any code u need or code testing im always here to help!! sorry but i have this one i used it, so it will work Sora wield way to the dawn (Replaces ultima weapon) VKQF-WMZN-97JNX CQNP-B4A5-B5NG1 and can someone give me the code for this all disney chractiors in hall of cornerstone
i found theses? Way to the Dawn is replaced by Kingdom Key VPUR-ZE0M-REE5J EQUF-7TRG-33ARG Way to the Dawn is replaced by Oathkeeper RCZT-MV1G-JK5AZ FQ50-YMZJ-3N31Z Way to the Dawn is replaced by Mickey's Keyblade 1Y78-V3J4-EJF86 QDC8-7YZX-EZURG Way to the Dawn is replaced by Fenrir 275N-19HE-QCU2W KYP2-Q59C-5AX6P Way to the Dawn is replaced by Sleeping Lion 37RZ-4VC3-UZAY7 ZTBN-NWKR-GAACQ
Here you go Infinite Jump [Ported to PAL] 20190994 00000000 Infinite Jump [ARMAX] 4336-7DEY-TAZXQ 2ZXU-UJM5-0VDTH
maik can u pick the keyblade and sheid for me and convert it to armax pal
hi dude could u help me maik gave me sephy replaced codes but they dont work so can u help go on kh2 pal codes
yh they dont work just sephy at the of battle and the kh1 code he has the keyblade in his head thanks anyway, does anyone have play as world chractiors mulan party member in all worlds play as lion sora dw roxas in pride lands and little mermaid and some hall of cornerstone people like sora vs pete and shane yu and scar and beast
wow cool can u do it for kh2 armax pal maik?
cool form i hope u make it for kh2 soon
but the problem is where is slip? EDIT| sorry i was bit late XD
lol cool dude im off im gonna test the codes now
ok thanks for the tip guys
Maik is a legend THANKS DUDE U ARE L-E-GEND MY FRIEND oh and u forgot play as kh1 sora
1) neo-shadow 2) hayner 3) seifer 4) hades normal thanks
maik can u do this in kh2 armax pal?
Spoiler thanks but the 2 top codes i need it in armax pal sorry
i wish i can do that in kh2 |( but still awsome video maik
but cool thinking though tsuxaskh2fm hey maik do u have roxas music normal/battle? and vin and vagor ?
play as him then yh plz
Lol thanks for the tip, by the way do i have to reflect when xenmas gets sora ?
hi maik u said u send me the codes in the kh videos