Search Results

  1. SoratheEmperor09
  2. SoratheEmperor09
  3. SoratheEmperor09
  4. SoratheEmperor09
    ok then
    does anyone have sora in roxas story ( no crashes)
    Post by: SoratheEmperor09, Oct 18, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. SoratheEmperor09
    IT WORKS exept when u drive it crashes,
    oh and thanks for the code
    Post by: SoratheEmperor09, Oct 18, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  6. SoratheEmperor09
  7. SoratheEmperor09
    ok then do u have axel partner warp?

    and all abities

    and sora in roxas story?

    in armax pal plz
    Post by: SoratheEmperor09, Oct 17, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. SoratheEmperor09
  9. SoratheEmperor09
  10. SoratheEmperor09
    hi can i have sepheroth replaced by neo-shadow?

    play as kh1 sora

    in armax pal plz?
    Post by: SoratheEmperor09, Oct 16, 2009 in forum: Video Showcase
  11. SoratheEmperor09
  12. SoratheEmperor09
    sorry wrong code try this one

    1) its armax pal

    2) xenmas in throme room

    3) its kh2

    Post by: SoratheEmperor09, Oct 16, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  13. SoratheEmperor09
    ok does anyone have conbat mode and axel partner warp?

    any code testing?
    Post by: SoratheEmperor09, Oct 16, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  14. SoratheEmperor09

    hey do u think this will work??

    can someone test it first?

    (its twlight xenmas)
    Post by: SoratheEmperor09, Oct 15, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  15. SoratheEmperor09
    ok do u have conbat mode?

    and kh2fm stats?

    on armax pal
    Post by: SoratheEmperor09, Oct 15, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  16. SoratheEmperor09
    ok can i have axel partner warp ?

    200 hp ?

    plz in armax pal

    P.S did u find the green sora code?
    Post by: SoratheEmperor09, Oct 15, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  17. SoratheEmperor09
    hi riku angel and devil,

    the code did work but no xenmas

    in the throme room
    Post by: SoratheEmperor09, Oct 15, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  18. SoratheEmperor09
    can i have axel partner warp plz?

    and 200hp

    and divine form

    plz in ARMAX PAL
    Post by: SoratheEmperor09, Oct 15, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  19. SoratheEmperor09
  20. SoratheEmperor09
    0069 - Oblivion (Objekt / Object) (Dummy)
    0074 - Mickey's Keyblade
    0317 - Way To Dawn
    0125 - "Shan-Yus Sword"
    023D - Kingdom Keyblade (Dummy)
    023E - Oathkeeper (Dummy)
    023F - Mage's Staff (Dummy)
    0240 - Knight's Shield (Dummy)
    02C0 - Battle Companion (Auron's Weapon) (Dummy)
    04A7 - "Barbossa's Sword" (Object) (Dummy)
    04DA - "Sword" (Object) (Dummy)
    055E - Adamant Shield (Dummy)
    055F - Adamant Shield (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0560 - Chain Gear (Dummy)
    0561 - Chain Gear (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0562 - Ogre Shield (Dummy)
    0563 - Ogre Shield (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0564 - Falling Star (Dummy)
    0565 - Falling Star (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0566 - Dreamcloud (Dummy)
    0567 - Dreamcloud (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0568 - Knight Defender (Dummy)
    0569 - Knight Defender (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    056A - Genji-Schild / Genji Shield (Dummy)
    056B - Genji-Schild / Genji Shield (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    056C - Akasha-Chronik / Akashic Record (Dummy)
    056D - Akasha-Chronik / Akashic Record (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    056E - Niemandswache / Nobody Guard (Dummy)
    056F - Niemandswache / Nobody Guard (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0570 - "Beta-Schild" / "Beta Shield" (Dummy)
    0596 - Hammerrute / Hammer Staff (Dummy)
    0597 - Siegesglocke / Victory Bell (Dummy)
    0598 - Meteo-Stab / Meteor Staff (Dummy)
    0599 - Komet-Stab / Comet Staff (Dummy)
    059A - Besen des Herren / Lord's Broom (Dummy)
    059B - Stab der Weisen / Wisdom Wand (Dummy)
    059C - Steigender Drache / Rising Dragon (Dummy)
    059D - Niemandslanze / Nobody Lance (Dummy)
    059E - Schamanenrelikt / Shaman's Relic (Dummy)
    05A8 - "Beta-Stab" / "Beta Staff" (Dummy)
    06BF - Berserker-Schwert / Berserker Sword (Objekt / Object) (Gegner! / Enemy!)
    06FA - Saïx-Schwert / Saïx-Sword (Objekt / Object) (Boss!)
    073B - "Struggle-Battle-Schläger" / "Struggle-Battle-Bat" (Dummy)
    0769 - Sternensucher / Starseeker (Dummy)
    076A - Verborgender Drache / Hidden Dragon (Dummy)
    076B - Heldenwappen / Hero's Crest (Dummy)
    076C - Monochrom / Monochrome (Dummy)
    076D - Folge dem Wind / Port Royal's Keyblade (Dummy)
    076E - Der ewige Kreis / Follow The Wind (Dummy)
    076F - Photonen-Debugger / Photon Debugger (Dummy)
    0770 - Möwenflügel / Gullwing (Dummy)
    0771 - Donnerrose / Rambling Rose (Dummy)
    0772 - Seelenwächter / Guardian Soul (Dummy)
    0773 - Wunderklinge / Wishes Lamp (Dummy)
    0774 - St. Kürbinian / Holy Pumpkin (Dummy)
    0775 - Schlafender Löwe / Sleeping Lion (Dummy)
    0776 - Süße Nostalgie / Sweet Memory (Dummy)
    0777 - Mysteriöser Graben / Mysterious Abyss (Dummy)
    0778 - Unheilbringer / Fatal Crest (Dummy)
    0779 - Flammenfesseln / Bond Of Flame (Dummy)
    077A - Fenrir (Dummy)
    077B - Ultima (Dummy)
    077C - Struggle Bat A (Dummy)
    077D - Struggle Bat B (Dummy)
    0843 - Xigbar's Gun Arrow (Object) (Dummy)
    0845 - Xaldin’s Spears (Object) (Dummy)
    08BD - Kairi's Keyblade (Dummy)

    1E0 = Star Seeker (KeyBlade)
    1E1 = Hidden Dragon (KeyBlade)
    1E2 = Save the Queen
    1E3 = Save The King (Sheild
    1E4 = Hero Crest (KeyBlade)
    1E5 = Monochrome (KeyBlade)
    1E6 = Fallow the wind (KeyBlade)
    1E7 = Circle Of Life (KeyBlade)
    1E8 = Photon Debugger (KeyBlade)
    1E9 = Gull Wing (KeyBlade)
    1EA = Rumbling Rose (KeyBlade)
    1EB = Guardian Soul (KeyBlade)
    1EC = Wishing Lamp (KeyBlade)
    1ED = DeCisive Pumpkin (KeyBlade)
    1EE = Sleeping Lion (KeyBlade)
    1EF = Sweet Memories (KeyBlade)
    1F0 = Mysterious Abyss (KeyBlade)
    1F1 = Fatal Crest (KeyBlade)
    1F2 = Bond of Flame (KeyBlade)
    1F3 = Fenrir (KeyBlade)
    1F4 = Ultima Weapon (KeyBlade)
    1F5 = Struggle Wand (KeyBlade)
    1F6 = Struggle Hammer (KeyBlade)
    1F7 = Save The Queen+
    1F8 = Save The King+

    and the code is invaid final xenmas code ??
    Post by: SoratheEmperor09, Oct 14, 2009 in forum: Code Vault