Dude, if ur not a hacker, don't mess with the ELF Here's a scene of what could happen if you mess with the ELF Sora: *hobbles in, missing an arm and a leg* OW! Kairi: Sora! What happened?!?!?! Sora: Someone messed with the ELF *tries to go Final Form... but ends up turning into a heartless* Sora: NOT AGAIN! Donald: *bashes him with his wand* O_o Yea, don't mess with the ELF, as a f***ed up ELF probably will crash before u even hit the Title Screen
I'll see what I can do
I tried that, but the dumps told me nothing... T_T That one may not be possible
I'm bored, so I'm taking requests for UCM's Just tell me what area u'd like a UCM for, and I'll make it :)
Oh Ive seen that FF X-2 uses those those codes are for Codebreaker ^ the ones with 7s
Okay, apparently, the off colored Sonic (you know who) has been talking to me, and he's been messin around with Anti's dumps, he managed to make it so that Riku's hair animation is always in the floating one http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/6550/wtfrikuwb5.png ^Riku's hair is defying gravity O_o He modded the right character, but the wrong effect XD
the Minigame apparently
Whatever New UCM's that need testing Go to the Tram Common in Twilight Town (the place with the train) Train 01C7082C Train Reaction Command (yes, the train has 2 UCM's so you can do 2 different characters) 01C79F64 Bees 01c7998c 01c799cc 01c79a0c 01c79a4c 01c79a8c 01c79acc 01c79b0c 01c79b4c Junk 01c79cf0 01c79d30 01c79d70 01c79db0 01c79df0 01c79e30 01c79e70 01c79eb0 01c79ef0
We have our own rights to ignore... and Wielding a Save Point would do NOTHING (actually, it would probably freeze)
I NEED TESTERS!!!!! I JUST FOUND A JACKPOT OF UCM'S IN THE TRAM COMMON! (the place in TT with the Train) Here are addresses that need testing! Set 1 Part 1 01c78cB8 01c78cF8 01c78d38 01c78d78 Part 2 01c78db8 01c78df8 01c78e38 01c78e78 Part 3 01c78eb8 01c78ef8 01c78f38 01c78f78 Part 4 01c78fb8 01c78ff8 01c79038 01c79078 Part 5 01c790b8 01c790f8 01c79138 01c79178 Part 6 01c791b8 01c791f8 01c79238 01c79278 Part 7 01c792b8 01c792f8 01c79338 01c79378 Part 8 01c793b8 01c793f8 01c79438 01c794b8 Part 9 01c794f8 01c79538 01c79578 01c795b8 Part 10 01c795f8 01c79638 01c79678 01c796b8 Part 11 01c796f8 01c79738 01c79778 01c797b8 Posting more later
ZOMG NEW UCM I MADE!!!1! (oh yes!) NEW CODES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, new UCMs by me!!!!!! Here's 3 of them First off, go to the place in Twilight Town with the Tram, and go to the "Junk Sweep" minigame I have found AND tested 3 addresses for Junk Theres more, lemme find them For now 01C79E70 0000???? 01C79EB0 0000???? 01C79EF0 0000???? ^ These are UCM's, and I have tested them, I faced 3 Xigbars and there were NO glitches Lastly, DO NOT MAKE A VID OF THIS PLZ I just got a DVD recorder for my TV and I want to make my own Once I make a vid, u can do ur own vids BTW, there's a total of 7 addresses, and I will find ALL of them
Anti, when u get on, can u get me a live dump of the Twilight Town market, (start address = 01000000 end address = 01FFFFFF) PLZ, my laptop only has a 32mb video card, so it freezes constantly Oh, and Evil, get on AIM, help me with something and then I'll try Riku with the command menu mod
And can someone post a Room Mod thing that sends u to the sandlot in twilight town plz? that is where my codes will take place Testing code now, will update with progress here... EDIT: F*** first one froze EDIT2: Second one froze, meaning that the third one MUST work