there's quite a lot of enemy slots, so the possible combos of enemies and allies you can replace them with is pretty much endless.
D: I just found a program that pretty much does exactly what I wanted uHack to do and supports not just PS2 codes, but N64 codes and emulators. Apparently Erkz knew about it but he obviously hasn't been paying attention. (wait, I thought that was CloudStrife's job?) Teh Link. How to use it: 1) Get Emuhaste: http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA018359/tool/emuhaste_v130.zip (Emuhaste tells you the offset, this tells cheat devices where the start of the PS2's emulated memory is) 2) Get the Emuhaste config attached to the bottom of this post 3) Unzip the PCSX2 Emuhaste config, open it with Notepad, and change PCSX2.exe to the name of the exe file you're going to use. 4) place the config in Emuhaste's config directory, run Emuhaste, and select the PCSX2 config 5) Hit Ok, and then run PCSX2, and run the game you're emulating (load a save or bring up the New Game dialogue, just do something that would stop the game from doing the opening FMV loop, that takes up lots of CPU power) 6) on the Emuhaste window, Hit Snap Process 7) Look at the lower right, copy the Hex value next to "BaseAddress" 8) Unzip RenegadeEx 9) Open RenegadeEx's emulators.cfg file in Notepad or Wordpad or whatever. 10) Above the line ";N64", add a new line, using this code Code: Pcsx2 |pcsx2|xxxx|0|1FFFFFF|3| 11) Replace the xxxx in the code you pasted with the BaseAddress Emuhaste gave you. 12) Save the file 13) Run Renegade64 (again, on Vista, run as Administrator) 14) Click the big ugly splash screen to continue 15) Go to Cheating -> Attach to Emulator 16) Select PCSX2, and hit attach 17) go to Cheating -> Trainer/Patcher 18) in the lower left box, next to Add, Type in KH2, and hit Add 19) In code name, type the name of the code (or some name that will help you remember what the code is) 20) In the codes box, write the code (Raw format) 21) In notes, write any special code notes (like Press L2 + R2 + Circle or something, basically anything about the specifics and requirements of the code) 22) Click Set as New 23) In the second box from the upper right (where it says system), select PS2 24) add more codes (if you have any to add) 25) Make sure the codes you want to activate are checked, then click Activate codes 26) Return to the window for the emulator, and play! Saving Code lists: Renegade64 can save your code lists so you don't have to enter the same codes over and over again. 1) Click the file dropdown box, and click Save Cheats As (or Load, if you already have some saved) 2) Save them/Load Them 3) Check off Auto Save (nifty if you add more codes later and forget to save) Important Note: PCSX2's offset MUST be recalculated EVERY time you start PCSX2. (so get used to using Emuhaste, it's useful for that purpose) /offtopic: I should make a thread for this since it works for PCSX2 in general, not just KH2 Emuhaste config file:
Pcsx2 |pcsx2|xxxx|0|1FFFFFF|3|
Wow it's been a while since I've actually tried hacking this game. Anyway, I'm sure that many of the elder members of the code vault will be happy to know, I'm coming back (yea you've heard it before), but this time I've got a reason. I've got a new laptop for college, and it can emulate KH2 at perfect speed. (or near perfect, during certain heavily crowded scenes) There's just one problem, PCSX2 doesn't take special code types like Jokers D: So I'm fixing that. How? I'm making my own cheat device for PCSX2! the project name (until I can think up a better name) is uHack. I'm making it in Visual Basic 2008, and I've already successfully finished step one (step 1 is: get uHack to take a regular raw 8 bit write that would work on a codebreaker, and make it work on PCSX2) I've already got ideas on how I can program the rest. I can also basically greate a GUI (techy term for a nice little interface with check boxes and option buttons) for common codes, so you don't have to find the codes, uHack will do it for you. I'll release uHack to the public when I can get it to perform 8, 16, and 32 bit writes repeatedly, the way a PC game trainer or a console cheat device does.
Sorry I haven't been on in a while, school sux Also Rock Band 2 is awesome And it doesn't help that I learned how to make server side...
:o &#@$! I thought you guys would've hacked the crap out of it by now! Looks like I'm more needed around here than I thought Well, lucky for you guys, I figured I'd rent the PS2 version so I could screw around with codes.... So, *cracks knuckles* lets get coding... --------------------------------------- Official Datel ARMAX Codes --------------------------------------- Code: (M) RVVC-MRHQ-YDEJ0 2JVN-U5NA-EF40R Invincible T98V-QTZZ-4TJW5 B01J-3AFJ-EBVFV Infinite Force 5U6B-3AFK-BAT8J J6F1-90TC-F7Q80 Infinite Force Points 11RP-9QU7-9E5M3 AMWW-EA51-GDNCB --------------------------------------- Official Pelican CodeBreaker Codes --------------------------------------- (These look like CB v7 encryption) Code: Enable Code (Must Be On) B4336FA9 4DFEFB79 ACD1DF5B 819A38D9 47674381 E5619E42 A75931DC 267B0DFE Infinite Health 08A55655 AB494547 Infinite Force Power 3345BA9C 1B4D815E 1D75979D 6CE81223 Infinite Force Points 6584BCBF 3BA40ED4 Max Infinite Force Points FB709089 838ECA8D Have All Force Powers 5D4B13EC F3BD9E11 A4121A74 C2141A05 Have All Force Powers At Maximum Level 5568358E 3AB6D981 56EF75AC CE526419 B8355466 69ABF728 AB2ED6FB 35A6A8D0 Unlock All Costumes 1ADA9429 F1670B09 Have All Color Crytals 1B5ABC5E 7BAC335E F483A28F 230CF883 Have All Combat Crystals DB8747A9 C2A5EDC1 F83010FC 99A19A3D Have All Saber Hilt 7EC730A6 510FC0BB 9C945359 0BE4AE84 Have All Holocron BA809BCB A289D70E 4BEA434F 9F134F51 544B5C41 BB191434 8AEAE3B2 E2BE3F93 Have All Jedi Holocron (On Pickup) F05DA8C9 6D836BE6 0B9185ED 4AC040DE 1-Hit Death (Enemies) 740C3478 34F795D6 940A1B92 AA874349 B94AAC6D 353F1E61 2C96A20F C3D6D221 D47B8392 B584520E 11825C52 C867EEA6 F41000C7 857756ED 5D0337BC 1F394BF1 1-Hit Death (Boss) 724AD7A2 74FECA80 2DE3DC40 C92DE286 53C5D39D 3BDE27AA 89FF44DC 7379F18E 18060BE9 70D185E2 2AC641B6 2F9E3593 6BCB8F46 91AF85D1 B3C56927 BF901CC6 Invincible CFF1187C 5E40BADA Infinite Force Power FB2EBEE2 72C51FE5 Amplified Lightsaber Damage F72CE80E 150A45C2 Cartoon Shadow 98D98DA7 77A8024F
(M) RVVC-MRHQ-YDEJ0 2JVN-U5NA-EF40R Invincible T98V-QTZZ-4TJW5 B01J-3AFJ-EBVFV Infinite Force 5U6B-3AFK-BAT8J J6F1-90TC-F7Q80 Infinite Force Points 11RP-9QU7-9E5M3 AMWW-EA51-GDNCB
Enable Code (Must Be On) B4336FA9 4DFEFB79 ACD1DF5B 819A38D9 47674381 E5619E42 A75931DC 267B0DFE Infinite Health 08A55655 AB494547 Infinite Force Power 3345BA9C 1B4D815E 1D75979D 6CE81223 Infinite Force Points 6584BCBF 3BA40ED4 Max Infinite Force Points FB709089 838ECA8D Have All Force Powers 5D4B13EC F3BD9E11 A4121A74 C2141A05 Have All Force Powers At Maximum Level 5568358E 3AB6D981 56EF75AC CE526419 B8355466 69ABF728 AB2ED6FB 35A6A8D0 Unlock All Costumes 1ADA9429 F1670B09 Have All Color Crytals 1B5ABC5E 7BAC335E F483A28F 230CF883 Have All Combat Crystals DB8747A9 C2A5EDC1 F83010FC 99A19A3D Have All Saber Hilt 7EC730A6 510FC0BB 9C945359 0BE4AE84 Have All Holocron BA809BCB A289D70E 4BEA434F 9F134F51 544B5C41 BB191434 8AEAE3B2 E2BE3F93 Have All Jedi Holocron (On Pickup) F05DA8C9 6D836BE6 0B9185ED 4AC040DE 1-Hit Death (Enemies) 740C3478 34F795D6 940A1B92 AA874349 B94AAC6D 353F1E61 2C96A20F C3D6D221 D47B8392 B584520E 11825C52 C867EEA6 F41000C7 857756ED 5D0337BC 1F394BF1 1-Hit Death (Boss) 724AD7A2 74FECA80 2DE3DC40 C92DE286 53C5D39D 3BDE27AA 89FF44DC 7379F18E 18060BE9 70D185E2 2AC641B6 2F9E3593 6BCB8F46 91AF85D1 B3C56927 BF901CC6 Invincible CFF1187C 5E40BADA Infinite Force Power FB2EBEE2 72C51FE5 Amplified Lightsaber Damage F72CE80E 150A45C2 Cartoon Shadow 98D98DA7 77A8024F
Buy the Wii.. or the HBC? HBC = Homebrew Channel Read my homebrew thing It requires you to hack your Wii (like hacking everything else, there may/may not be risks involved)
Evil... you gotta check the DMC1 (NTSC) ELF, it.. HAS LABELS (I believe, I'll verify that now) o_O oh and there isn't a single encrypted file on the disc, period, its like, a noob hackers heaven. I'll try and emulate it in my parents desktop later, hopefully I can manage to squeeze out a live dump (Nvidia GeForce 6800 FTW)
I just wanna clear something up That picture of the sample I showed you is something I threw together in about 10-15 minutes, and does not reflect the contents of what I was going to make. The real one will be a few hours of work, and will be no where near as limited in choices. I'm planning on starting with a Sora weapon mod, then moving onto Forms. There will also be a UCM generator, and whatever else you guys can come up with. SO THROW OUT SOME IDEAS!
Thanks guys Fix'd. :P It'll be cake! I hope...
Finished the sample I meant generate an already made code, just pick what you want, and it pops it out a bit... but not nearly enough
'ello man its been forever since I've been here... *thoughts* Post counts... enabled? (o_O) Anyway, I've been taking programming courses, so I betcha I can whip up something to help I was thinking making a few raw code generators in VB 6, it'll oversimplify the process of coding to the point where any random noob can come it, download it, run it, have it spit out the codes, and be done one idea: (this one I actually could pull off) make a char mod chooser, pick the world (or universal), the slot, the character to replace, and hit a button, and it spits out the code with the stuff you need Example anyway, you guys throw out some ideas of what I could do
I've had this game for about 6 months, or so, and never was able to run it, because I lacked a suitable computer When I was finally allowed access to my parent's sweet desktop (3.2 GHz, NVidia GeForce 6800), I was able to create a fix by dumping the memory when running it on both my laptop, and the desktop Now it runs perfectly on both : D Anyway, overall, a bit of an improvement over NWN1 Anyone else who has it, and is unable to run it, just give me a buzz and I'll set you up with a fix to bypass the graphics card requirement (specifically, when trying to run it, you get a "No compatible Direct3D device" error (Note: I won't do my mem dump fix, as there is a far easier fix out there, using a nifty Direct3D program) I should note, though, that it doesn't exactly run silky smooth on this thing, there's a reason they don't want you running it on a laptop chipset I'll just say this IF YOUR GRAPHICS CARD DOES NOT SUPPORT HARDWARE TRANSFORM AND LIGHTING (that means most laptop chipsets, and some older graphics cards), YOU'RE GONNA GET CRAP FPS I have the graphics settings on the lowest possible ones, and I get about 7-12 FPS in crowded areas, 15-19 in towns, 21-25 in very small, empty areas I put up with though, because its better than not being able to play it at all
._. wow, this thing might actually get me back into hacking... maybe... depends on whats in the demo
DVD Recorder is Sylvania DVD-R/RW Player/Recorder Uhh... thanks...
... point of the vid was to test, not show off... if I wanted to show off, I'd play original SSB (me vs 2 lvl 9 CPUs... teamed)
Vids are up Original (unbutchered) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JPI8BUIP YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yH95z_p5ikk what do you mean, type? It hooks up to the standard ports (yellow vid, white and red audio) and records to DVD